Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Apply a flag to an arrayCGH
flag.arrayCGHR Documentation

Apply a flag to an arrayCGH


Function flag$FUN is applied to a flag object for normalization


flag.arrayCGH(flag, arrayCGH)



an object of type 'flag'


an object of type arrayCGH


Optional arguments in flag$args are passed to flag$FUN


An object of class arrayCGH, which corresponds to the return value of flag$FUN if flag$char is null, and to the input arrayCGH object with spots given by flag$FUN flagged with flag$char


People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page:


Pierre Neuvial,

See Also

to.flag, norm.arrayCGH



gradient$arrayValues$LogRatioNorm <- gradient$arrayValues$LogRatio
## flag spots with no available position on the genome
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(position.flag, gradient)

## flag spots corresponding to low poor quality clones
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(val.mark.flag, gradient)

## flag spots excluded by Genepix pro
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(spot.flag, gradient)

## flag local spatial bias zones
## Not run: gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(local.spatial.flag, gradient)

## correct global spatial bias
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(global.spatial.flag, gradient)

## flag spots with low signal to noise
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(SNR.flag, gradient)

## flag spots with extremely high log-ratios
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(amplicon.flag, gradient)

## flag spots with poor within replicate consistency
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(replicate.flag, gradient)

## flag spots corresponding to clones for which all other spot
## replicates have already been flagged  
gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(unique.flag, gradient)



R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(MANOR)
Loading required package: GLAD


Have fun with GLAD

For smoothing it is possible to use either
the AWS algorithm (Polzehl and Spokoiny, 2002,
or the HaarSeg algorithm (Ben-Yaacov and Eldar, Bioinformatics,  2008,

If you use the package with AWS, please cite:
Hupe et al. (Bioinformatics, 2004, and Polzehl and Spokoiny (2002,

If you use the package with HaarSeg, please cite:
Hupe et al. (Bioinformatics, 2004, and (Ben-Yaacov and Eldar, Bioinformatics, 2008,

For fast computation it is recommanded to use
the daglad function with smoothfunc=haarseg


New options are available in daglad: see help for details.

Attaching package: 'MANOR'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/MANOR/flag.arrayCGH.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: flag.arrayCGH
> ### Title: Apply a flag to an arrayCGH
> ### Aliases: flag.arrayCGH flag
> ### Keywords: misc
> ### ** Examples
> data(spatial)
> data(flags)
> gradient$arrayValues$LogRatioNorm <- gradient$arrayValues$LogRatio
> ## flag spots with no available position on the genome
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(position.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots corresponding to low poor quality clones
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(val.mark.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots excluded by Genepix pro
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(spot.flag, gradient)
> ## flag local spatial bias zones
> ## Not run: gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(local.spatial.flag, gradient)
> ## correct global spatial bias
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(global.spatial.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots with low signal to noise
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(SNR.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots with extremely high log-ratios
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(amplicon.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots with poor within replicate consistency
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(replicate.flag, gradient)
> ## flag spots corresponding to clones for which all other spot
> ## replicates have already been flagged  
> gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(unique.flag, gradient)
> summary.factor(gradient$arrayValues$Flag)
        E    G    V 
9937  598   62  203 
null device 