Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Meta Regression Scatterplot
plotconR Documentation

Meta Regression Scatterplot


Outputs a scatterplot from a fixed or random effects meta regression (continuous and/or categorical).


plotcon(g, var, mod, data, method= "random", modname=NULL, 
  title=NULL, ...)



Hedges g (unbiased estimate of d) effect size.


Vaiance of g.


Categorical moderator variable used for moderator analysis.


Default is random (Restricted-Maximal Likelihood), which is the standard random effects method. For fixed effects, use fixed.


data.frame with values above.


Name of moderator to appear on x axis of plot. Default is NULL.


Plot title. Default is NULL.


Additional arguments to be passed to ggplot.


Scatterplot with fixed or random effects regression line with size of visual points based on study weights, where the more precise studies have larger points. The ggplot2 package outputs the rich graphics.


AC Del Re & William T. Hoyt

Maintainer: AC Del Re


Cooper, H., Hedges, L.V., & Valentine, J.C. (2009). The handbook of research synthesis and meta analysis (2nd edition). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

See Also

mareg, plotcat


MA2 <-read.table(textConnection("
id       es1       var1 n.1 n.2 mod1 mod2
1   1 0.5695938 0.04906967  26  30    a   20
2   2 0.4123667 0.04362541  28  34    b   30
3   3 0.4084333 0.04458363  34  28    a   25
4   4 0.5014756 0.04186354  37  29    b   35
5   5 0.5540745 0.04339382  31  32    b   40
6   1 0.5695938 0.04906967  26  30    a   20
7   2 0.4123667 0.04362541  28  34    b   30
8   3 0.4084333 0.04458363  34  28    a   25
9   4 0.5014756 0.04186354  37  29    b   35
10  5 0.5540745 0.04339382  31  32    b   40"))

plotcon(es1, var1, mod2, data=MA2, method= "fixed", modname="NULL",title="NULL")


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> library(MAd)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MAd/plotcon.rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotcon
> ### Title: Meta Regression Scatterplot
> ### Aliases: plotcon
> ### Keywords: aplot
> ### ** Examples
> MA2 <-read.table(textConnection("
+ id       es1       var1 n.1 n.2 mod1 mod2
+ 1   1 0.5695938 0.04906967  26  30    a   20
+ 2   2 0.4123667 0.04362541  28  34    b   30
+ 3   3 0.4084333 0.04458363  34  28    a   25
+ 4   4 0.5014756 0.04186354  37  29    b   35
+ 5   5 0.5540745 0.04339382  31  32    b   40
+ 6   1 0.5695938 0.04906967  26  30    a   20
+ 7   2 0.4123667 0.04362541  28  34    b   30
+ 8   3 0.4084333 0.04458363  34  28    a   25
+ 9   4 0.5014756 0.04186354  37  29    b   35
+ 10  5 0.5540745 0.04339382  31  32    b   40"))
> plotcon(es1, var1, mod2, data=MA2, method= "fixed", modname="NULL",title="NULL")
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: metafor
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading 'metafor' package (version 1.9-8). For an overview 
and introduction to the package please type: help(metafor).
null device 