Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Laterality
Laterality-packageR Documentation



Calculates handedness index (HI) and z-score for each individual and each task performed. It plots barplots of the different type of grasp (Left, right, bimanual...) for each kind of activity. It plots also the Handedness Index of each individual for each activity. The mean Handedness Index and the absolute HI and absolute mean HI can be calculated. Finally some functions (based on ade4-package functions) calculates disjunctive table, Burt table and contributions for MCA and then plots multiple correspondence analysis graphs.


Package: Laterality
Type: Package
Version: 0.9.3
Date: 2015-03-31
License: GPL (>=2.0)
LazyData: yes

This package is particularly useful to calculate and plot the different indexes (HI, z-score, mean HI, absolute HI) commonly used in hand preference studies of non-human primates.


Borel A., Pouydebat E., Reghem E. <>


Chessel D., Dufour A.-B. and Dray S., with contributions from Jombart T., Lobry J.R., Ollier S., Pavoine S. and Thioulouse J. Package ade4: Analysis of Ecological Data : Exploratory and Euclidean methods in Environmental sciences.

Hopkins W.D.(1999) On the Other Hand: Statistical Issues in the Assessment and Interpretation of Hand Preference Data in Nonhuman Primates. International Journal of Primatology 20(6):851-866.

See Also

ade4 the multiple correspondence analysis functions are based on ade4 package.


  ### later function ###
  ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
  later(Data, catch ="Food", indiv="Indiv", hand="Hand", 
  RightHand="R", LeftHand="L", savetable = FALSE)
  ## or
  ## With arguments different from the default ones:
  later(Data, catch ="Act", indiv="Individual", hand="HandPref",
  RightHand="Right", LeftHand="Left", savetable = FALSE)
  ### HIndiv function ###
  ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
  HIndiv(Data, catch="Food", hand="Hand", indiv = "Indiv", 
  RightHand = "R", LeftHand = "L", legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
  ## or
  HIndiv(Data, legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
  ## With arguments different from the default ones:
  HIndiv(Data, catch="Act", hand="HandPref", indiv = "Individual", 
  RightHand = "Right", LeftHand = "Left", legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
  ### HImeanact function ###
  ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
  HImeanact(Data, catch="Food", hand="Hand", indiv = "Indiv", 
  RightHand = "R", LeftHand = "L")
  ## or
  ## With arguments different from the default ones:
  HImeanact(Data, catch="Act", hand="HandPref", indiv = "Individual",
  RightHand = "Right", LeftHand = "Left")


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> library(Laterality)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Laterality/Laterality-package.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Laterality-package
> ### Title: Laterality
> ### Aliases: Laterality-package Laterality
> ### Keywords: HI handedness index zscore laterality manual preference
> ###   correspondence AFCM MCA
> ### ** Examples
>   ### later function ###
>   ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
>   data(laterdata)
>   str(laterdata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Indiv      : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Food       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Apple","Cricket",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Hand       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bi","L","R": 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-laterdata
>   later(Data, catch ="Food", indiv="Indiv", hand="Hand", 
+   RightHand="R", LeftHand="L", savetable = FALSE)
-1 </= HI </= 1
If HI > 0 -> right hand preference
If HI < 0 -> left hand preference
for alpha = 0.05
If z </= -1.96 -> left-handed (L)
If z >/= 1.96 -> right-handed (R)
If -1.96 < z < 1.96 -> ambiguously handed (A)
if p.val > 0.05 -> .
if p.val <= 0.05 -> *
if p.val <= 0.01 -> **
, , Apple

      Bi  L    R    HI            z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" "17" "16" "-0.03030303" "-0.1740777" "0.8618044330" "A"  "."   
Biwa  "1" "14" " 6" "-0.40000000" "-1.7888544" "0.0736382701" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0" " 4" " 6" " 0.20000000" " 0.6324555" "0.5270892569" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" "10" "14" " 0.16666667" " 0.8164966" "0.4142161782" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0" "14" " 0" "-1.00000000" "-3.7416574" "0.0001828106" "L"  "**"  
Neil  "1" "12" "25" " 0.35135135" " 2.1371868" "0.0325827984" "R"  "*"   
Olix  "0" " 3" " 1" "-0.50000000" "-1.0000000" "0.3173105079" "A"  "."   
Rali  "2" "11" "28" " 0.43589744" " 2.7221786" "0.0064853080" "R"  "**"  
Raps  "0" "17" "20" " 0.08108108" " 0.4931970" "0.6218734243" "A"  "."   
Rexen "0" "12" "10" "-0.09090909" "-0.4264014" "0.6698153576" "A"  "."   
Titi  "3" " 9" "16" " 0.28000000" " 1.4000000" "0.1615133185" "A"  "."   

, , Cricket

      Bi  L    R   HI           z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" " 7" "0" "-1.0000000" "-2.6457513" "0.0081509716" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0" " 2" "1" "-0.3333333" "-0.5773503" "0.5637028617" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0" " 8" "3" "-0.4545455" "-1.5075567" "0.1316680160" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Gogo  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Neil  "0" " 5" "0" "-1.0000000" "-2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "L"  "*"   
Olix  "0" " 3" "2" "-0.2000000" "-0.4472136" "0.6547208460" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Raps  "0" " 5" "3" "-0.2500000" "-0.7071068" "0.4795001222" "A"  "."   
Rexen "3" "17" "2" "-0.7894737" "-3.4412360" "0.0005790632" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "2" " 0" "5" " 1.0000000" " 2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "R"  "*"   

, , Worm

      Bi  L    R    HI           z           p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" "16" " 4" "-0.6000000" "-2.683282" "7.290358e-03" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0" "27" " 2" "-0.8620690" "-4.642383" "3.444129e-06" "L"  "**"  
Doma  "2" "52" "42" "-0.1063830" "-1.031421" "3.023433e-01" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" " 2" " 0" "-1.0000000" "-1.414214" "1.572992e-01" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0" " 5" " 0" "-1.0000000" "-2.236068" "2.534732e-02" "L"  "*"   
Neil  "1" " 9" " 3" "-0.5000000" "-1.732051" "8.326452e-02" "A"  "."   
Olix  "0" "15" " 9" "-0.2500000" "-1.224745" "2.206714e-01" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0" " 2" " 5" " 0.4285714" " 1.133893" "2.568393e-01" "A"  "."   
Raps  "1" "16" " 6" "-0.4545455" "-2.132007" "3.300626e-02" "L"  "*"   
Rexen "0" "83" "13" "-0.7291667" "-7.144345" "9.042597e-13" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "1" "11" " 7" "-0.2222222" "-0.942809" "3.457786e-01" "A"  "."   

>   ## or
>   later(Data)
-1 </= HI </= 1
If HI > 0 -> right hand preference
If HI < 0 -> left hand preference
for alpha = 0.05
If z </= -1.96 -> left-handed (L)
If z >/= 1.96 -> right-handed (R)
If -1.96 < z < 1.96 -> ambiguously handed (A)
if p.val > 0.05 -> .
if p.val <= 0.05 -> *
if p.val <= 0.01 -> **
, , Apple

      Bi  L    R    HI            z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" "17" "16" "-0.03030303" "-0.1740777" "0.8618044330" "A"  "."   
Biwa  "1" "14" " 6" "-0.40000000" "-1.7888544" "0.0736382701" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0" " 4" " 6" " 0.20000000" " 0.6324555" "0.5270892569" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" "10" "14" " 0.16666667" " 0.8164966" "0.4142161782" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0" "14" " 0" "-1.00000000" "-3.7416574" "0.0001828106" "L"  "**"  
Neil  "1" "12" "25" " 0.35135135" " 2.1371868" "0.0325827984" "R"  "*"   
Olix  "0" " 3" " 1" "-0.50000000" "-1.0000000" "0.3173105079" "A"  "."   
Rali  "2" "11" "28" " 0.43589744" " 2.7221786" "0.0064853080" "R"  "**"  
Raps  "0" "17" "20" " 0.08108108" " 0.4931970" "0.6218734243" "A"  "."   
Rexen "0" "12" "10" "-0.09090909" "-0.4264014" "0.6698153576" "A"  "."   
Titi  "3" " 9" "16" " 0.28000000" " 1.4000000" "0.1615133185" "A"  "."   

, , Cricket

      Bi  L    R   HI           z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" " 7" "0" "-1.0000000" "-2.6457513" "0.0081509716" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0" " 2" "1" "-0.3333333" "-0.5773503" "0.5637028617" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0" " 8" "3" "-0.4545455" "-1.5075567" "0.1316680160" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Gogo  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Neil  "0" " 5" "0" "-1.0000000" "-2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "L"  "*"   
Olix  "0" " 3" "2" "-0.2000000" "-0.4472136" "0.6547208460" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0" " 0" "0" NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Raps  "0" " 5" "3" "-0.2500000" "-0.7071068" "0.4795001222" "A"  "."   
Rexen "3" "17" "2" "-0.7894737" "-3.4412360" "0.0005790632" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "2" " 0" "5" " 1.0000000" " 2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "R"  "*"   

, , Worm

      Bi  L    R    HI           z           p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0" "16" " 4" "-0.6000000" "-2.683282" "7.290358e-03" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0" "27" " 2" "-0.8620690" "-4.642383" "3.444129e-06" "L"  "**"  
Doma  "2" "52" "42" "-0.1063830" "-1.031421" "3.023433e-01" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0" " 2" " 0" "-1.0000000" "-1.414214" "1.572992e-01" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0" " 5" " 0" "-1.0000000" "-2.236068" "2.534732e-02" "L"  "*"   
Neil  "1" " 9" " 3" "-0.5000000" "-1.732051" "8.326452e-02" "A"  "."   
Olix  "0" "15" " 9" "-0.2500000" "-1.224745" "2.206714e-01" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0" " 2" " 5" " 0.4285714" " 1.133893" "2.568393e-01" "A"  "."   
Raps  "1" "16" " 6" "-0.4545455" "-2.132007" "3.300626e-02" "L"  "*"   
Rexen "0" "83" "13" "-0.7291667" "-7.144345" "9.042597e-13" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "1" "11" " 7" "-0.2222222" "-0.942809" "3.457786e-01" "A"  "."   

>   ## With arguments different from the default ones:
>   data(lateradata)
>   str(lateradata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Individual : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Act        : Factor w/ 3 levels "Catching","Grasping",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ HandPref   : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bimanual","Left",..: 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-lateradata
>   later(Data, catch ="Act", indiv="Individual", hand="HandPref",
+   RightHand="Right", LeftHand="Left", savetable = FALSE)
-1 </= HI </= 1
If HI > 0 -> right hand preference
If HI < 0 -> left hand preference
for alpha = 0.05
If z </= -1.96 -> left-handed (L)
If z >/= 1.96 -> right-handed (R)
If -1.96 < z < 1.96 -> ambiguously handed (A)
if p.val > 0.05 -> .
if p.val <= 0.05 -> *
if p.val <= 0.01 -> **
, , Catching

      Bimanual Left Right HI           z           p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0"      "16" " 4"  "-0.6000000" "-2.683282" "7.290358e-03" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0"      "27" " 2"  "-0.8620690" "-4.642383" "3.444129e-06" "L"  "**"  
Doma  "2"      "52" "42"  "-0.1063830" "-1.031421" "3.023433e-01" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0"      " 2" " 0"  "-1.0000000" "-1.414214" "1.572992e-01" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0"      " 5" " 0"  "-1.0000000" "-2.236068" "2.534732e-02" "L"  "*"   
Neil  "1"      " 9" " 3"  "-0.5000000" "-1.732051" "8.326452e-02" "A"  "."   
Olix  "0"      "15" " 9"  "-0.2500000" "-1.224745" "2.206714e-01" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0"      " 2" " 5"  " 0.4285714" " 1.133893" "2.568393e-01" "A"  "."   
Raps  "1"      "16" " 6"  "-0.4545455" "-2.132007" "3.300626e-02" "L"  "*"   
Rexen "0"      "83" "13"  "-0.7291667" "-7.144345" "9.042597e-13" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "1"      "11" " 7"  "-0.2222222" "-0.942809" "3.457786e-01" "A"  "."   

, , Grasping

      Bimanual Left Right HI            z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0"      "17" "16"  "-0.03030303" "-0.1740777" "0.8618044330" "A"  "."   
Biwa  "1"      "14" " 6"  "-0.40000000" "-1.7888544" "0.0736382701" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0"      " 4" " 6"  " 0.20000000" " 0.6324555" "0.5270892569" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0"      "10" "14"  " 0.16666667" " 0.8164966" "0.4142161782" "A"  "."   
Gogo  "0"      "14" " 0"  "-1.00000000" "-3.7416574" "0.0001828106" "L"  "**"  
Neil  "1"      "12" "25"  " 0.35135135" " 2.1371868" "0.0325827984" "R"  "*"   
Olix  "0"      " 3" " 1"  "-0.50000000" "-1.0000000" "0.3173105079" "A"  "."   
Rali  "2"      "11" "28"  " 0.43589744" " 2.7221786" "0.0064853080" "R"  "**"  
Raps  "0"      "17" "20"  " 0.08108108" " 0.4931970" "0.6218734243" "A"  "."   
Rexen "0"      "12" "10"  "-0.09090909" "-0.4264014" "0.6698153576" "A"  "."   
Titi  "3"      " 9" "16"  " 0.28000000" " 1.4000000" "0.1615133185" "A"  "."   

, , Hunting

      Bimanual Left Right HI           z            p.val          Hand Signif
Airly "0"      " 7" "0"   "-1.0000000" "-2.6457513" "0.0081509716" "L"  "**"  
Biwa  "0"      " 2" "1"   "-0.3333333" "-0.5773503" "0.5637028617" "A"  "."   
Doma  "0"      " 8" "3"   "-0.4545455" "-1.5075567" "0.1316680160" "A"  "."   
Dudy  "0"      " 0" "0"   NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Gogo  "0"      " 0" "0"   NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Neil  "0"      " 5" "0"   "-1.0000000" "-2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "L"  "*"   
Olix  "0"      " 3" "2"   "-0.2000000" "-0.4472136" "0.6547208460" "A"  "."   
Rali  "0"      " 0" "0"   NA           NA           NA             NA   NA    
Raps  "0"      " 5" "3"   "-0.2500000" "-0.7071068" "0.4795001222" "A"  "."   
Rexen "3"      "17" "2"   "-0.7894737" "-3.4412360" "0.0005790632" "L"  "**"  
Titi  "2"      " 0" "5"   " 1.0000000" " 2.2360680" "0.0253473187" "R"  "*"   

>   ### HIndiv function ###
>   ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
>   str(laterdata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Indiv      : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Food       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Apple","Cricket",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Hand       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bi","L","R": 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-laterdata
>   HIndiv(Data, catch="Food", hand="Hand", indiv = "Indiv", 
+   RightHand = "R", LeftHand = "L", legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
              Airly       Biwa       Doma       Dudy Gogo       Neil  Olix
Apple   -0.03030303 -0.4000000  0.2000000  0.1666667   -1  0.3513514 -0.50
Cricket -1.00000000 -0.3333333 -0.4545455        NaN  NaN -1.0000000 -0.20
Worm    -0.60000000 -0.8620690 -0.1063830 -1.0000000   -1 -0.5000000 -0.25
             Rali        Raps       Rexen       Titi
Apple   0.4358974  0.08108108 -0.09090909  0.2800000
Cricket       NaN -0.25000000 -0.78947368  1.0000000
Worm    0.4285714 -0.45454545 -0.72916667 -0.2222222
>   ## or
>   HIndiv(Data, legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
              Airly       Biwa       Doma       Dudy Gogo       Neil  Olix
Apple   -0.03030303 -0.4000000  0.2000000  0.1666667   -1  0.3513514 -0.50
Cricket -1.00000000 -0.3333333 -0.4545455        NaN  NaN -1.0000000 -0.20
Worm    -0.60000000 -0.8620690 -0.1063830 -1.0000000   -1 -0.5000000 -0.25
             Rali        Raps       Rexen       Titi
Apple   0.4358974  0.08108108 -0.09090909  0.2800000
Cricket       NaN -0.25000000 -0.78947368  1.0000000
Worm    0.4285714 -0.45454545 -0.72916667 -0.2222222
>   ## With arguments different from the default ones:
>   str(lateradata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Individual : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Act        : Factor w/ 3 levels "Catching","Grasping",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ HandPref   : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bimanual","Left",..: 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-lateradata
>   HIndiv(Data, catch="Act", hand="HandPref", indiv = "Individual", 
+   RightHand = "Right", LeftHand = "Left", legendlocation=FALSE, legend.text=TRUE)
               Airly       Biwa       Doma       Dudy Gogo       Neil  Olix
Catching -0.60000000 -0.8620690 -0.1063830 -1.0000000   -1 -0.5000000 -0.25
Grasping -0.03030303 -0.4000000  0.2000000  0.1666667   -1  0.3513514 -0.50
Hunting  -1.00000000 -0.3333333 -0.4545455        NaN  NaN -1.0000000 -0.20
              Rali        Raps       Rexen       Titi
Catching 0.4285714 -0.45454545 -0.72916667 -0.2222222
Grasping 0.4358974  0.08108108 -0.09090909  0.2800000
Hunting        NaN -0.25000000 -0.78947368  1.0000000
>   ### HImeanact function ###
>   ## With arguments corresponding to the default ones:
>   str(laterdata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Indiv      : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Food       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Apple","Cricket",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Hand       : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bi","L","R": 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-laterdata
>   HImeanact(Data, catch="Food", hand="Hand", indiv = "Indiv", 
+   RightHand = "R", LeftHand = "L")
Apple     -0.0460196
Cricket   -0.3784191
Worm      -0.4814377
>   ## or
>   HImeanact(Data)
Apple     -0.0460196
Cricket   -0.3784191
Worm      -0.4814377
>   ## With arguments different from the default ones:
>   str(lateradata)
'data.frame':	674 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ Individual : Factor w/ 11 levels "Airly","Biwa",..: 11 9 6 8 3 11 9 6 11 10 ...
 $ Sex        : Factor w/ 2 levels "f","m": 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 ...
 $ Act        : Factor w/ 3 levels "Catching","Grasping",..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ HandPref   : Factor w/ 3 levels "Bimanual","Left",..: 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 ...
 $ PostureCorp: Factor w/ 7 levels "A","Bip","BipGrill",..: 6 7 2 7 6 1 6 6 6 6 ...
>   Data<-lateradata
>   HImeanact(Data, catch="Act", hand="HandPref", indiv = "Individual",
+   RightHand = "Right", LeftHand = "Left")
Catching   -0.4814377
Grasping   -0.0460196
Hunting    -0.3784191
null device 