Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Whittle estimator to Locally Stationary Time Series
LS.whittleR Documentation

Whittle estimator to Locally Stationary Time Series


This function computes Whittle estimator to LS-ARMA and LS-ARFIMA models.


LS.whittle(series, start, order = c(p = 0, q = 0), ar.order = NULL,
           ma.order = NULL, sd.order = NULL, d.order = NULL, include.d = FALSE, 
           N = NULL, S = NULL, include.taper = TRUE, control = list(),
           lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, m = NULL, n.ahead = 0)



data vector.


numeric vector, initial values for the parameters to be optimized.


vector with the specification of the ARMA model: the two integers components (p, q) are the AR order and the MA order.

ar.order, ma.order

AR and MA polimonial order, respectively. See details below.


polinomial order noise scale factor. See details below.


d polinomial order, where d is the ARFIMA parameter.


logical argument for ARFIMA models. If include.d=FALSE then the model is an ARMA process.


value corresponding to the length of the window to compute periodogram. If N=NULL then the function will use N = \textmd{trunc}(n^{0.8}), see Dahlhaus (1998) where n is the length of the y vector.


value corresponding to the lag with which will go taking the blocks or windows.


logical argument that by default is TRUE. See periodogram.


A list of control parameters. More details in nlminb .

lower, upper

vectors of lower and upper bounds, replicated to be as long as start. If unspecified, all parameters are assumed to be unconstrained.


truncation order of the MA infinity process, by default m = 0.25*n^{0.8}. Parameter used in LS.kalman.


The number of steps ahead for which prediction is required. By default is zero.


This function estimates the parameters in models: LS-ARMA

Φ(t/T, , B), Y_{t, T} = Θ(t/T,, B),σ(t/T), varepsilon_t


Φ(t/T, , B), Y_{t, T} = Θ(t/T,, B), (1-B)^{-d(t/T)}, σ(t/T), varepsilon_t,

with infinite moving average expansion

Y_{t, T} = σ(t/T), ∑_{j=0}^{∞} ψ(t/T),varepsilon_t,

for t = 1,…, T, where for u = t/T in [0,1], Φ(u,B)=1+φ_1(u)B +cdots+φ_p(u)B^p is an autoregressive polynomial, Θ(u, B) = 1 + θ_1(u)B + cdots + θ_q(u)B^q is a moving average polynomial, d(u) is a long-memory parameter, σ(u) is a noise scale factor and {varepsilon_t } is a Gaussian white noise sequence with zero mean and unit variance. This class of models extends the well-known ARMA and ARFIMA process, which is obtained when the components Φ(u, B), Θ(u, B), d(u) and σ(u) do not depend on u.

The evolution of these models can be specified in terms of a general class of functions. For example, let {g_j(u)}, j = 1, 2, …, be a basis for a space of smoothly varying functions and let d_{θ}(u) be the time-varying long-memory parameter in model LS-ARFIMA. Then we could write d_{θ}(u) in terms of the basis {g_j(u) = u^j} as follows d_{θ}(u) = ∑_{j=0}^{k} α_j,g_j(u) for unknown values of k and θ = (α_0,,α_1,,…, ,α_k)^{prime}. In this situation, estimating θ involves determining k and estimating the coefficients α_0,,α_1,,…, ,α_k.

LS.whittle optimizes LS.whittle.loglik as objective function using nlminb function, for both LS-ARMA (include.d=FALSE) and LS-ARFIMA (include.d=TRUE) models. Also computes Kalman filter with LS.kalman and this values are given in var.coef in the output.


A list with the following components:


The best set of parameters found.


covariance matrix approximated for maximum likelihood estimator hat{θ} of θ:=(θ_1,…,θ_k)^{prime}. This matrix is approximated by H^{-1}/n, where H is the Hessian matrix [partial^2 ell(θ)/partialθ_ipartialθ_j]_{i,j=1}^{k}.


log-likelihood of coef, calculated with LS.whittle.loglik.


Akaike's ‘An Information Criterion’, for one fitted model LS-ARMA or LS-ARFIMA. The formula is -2*log-likelihood + 2*npar/n, where npar represents the number of parameters in the fitted model and n equal to the length of the series.


original time serie.


standard residuals.


model fitted values.


predictions of the model.


the estimated standard errors.


A list representing the fitted model.


Ricardo Olea <>

See Also

nlminb for optimization. LS.kalman for Kalman filter.


## Require "rdatamarket"
malleco = dmlist("22tn")
y = malleco$Value

# Analysis by blocks of phi and sigma parameters
T. = length(y)
N = 200
S = 100
M = trunc((T. - N)/S + 1)
table = c()
for(j in 1:M){
x = y[(1 + S*(j-1)):(N + S*(j-1))]
table = rbind(table,nlminb(start = c(0.65, 0.15), N = N, objective = LS.whittle.loglik,
                           series = x, order = c(p = 1, q = 0))$par)
u = (N/2 + S*(1:M-1))/T.
table =, table))
colnames(table) = c("u", "phi", "sigma")

spar = 0.6
## start parameters
phi = smooth.spline(table$phi, spar = spar)$y
fit.1 = nls(phi ~ a0+a1*u, start = list(a0 = 0.65, a1 = 0.00))
sigma = smooth.spline(table$sigma, spar = spar)$y
fit.2 = nls(sigma ~ b0+b1*u, start = list(b0 = 0.65, b1 = 0.00))

fit = LS.whittle(series = y, start = c(coef(fit.1), coef(fit.2)), order = c(p = 1, q = 0),
                 ar.order = c(1), sd.order = 1, N = 180, n.ahead = 10)



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> library(LSTS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LSTS/LS.whittle.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: LS.whittle
> ### Title: Whittle estimator to Locally Stationary Time Series
> ### Aliases: LS.whittle whittle estimator
> ### Keywords: whittle loglik estimator timeseries
> ### ** Examples
> ## Require "rdatamarket"
> library(rdatamarket)
Loading required package: zoo

Attaching package: 'zoo'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    as.Date, as.Date.numeric

> malleco = dmlist("22tn")
> y = malleco$Value
> # Analysis by blocks of phi and sigma parameters
> T. = length(y)
> N = 200
> S = 100
> M = trunc((T. - N)/S + 1)
> table = c()
> for(j in 1:M){
+ x = y[(1 + S*(j-1)):(N + S*(j-1))]
+ table = rbind(table,nlminb(start = c(0.65, 0.15), N = N, objective = LS.whittle.loglik,
+                            series = x, order = c(p = 1, q = 0))$par)
+ }
> u = (N/2 + S*(1:M-1))/T.
> table =, table))
> colnames(table) = c("u", "phi", "sigma")
> spar = 0.6
> ## start parameters
> phi = smooth.spline(table$phi, spar = spar)$y
> fit.1 = nls(phi ~ a0+a1*u, start = list(a0 = 0.65, a1 = 0.00))
> sigma = smooth.spline(table$sigma, spar = spar)$y
> fit.2 = nls(sigma ~ b0+b1*u, start = list(b0 = 0.65, b1 = 0.00))
> fit = LS.whittle(series = y, start = c(coef(fit.1), coef(fit.2)), order = c(p = 1, q = 0),
+                  ar.order = c(1), sd.order = 1, N = 180, n.ahead = 10)
> names(fit)
 [1] "coef"          "var.coef"      "loglik"        "aic"          
 [5] "series"        "residuals"     "fitted.values" "pred"         
 [9] "se"            "model"        
> fit$coef
         a0          a1          b0          b1 
 0.50055762  0.25769176  0.11295694 -0.01224227 
> fit$loglik
[1] 2.662094
null device 