Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculates the Thermal Lifetime using the Arrhenius equation
calc_ThermalLifetimeR Documentation

Calculates the Thermal Lifetime using the Arrhenius equation


The function calculates the thermal lifetime of charges for given E (in eV), s (in 1/s) and T (in deg. C.) parameters. The function can be used in two operational modes:


calc_ThermalLifetime(E, s, T = 20, output_unit = "Ma", profiling = FALSE,
  profiling_config = NULL, verbose = TRUE, plot = TRUE, ...)



numeric (required): vector of trap depths in eV, if profiling = TRUE only the first two elements are considered


numeric (required): vector of frequency factor in 1/s, if profiling = TRUE only the first two elements are considered


numeric (with default): temperature in deg. C for which the lifetime(s) will be calculted. A vector can be provided.


character (with default): output unit of the calculated lifetimes, accepted entries are: "Ma", "ka", "a", "d", "h", "min", "s"


logical (with default): this option allows to estimate uncertainties based on given E and s parameters and their corresponding standard error (cf. details and examples section)


list (optional): allows to set configurate parameters used for the profiling (and only have an effect here). Supported parameters are: n (number of MC runs), E.distribution (distribution used for the resampling for E) and s.distribution (distribution used for the resampling for s). Currently only the normal distribution is supported (e.g., profiling_config = list(E.distribution = "norm")


logical: enables/disables verbose mode


logical: enables/disables output plot, currenlty only in combination with profiling = TRUE.


further arguments that can be passed in combination with the plot output. Standard plot parameters are supported (plot.default)


Mode 1 (profiling = FALSE)

An arbitrary set of input parameters (E, s, T) can be provided and the function calculates the thermal lifetimes using the Arrhenius equation for all possible combinations of these input parameters. An array with 3-dimensions is returned that can be used for further analyses or graphical output (see example 1)

Mode 2 (profiling = TRUE)

This mode tries to profile the variation of the thermal lifetime for a chosen temperature by accounting for the provided E and s parameters and their corresponding standard errors, e.g., E = c(1.600, 0.001) The calculation based on a Monte Carlo simulation, where values are sampled from a normal distribution (for E and s).

Used equation (Arrhenius equation)

τ = 1/s exp(E/kT)

where: τ in s as the mean time an electron spends in the trap for a given T, E trap depth in eV, s the frequency factor in 1/s, T the temperature in K and k the Boltzmann constant in eV/K (cf. Furetta, 2010).


A RLum.Results object is returned a along with a plot (for profiling = TRUE). The output object contain the following slots:


Object Type Description
lifetimes array or numeric calculated lifetimes
profiling_matrix matrix profiling matrix used for the MC runs


Object Type Description
call call the original function call

Function version

0.1.0 (2016-05-02 09:36:06)


The profiling is currently based on resampling from a normal distribution, this distribution assumption might be, however, not valid for given E and s paramters.


Sebastian Kreutzer, IRAMAT-CRP2A, Universite Bordeaux Montaigne (France)
R Luminescence Package Team


Furetta, C., 2010. Handbook of Thermoluminescence, Second Edition. ed. World Scientific.

See Also

matplot, rnorm, get_RLum,


##calculation for two trap-depths with similar frequency factor for different temperatures
E <- c(1.66, 1.70)
s <- 1e+13
T <- 10:20
temp <- calc_ThermalLifetime(
  E = E,
  s = s,
  T = T,
  output_unit = "Ma"
contour(x = E, y = T, z = temp$lifetimes[1,,],
        ylab = "Temperature [u00B0C]",
        xlab = "Trap depth [eV]",
        main = "Thermal Lifetime Contour Plot"
mtext(side = 3, "(values quoted in Ma)")

##profiling of thermal life time for E and s and their standard error
E <- c(1.600, 0.003)
s <- c(1e+13,1e+011)
T <- 20
  E = E,
  s = s,
  T = T,
  profiling = TRUE,
  output_unit = "Ma"


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> library(Luminescence)
Welcome to the R package Luminescence version 0.6.0 [Built: 2016-05-30 16:47:30 UTC]
A PhD supervisor: 'You are not depressive, you simply have a crappy life.'
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Luminescence/calc_ThermalLifetime.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: calc_ThermalLifetime
> ### Title: Calculates the Thermal Lifetime using the Arrhenius equation
> ### Aliases: calc_ThermalLifetime
> ### Keywords: datagen
> ### ** Examples
> ##calculation for two trap-depths with similar frequency factor for different temperatures
> E <- c(1.66, 1.70)
> s <- 1e+13
> T <- 10:20
> temp <- calc_ThermalLifetime(
+   E = E,
+   s = s,
+   T = T,
+   output_unit = "Ma"
+ )


	mean:	 1.355559e+03 Ma
	sd:	 1.51684e+03 Ma
	min:	 1.095458e+02 Ma (@20 <U+00B0>C)
	max:	 5.747042e+03 Ma (@10 <U+00B0>C)
	(22 lifetimes calculated in total)> contour(x = E, y = T, z = temp$lifetimes[1,,],
+         ylab = "Temperature [u00B0C]",
+         xlab = "Trap depth [eV]",
+         main = "Thermal Lifetime Contour Plot"
+ )
> mtext(side = 3, "(values quoted in Ma)")
> ##profiling of thermal life time for E and s and their standard error
> E <- c(1.600, 0.003)
> s <- c(1e+13,1e+011)
> T <- 20
> calc_ThermalLifetime(
+   E = E,
+   s = s,
+   T = T,
+   profiling = TRUE,
+   output_unit = "Ma"
+ )


	profiling = TRUE
	mean:	 1.01961e+01 Ma
	sd:	 1.219769e+00 Ma
	min:	 6.908607e+00 Ma
	max:	 1.474997e+01 Ma
	(1000 lifetimes calculated in total)
	 originator: calc_ThermalLifetime()
	 data: 2
 	 .. $lifetimes : numeric
	 .. $profiling_matrix : matrix
	 additional info elements:  1> 
null device 