Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Read in Blaise data models
read_dm_blaiseR Documentation

Read in Blaise data models


Read in Blaise data models


read_dm_blaise(filename, datafilename = NA)



the filename of the file containing the data model.


the filename of the data file to which the data model belongs.


The function reads the data model from file and returns a list that can be used by laf_open to open the file for reading. Only a subset of the most common features found in Blaise files are supported. If part of the data model can not be parsed a warning is given.


Returns a data model (which is a list containing all the relevant information to open a file using laf_open. When the file contains more than one data model a list of data models is returned and a warning issued.

See Also

See write_dm to write the data model to file. The data models can be used to open a file using laf_open.


# Generate test data
lines <- c(
    " 1M 1.45Rotterdam ",
    " 2F12.00Amsterdam ",
    " 3  .22 Berlin    ",
    "  M22   Paris     ",
    " 4F12345London    ",
    " 5M     Copenhagen",
    " 6M-12.1          ",
    " 7F   -1Oslo      ")
writeLines(lines, con="tmp.dat")

# Create a file containing the data model
    "DATAMODEL test",
    "  id     : INTEGER[2]",
    "  gender : STRING[1]",
    "  x      : REAL[5] {comment}",
    "  city   : STRING[10]",
    "ENDMODEL"), con="tmp.bla")
model <- read_dm_blaise("tmp.bla", datafilename="tmp.dat")
laf <- laf_open(model)


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> library(LaF)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/LaF/read_dm_blaise.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: read_dm_blaise
> ### Title: Read in Blaise data models
> ### Aliases: read_dm_blaise
> ### ** Examples
> # Generate test data
> lines <- c(
+     " 1M 1.45Rotterdam ",
+     " 2F12.00Amsterdam ",
+     " 3  .22 Berlin    ",
+     "  M22   Paris     ",
+     " 4F12345London    ",
+     " 5M     Copenhagen",
+     " 6M-12.1          ",
+     " 7F   -1Oslo      ")
> writeLines(lines, con="tmp.dat")
> # Create a file containing the data model
> writeLines(c(
+     "DATAMODEL test",
+     "FIELDS",
+     "  id     : INTEGER[2]",
+     "  gender : STRING[1]",
+     "  x      : REAL[5] {comment}",
+     "  city   : STRING[10]",
+     "ENDMODEL"), con="tmp.bla")
> model <- read_dm_blaise("tmp.bla", datafilename="tmp.dat")
> laf <- laf_open(model)
null device 