Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate De value based on the gSGC by Li et al., 2015
calc_gSGCR Documentation

Calculate De value based on the gSGC by Li et al., 2015


Function returns De value and De value error using the global standardised growth curve (gSGC) assumption proposed by Li et al., 2015 for OSL dating of sedimentary quartz


calc_gSGC(data, gSGC.type = "0-250", gSGC.parameters, n.MC = 100,
  verbose = TRUE, plot = TRUE, ...)



data.frame (required): input data of providing the following columns: 'LnTn', 'LnTn.error', Lr1Tr1', 'Lr1Tr1.error', 'Dr1' Note: column names are not required. The function expect the input data in the given order


character (with default): define the function parameters that should be used for the iteration procedure: Li et al., 2015 (Table 2) presented function parameters for two dose ranges: "0-450" and "0-250"


list (optional): option to provide own function parameters used for #' fitting as named list. Nomenclature follows Li et al., 2015, i.e. list(A,A.error,D0,D0.error,c,c.error,Y0,Y0.error,range), range requires a vector for the range the function is considered as valid, e.g. range = c(0,250)
Using this option overwrites the default parameter list of the gSGC, meaning the argument gSGC.type will be without effect


integer (with default): number of Monte Carlo simulation runs for error estimation, s. details.


logical: enable or disable terminal output


logical: enable or disable graphical feedback as plot


parameters will be passed to the plot output


The error of the De value is determined using a Monte Carlo simulation approach. Solving of the equation is realised using uniroot. Large values for n.MC will significantly increase the computation time.


Returns an S4 object of type RLum.Results.

$ De.value (data.frame)
.. $ De
.. $ De.error
.. $ Eta
$ De.MC (list) contains the matricies from the error estimation.
$ uniroot (list) contains the uniroot outputs of the De estimations

$ call (call) the original function call

Function version

0.1.1 (2016-05-03 12:29:30)


Sebastian Kreutzer, IRAMAT-CRP2A, Universite Bordeaux Montagine (France)

R Luminescence Package Team


Li, B., Roberts, R.G., Jacobs, Z., Li, S.-H., 2015. Potential of establishing a 'global standardised growth curve' (gSGC) for optical dating of quartz from sediments. Quaternary Geochronology 27, 94-104. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.011

See Also

RLum.Results, get_RLum, uniroot


results <- calc_gSGC(data = data.frame(
LnTn =  2.361, LnTn.error = 0.087,
Lr1Tr1 = 2.744, Lr1Tr1.error = 0.091,
Dr1 = 34.4))

get_RLum(results, data.object = "De")


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> library(Luminescence)
Welcome to the R package Luminescence version 0.6.0 [Built: 2016-05-30 16:47:30 UTC]
A trapped electron to a yellow LED: 'Well, that's all?'
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Luminescence/calc_gSGC.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: calc_gSGC
> ### Title: Calculate De value based on the gSGC by Li et al., 2015
> ### Aliases: calc_gSGC
> ### Keywords: datagen
> ### ** Examples
> results <- calc_gSGC(data = data.frame(
+ LnTn =  2.361, LnTn.error = 0.087,
+ Lr1Tr1 = 2.744, Lr1Tr1.error = 0.091,
+ Dr1 = 34.4))

	 Corresponding De based on the gSGC

	 Ln/Tn:		 2.361 <U+00B1> 0.087
	 Lr1/Tr1:	 2.744 <U+00B1> 0.091
	 Dr1:		 34.4
	 f(D):		 0.787 * (1 - exp(-D /73.9)) + c * D + 0.01791
	 n.MC:		 100
	 De:		28.43 <U+00B1> 1.98
> get_RLum(results, data.object = "De")
        DE DE.ERROR       ETA
1 28.42881 1.984767 0.1325632
null device 