Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Tomography Plot
tomogplotR Documentation

Tomography Plot


tomogplot is used to produce a tomography plot (see King, 1997) for a series of partially observed 2 x 2 contingency tables.


tomogplot(r0, r1, c0, c1, xlab="fraction of r0 in c0 (p0)",
          ylab="fraction of r1 in c0 (p1)", bgcol="white", ...)



An (ntables * 1) vector of row sums from row 0.


An (ntables * 1) vector of row sums from row 1.


An (ntables * 1) vector of column sums from column 0.


An (ntables * 1) vector of column sums from column 1.


The x axis label for the plot.


The y axis label for the plot.


The background color for the plot.


further arguments to be passed


Consider the following partially observed 2 by 2 contingency table:

| Y=0 | Y=1 |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
X=0 | Y0 | | r0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
X=1 | Y1 | | r1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| c0 | c1 | N

where r0, r1, c0, c1, and N are non-negative integers that are observed. The interior cell entries are not observed. It is assumed that Y0|r0 ~ Binomial(r0, p0) and Y1|r1 ~ Binomial(r1,p1).

This function plots the bounds on the maximum likelihood estimatess for (p0, p1).


Gary King, 1997. A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Jonathan C. Wakefield. 2004. “Ecological Inference for 2 x 2 Tables.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A. 167(3): 385445.

See Also

MCMChierEI, MCMCdynamicEI, dtomogplot


r0 <- rpois(100, 500) 
r1 <- rpois(100, 200) 
c0 <- rpois(100, 100) 
c1 <- (r0 + r1) - c0 
tomogplot(r0, r1, c0, c1) 


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> library(MCMCpack)
Loading required package: coda
Loading required package: MASS
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)
## Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park
## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MCMCpack/tomog.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: tomogplot
> ### Title: Tomography Plot
> ### Aliases: tomogplot
> ### Keywords: hplot
> ### ** Examples
> r0 <- rpois(100, 500) 
> r1 <- rpois(100, 200) 
> c0 <- rpois(100, 100) 
> c1 <- (r0 + r1) - c0 
> tomogplot(r0, r1, c0, c1) 
[1] 0
null device 