Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Determine number of lines in a text file
determine_nlinesR Documentation

Determine number of lines in a text file


Determine number of lines in a text file





character containing the filename of the file of which the lines are to be counted.


The routine counts the number of line endings. If the last line does not end in a line ending, but does contain character, this line is also counted.

The file size is not limited by the amount of memory in the computer.


Returns the number of lines in the file.

See Also

See readLines to read in all lines a text file; get_lines and sample_lines can be used to read in spcified, or random lines.


# Generate file
writeLines(letters[1:20], con="tmp.csv")

# Count the lines


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> library(LaF)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LaF/determine_nlines.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: determine_nlines
> ### Title: Determine number of lines in a text file
> ### Aliases: determine_nlines
> ### ** Examples
> # Generate file
> writeLines(letters[1:20], con="tmp.csv")
> # Count the lines
> determine_nlines("tmp.csv")
[1] 20
null device 