Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas
SkyeR Documentation

AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas


The Skye data frame has 23 rows and 3 columns.




This data frame contains the following columns:


Percentage of sodium and potassium oxides.


Percentage of iron oxide.


Percentage of magnesium oxide.


R. N. Thompson, J. Esson and A. C. Duncan (1972) Major element chemical variation in the Eocene lavas of the Isle of Skye. J. Petrology, 13, 219–253.


J. Aitchison (1986) The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data. Chapman and Hall, p.360.

Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) Modern Applied Statistics with S. Fourth edition. Springer.


# ternary() is from the on-line answers.
ternary <- function(X, pch = par("pch"), lcex = 1,
                    add = FALSE, ord = 1:3, ...)
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  if(any(X < 0)) stop("X must be non-negative")
  s <- drop(X %*% rep(1, ncol(X)))
  if(any(s<=0)) stop("each row of X must have a positive sum")
  if(max(abs(s-1)) > 1e-6) {
    warning("row(s) of X will be rescaled")
    X <- X / s
  X <- X[, ord]
  s3 <- sqrt(1/3)
    oldpty <- par("pty")
    plot(c(-s3, s3), c(0.5-s3, 0.5+s3), type="n", axes=FALSE,
         xlab="", ylab="")
    polygon(c(0, -s3, s3), c(1, 0, 0), density=0)
    lab <- NULL
    if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(X))) lab <- dn[[2]]
    if(length(lab) < 3) lab <- as.character(1:3)
    eps <- 0.05 * lcex
    text(c(0, s3+eps*0.7, -s3-eps*0.7),
         c(1+eps, -0.1*eps, -0.1*eps), lab, cex=lcex)
  points((X[,2] - X[,3])*s3, X[,1], ...)

ternary(Skye/100, ord=c(1,3,2))


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> library(MASS)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MASS/Skye.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Skye
> ### Title: AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas
> ### Aliases: Skye
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> # ternary() is from the on-line answers.
> ternary <- function(X, pch = par("pch"), lcex = 1,
+                     add = FALSE, ord = 1:3, ...)
+ {
+   X <- as.matrix(X)
+   if(any(X < 0)) stop("X must be non-negative")
+   s <- drop(X %*% rep(1, ncol(X)))
+   if(any(s<=0)) stop("each row of X must have a positive sum")
+   if(max(abs(s-1)) > 1e-6) {
+     warning("row(s) of X will be rescaled")
+     X <- X / s
+   }
+   X <- X[, ord]
+   s3 <- sqrt(1/3)
+   if(!add)
+   {
+     oldpty <- par("pty")
+     on.exit(par(pty=oldpty))
+     par(pty="s")
+     plot(c(-s3, s3), c(0.5-s3, 0.5+s3), type="n", axes=FALSE,
+          xlab="", ylab="")
+     polygon(c(0, -s3, s3), c(1, 0, 0), density=0)
+     lab <- NULL
+     if(!is.null(dn <- dimnames(X))) lab <- dn[[2]]
+     if(length(lab) < 3) lab <- as.character(1:3)
+     eps <- 0.05 * lcex
+     text(c(0, s3+eps*0.7, -s3-eps*0.7),
+          c(1+eps, -0.1*eps, -0.1*eps), lab, cex=lcex)
+   }
+   points((X[,2] - X[,3])*s3, X[,1], ...)
+ }
> ternary(Skye/100, ord=c(1,3,2))
null device 