Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate the Drift and Diffusion of one-dimensional...
Langevin1DR Documentation

Calculate the Drift and Diffusion of one-dimensional stochastic processes


Langevin1D calculates the Drift and Diffusion vectors (with errors) for a given time series.


Langevin1D(data, bins, steps, sf = ifelse(is.ts(data), frequency(data), 1),
  bin_min = 100, reqThreads = -1)



a vector containing the time series or a time-series object.


a scalar denoting the number of bins to calculate the conditional moments on.


a vector giving the τ steps to calculate the conditional moments (in samples (=τ * sf)).


a scalar denoting the sampling frequency (optional if data is a time-series object).


a scalar denoting the minimal number of events per bin. Defaults to 100.


a scalar denoting how many threads to use. Defaults to -1 which means all available cores.


Langevin1D returns a list with thirteen components:


a vector of the Drift coefficient for each bin.


a vector of the error of the Drift coefficient for each bin.


a vector of the Diffusion coefficient for each bin.


a vector of the error of the Driffusion coefficient for each bin.


a vector of the fourth Kramers-Moyal coefficient for each bin.


a vector of the mean value per bin.


a vector of the number of events per bin.


a matrix of the first conditional moment for each τ. Rows corespond to bin, columns to τ.


a matrix of the error of the first conditional moment for each τ. Rows corespond to bin, columns to τ.


a matrix of the second conditional moment for each τ. Rows corespond to bin, columns to τ.


a matrix of the error of the second conditional moment for each τ. Rows corespond to bin, columns to τ.


a matrix of the fourth conditional moment for each τ. Rows corespond to bin, columns to τ.


a vector of the bin borders.


Philip Rinn

See Also



# Set number of bins, steps and the sampling frequency
bins <- 20;
steps <- c(1:5);
sf <- 1000;

#### Linear drift, constant diffusion

# Generate a time series with linear D^1 = -x and constant D^2 = 1
x <- timeseries1D(N=1e6, d11=-1, d20=1, sf=sf);
# Do the analysis
est <- Langevin1D(x, bins, steps, sf, reqThreads=2);
# Plot the result and add the theoretical expectation as red line
plot(est$mean_bin, est$D1);
lines(est$mean_bin, -est$mean_bin, col='red');
plot(est$mean_bin, est$D2);
abline(h=1, col='red');

#### Cubic drift, constant diffusion

# Generate a time series with cubic D^1 = x - x^3 and constant D^2 = 1
x <- timeseries1D(N=1e6, d13=-1, d11=1, d20=1, sf=sf);
# Do the analysis
est <- Langevin1D(x, bins, steps, sf, reqThreads=2);
# Plot the result and add the theoretical expectation as red line
plot(est$mean_bin, est$D1);
lines(est$mean_bin, est$mean_bin - est$mean_bin^3, col='red');
plot(est$mean_bin, est$D2);
abline(h=1, col='red');


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> library(Langevin)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Langevin/Langevin1D.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Langevin1D
> ### Title: Calculate the Drift and Diffusion of one-dimensional stochastic
> ###   processes
> ### Aliases: Langevin1D
> ### ** Examples
> # Set number of bins, steps and the sampling frequency
> bins <- 20;
> steps <- c(1:5);
> sf <- 1000;
> #### Linear drift, constant diffusion
> # Generate a time series with linear D^1 = -x and constant D^2 = 1
> x <- timeseries1D(N=1e6, d11=-1, d20=1, sf=sf);
> # Do the analysis
> est <- Langevin1D(x, bins, steps, sf, reqThreads=2);
> # Plot the result and add the theoretical expectation as red line
> plot(est$mean_bin, est$D1);
> lines(est$mean_bin, -est$mean_bin, col='red');
> plot(est$mean_bin, est$D2);
> abline(h=1, col='red');
> #### Cubic drift, constant diffusion
> # Generate a time series with cubic D^1 = x - x^3 and constant D^2 = 1
> x <- timeseries1D(N=1e6, d13=-1, d11=1, d20=1, sf=sf);
> # Do the analysis
> est <- Langevin1D(x, bins, steps, sf, reqThreads=2);
> # Plot the result and add the theoretical expectation as red line
> plot(est$mean_bin, est$D1);
> lines(est$mean_bin, est$mean_bin - est$mean_bin^3, col='red');
> plot(est$mean_bin, est$D2);
> abline(h=1, col='red');
null device 