Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: CollegePlaying table
CollegePlayingR Documentation

CollegePlaying table


Information on schools players attended, by player




A data frame with 17350 observations on the following 3 variables.


Player ID code


school ID code


Year player attended school


This data set reflects a change in the Lahman schema for the 2015 version. The old SchoolsPlayers table was replaced with this new table called CollegePlaying.

According to the documentation, this change reflects advances in the compilation of this data, largely led by Ted Turocy. The old table reported college attendance for major league players by listing a start date and end date. The new version has a separate record for each year that a player attended. This allows us to better account for players who attended multiple colleges or skipped a season, as well as to identify teammates.


Lahman, S. (2015) Lahman's Baseball Database, 1871-2014, 2015 version,



## Q: What are the top universities for producing MLB players?
SPcount <- table(CollegePlaying$schoolID)


## Q: How many schools are represented in this dataset?

# Histogram of the number of players from each school who played in MLB:
with(CollegePlaying, hist(table(schoolID), xlab = 'Number of players',
                           main = ""))


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> library(Lahman)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Lahman/CollegePlaying.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: CollegePlaying
> ### Title: CollegePlaying table
> ### Aliases: CollegePlaying
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> data(CollegePlaying)
> head(CollegePlaying)
   playerID schoolID yearID
1 aardsda01   pennst   2001
2 aardsda01     rice   2002
3 aardsda01     rice   2003
4  abadan01  gamiddl   1992
5  abadan01  gamiddl   1993
6 abbeybe01  vermont   1889
> ## Q: What are the top universities for producing MLB players?
> SPcount <- table(CollegePlaying$schoolID)
> SPcount[SPcount>50]

   alabama    arizona  arizonast   arkansas     auburn     baylor bostoncoll 
       155        161        236        108        122         99         71 
     brown        byu    cacerri california  calstfull    clemson  creighton 
       111         57         52        162        131        138         51 
 dartmouth       duke    florida  floridast    fordham   fresnost     gatech 
        64         94        138        152         99        103        137 
georgetown    georgia  holycross    houston   illinois    indiana  indianast 
        78         89        167         57        141         58         53 
      iowa     kentst   kentucky  longbeach loyolamary        lsu  manhattan 
        59         52         79         96         70        149         71 
  maryland    miamifl    miamioh   michigan michiganst  minnesota   missouri 
        60        113         63        191         71         86         72 
    missst    ncstate   nebraska  notredame   nwestern       ohio     ohiost 
       118         98         88        134         55         54        111 
  oklahoma    okstate    olemiss   oregonst     pennst pepperdine  princeton 
       135        132        108         70         58         87         66 
      rice    rutgers sandiegost santaclara  scarolina  setonhall  sillinois 
        83         52        102        112        119         70         57 
  stanford  stmarysca  tennessee      texas    texasam     tulane   txchrist 
       248         89         92        265        129         74         80 
    txtech       ucla      umass        unc      upenn        usc      vandy 
        53        180         52        154         87        250         65 
 villanova   virginia       wake     washst  wichitast  wisconsin  wmichigan 
        86         95         81         74        107         55         68 
> library('lattice')
> dotplot(SPcount[SPcount>50])
> dotplot(sort(SPcount[SPcount>50]))
> ## Q: How many schools are represented in this dataset?
> length(table(CollegePlaying$schoolID))
[1] 1038
> # Histogram of the number of players from each school who played in MLB:
> with(CollegePlaying, hist(table(schoolID), xlab = 'Number of players',
+                            main = ""))
null device 