Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Multiple comparison of the temperature dependent variance of...
MFIerrorR Documentation

Multiple comparison of the temperature dependent variance of the refMFI


MFIerror is used for a fast multiple comparison of the temperature dependent variance of the refMFI. MFIerror returns an object of the class data.frame with columns “Temperature”, “Location” (Mean, Median), “Deviation” (Standard Deviation, Median Absolute Deviation) and “Coefficient of Variation”.


MFIerror(x, y, CV = FALSE, RSD = FALSE, rob = FALSE, errplot = TRUE,
  type = "p", pch = 19, length = 0.05, col = "black")



is the column of a data frame for the temperature.


are multiple columns of fluorescence values from a data.frame (e.g., [, c(1:n)]).


If CV is true the coefficient of variation (RSD, CV) is plotted. If set to FLASE the deviation as Standard Deviation or Median Absolute Deviation is plotted.


Setting the option RSD=TRUE shows the relative standard deviation (RSD) in percent.


Using the option rob as TRUE the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD) is plotted instead of the mean and standard deviation.


sets MFIerror() to plot the results (default). In the default setting (CV=FALSE) the mean with the standard deviations is plotted.


is a graphical parameter setting the plot use lines, points or both (see plot).


is a graphical parameter used to define the symbol used in the plot.


length is a graphical parameter used to define the length of the error bar used in the plot.


col is a graphical parameter used to define the color of the error bar used in the plot.



returns a data.frame containing the "Temperature", "Location" (mean, median), "Deviation" (standard deviation, median absolute deviation), "Coefficient of Variance" (CV, RSD) sequential in the columns.


Stefan Roediger

See Also



# First Example
# Temperature dependent variance of the refMFI using standard measures
# (Mean, Standard Deviation (SD)).
# Use Standard Deviation (SD) in the plot

MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)])

# Second Example
# Temperature dependent relative variance of the refMFI using robust
# measures (Median, Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)). The parameter
# errplot is set to FALSE in order to prevent the plot of the
# coefficient of variation versus the temperature.

MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)], errplot = FALSE,
	  RSD = TRUE, rob = TRUE)

# Third Example
# Temperature dependent relative variance of the refMFI using
# robust measures (Median, Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)).
MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)], RSD = TRUE,
  rob = TRUE)


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> library(MBmca)
Loading required package: robustbase
Loading required package: chipPCR
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MBmca/MFIerror.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: MFIerror
> ### Title: Multiple comparison of the temperature dependent variance of the
> ###   refMFI
> ### Aliases: MFIerror
> ### Keywords: deviation
> ### ** Examples
> # First Example
> # Temperature dependent variance of the refMFI using standard measures
> # (Mean, Standard Deviation (SD)).
> # Use Standard Deviation (SD) in the plot
> data(MultiMelt)
> MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)])
   Temperature Location (Mean) Deviation (SD) Coefficient of Variance (RSD [%])
1           41       0.1158968     0.03535687                        0.30507192
2           42       0.1183012     0.03519572                        0.29750952
3           43       0.1243215     0.03444044                        0.27702718
4           44       0.1194848     0.03279933                        0.27450631
5           45       0.1234000     0.03320249                        0.26906389
6           46       0.1202434     0.03349530                        0.27856256
7           47       0.1185291     0.03395397                        0.28646097
8           48       0.1168380     0.03464021                        0.29648060
9           49       0.1177223     0.03547084                        0.30130956
10          50       0.1218104     0.03453184                        0.28348852
11          51       0.1202815     0.03370450                        0.28021344
12          52       0.1097289     0.03358856                        0.30610481
13          53       0.1160501     0.03444020                        0.29677026
14          54       0.1232068     0.03607030                        0.29276236
15          55       0.1231259     0.03538511                        0.28738975
16          56       0.1206820     0.03554257                        0.29451432
17          57       0.1258874     0.03442592                        0.27346589
18          58       0.1305011     0.03671948                        0.28137288
19          59       0.1300650     0.03586642                        0.27575762
20          60       0.1320018     0.03641799                        0.27589011
21          61       0.1353589     0.03574811                        0.26409870
22          62       0.1398019     0.03553167                        0.25415722
23          63       0.1441817     0.03483432                        0.24160013
24          64       0.1517874     0.03557304                        0.23436092
25          65       0.1621476     0.03590494                        0.22143368
26          66       0.1704919     0.03402282                        0.19955686
27          67       0.1770473     0.03111468                        0.17574219
28          68       0.1958822     0.03690459                        0.18840200
29          69       0.2249435     0.03561875                        0.15834530
30          70       0.2537539     0.03547750                        0.13981066
31          71       0.2952384     0.04165148                        0.14107746
32          72       0.3386111     0.04465119                        0.13186568
33          73       0.3857431     0.04988458                        0.12932072
34          74       0.4701156     0.06061657                        0.12893971
35          75       0.5945076     0.07089847                        0.11925579
36          76       0.7748250     0.09011437                        0.11630287
37          77       1.0831392     0.10752068                        0.09926764
38          78       1.4397687     0.12264635                        0.08518476
39          79       1.7688098     0.13868023                        0.07840313
40          80       2.0417450     0.15326854                        0.07506743
41          81       2.2466703     0.16337847                        0.07272027
42          82       2.2489586     0.14989204                        0.06664953
43          83       2.2734705     0.17002970                        0.07478861
44          84       2.3416069     0.15576829                        0.06652196
45          85       2.3107771     0.14574356                        0.06307123
46          86       2.3284780     0.14884762                        0.06392486
47          87       2.3342692     0.15725895                        0.06736967
48          88       2.3341860     0.14927722                        0.06395258
49          89       2.3266255     0.15728971                        0.06760422
50          90       2.2965774     0.14540729                        0.06331478
51          91       2.3296006     0.15248106                        0.06545374
52          92       2.3143173     0.15468330                        0.06683755
53          93       2.3067023     0.14958567                        0.06484828
54          94       2.2959352     0.15387046                        0.06701864
55          95       2.2339332     0.14914490                        0.06676336
> # Second Example
> # Temperature dependent relative variance of the refMFI using robust
> # measures (Median, Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)). The parameter
> # errplot is set to FALSE in order to prevent the plot of the
> # coefficient of variation versus the temperature.
> MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)], errplot = FALSE,
+ 	  RSD = TRUE, rob = TRUE)
   Temperature Location (Median) Deviation (MAD) Coefficient of Variance (RSD)
1           41         0.1168285      0.04122801                     35.289338
2           42         0.1215367      0.04101982                     33.750985
3           43         0.1280435      0.03643447                     28.454749
4           44         0.1245683      0.03210703                     25.774635
5           45         0.1257807      0.03522705                     28.006728
6           46         0.1239386      0.03238555                     26.130330
7           47         0.1198350      0.03550124                     29.625088
8           48         0.1170686      0.03872362                     33.077703
9           49         0.1239683      0.03301374                     26.630793
10          50         0.1266961      0.03492535                     27.566230
11          51         0.1213526      0.04018901                     33.117542
12          52         0.1100487      0.03978803                     36.154943
13          53         0.1160415      0.04083214                     35.187547
14          54         0.1227026      0.03983820                     32.467292
15          55         0.1234013      0.03935518                     31.892022
16          56         0.1221147      0.04291504                     35.143218
17          57         0.1289138      0.03414819                     26.489164
18          58         0.1341233      0.03702443                     27.604776
19          59         0.1312609      0.03938580                     30.005742
20          60         0.1321967      0.04327486                     32.735202
21          61         0.1367864      0.03959086                     28.943571
22          62         0.1413276      0.04235376                     29.968493
23          63         0.1516598      0.02769896                     18.263880
24          64         0.1602753      0.03695345                     23.056239
25          65         0.1701476      0.03816645                     22.431381
26          66         0.1775352      0.04289941                     24.163891
27          67         0.1831476      0.03881242                     21.191888
28          68         0.2013120      0.04385745                     21.785814
29          69         0.2302643      0.04243650                     18.429471
30          70         0.2558282      0.04530070                     17.707471
31          71         0.3028309      0.05299881                     17.501122
32          72         0.3538425      0.04260346                     12.040233
33          73         0.3936964      0.06036933                     15.333979
34          74         0.4777797      0.06732794                     14.091839
35          75         0.6116125      0.08339078                     13.634577
36          76         0.7827370      0.11555330                     14.762723
37          77         1.0928498      0.14053960                     12.859919
38          78         1.4418975      0.15874469                     11.009430
39          79         1.7385041      0.21185609                     12.186114
40          80         2.0462325      0.17767627                      8.683093
41          81         2.2659962      0.17367966                      7.664605
42          82         2.2341561      0.19718484                      8.825921
43          83         2.2186537      0.23815827                     10.734360
44          84         2.3313814      0.19591251                      8.403280
45          85         2.2930867      0.19927744                      8.690358
46          86         2.3087026      0.21525757                      9.323746
47          87         2.3339224      0.18997721                      8.139825
48          88         2.3406028      0.16331644                      6.977538
49          89         2.3167884      0.19910561                      8.594035
50          90         2.2998986      0.19313564                      8.397572
51          91         2.3256096      0.18802335                      8.084906
52          92         2.3009024      0.19181761                      8.336625
53          93         2.2954785      0.20142504                      8.774861
54          94         2.3061236      0.20814946                      9.025945
55          95         2.2137000      0.19708364                      8.902906
> # Third Example
> # Temperature dependent relative variance of the refMFI using
> # robust measures (Median, Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)).
> MFIerror(MultiMelt[, 1], MultiMelt[, c(2L:13)], RSD = TRUE,
+   rob = TRUE)
   Temperature Location (Median) Deviation (MAD) Coefficient of Variance (RSD)
1           41         0.1168285      0.04122801                     35.289338
2           42         0.1215367      0.04101982                     33.750985
3           43         0.1280435      0.03643447                     28.454749
4           44         0.1245683      0.03210703                     25.774635
5           45         0.1257807      0.03522705                     28.006728
6           46         0.1239386      0.03238555                     26.130330
7           47         0.1198350      0.03550124                     29.625088
8           48         0.1170686      0.03872362                     33.077703
9           49         0.1239683      0.03301374                     26.630793
10          50         0.1266961      0.03492535                     27.566230
11          51         0.1213526      0.04018901                     33.117542
12          52         0.1100487      0.03978803                     36.154943
13          53         0.1160415      0.04083214                     35.187547
14          54         0.1227026      0.03983820                     32.467292
15          55         0.1234013      0.03935518                     31.892022
16          56         0.1221147      0.04291504                     35.143218
17          57         0.1289138      0.03414819                     26.489164
18          58         0.1341233      0.03702443                     27.604776
19          59         0.1312609      0.03938580                     30.005742
20          60         0.1321967      0.04327486                     32.735202
21          61         0.1367864      0.03959086                     28.943571
22          62         0.1413276      0.04235376                     29.968493
23          63         0.1516598      0.02769896                     18.263880
24          64         0.1602753      0.03695345                     23.056239
25          65         0.1701476      0.03816645                     22.431381
26          66         0.1775352      0.04289941                     24.163891
27          67         0.1831476      0.03881242                     21.191888
28          68         0.2013120      0.04385745                     21.785814
29          69         0.2302643      0.04243650                     18.429471
30          70         0.2558282      0.04530070                     17.707471
31          71         0.3028309      0.05299881                     17.501122
32          72         0.3538425      0.04260346                     12.040233
33          73         0.3936964      0.06036933                     15.333979
34          74         0.4777797      0.06732794                     14.091839
35          75         0.6116125      0.08339078                     13.634577
36          76         0.7827370      0.11555330                     14.762723
37          77         1.0928498      0.14053960                     12.859919
38          78         1.4418975      0.15874469                     11.009430
39          79         1.7385041      0.21185609                     12.186114
40          80         2.0462325      0.17767627                      8.683093
41          81         2.2659962      0.17367966                      7.664605
42          82         2.2341561      0.19718484                      8.825921
43          83         2.2186537      0.23815827                     10.734360
44          84         2.3313814      0.19591251                      8.403280
45          85         2.2930867      0.19927744                      8.690358
46          86         2.3087026      0.21525757                      9.323746
47          87         2.3339224      0.18997721                      8.139825
48          88         2.3406028      0.16331644                      6.977538
49          89         2.3167884      0.19910561                      8.594035
50          90         2.2998986      0.19313564                      8.397572
51          91         2.3256096      0.18802335                      8.084906
52          92         2.3009024      0.19181761                      8.336625
53          93         2.2954785      0.20142504                      8.774861
54          94         2.3061236      0.20814946                      9.025945
55          95         2.2137000      0.19708364                      8.902906
null device 