Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: A function to perform MDR on a dataset using the three-way...
mdr.3WSR Documentation

A function to perform MDR on a dataset using the three-way split for internal validation.


Determines the best MDR model up to a specified size of interaction K by minimizing balanced accuracy (arithmetic mean of sensitivity and specificity), while using a three-way split internal validation method. The three-way split randomly separates the data into training, testing, and validation sets. The function mdr.3WS is essentially a wrapper for the function mdr.


mdr.3WS(data, K, x = NULL, proportion = NULL, ratio = NULL, equal = "HR", genotype = c(0, 1, 2))



the dataset; an n by (p+1) matrix where the first column is the binary response vector (coded 0 or 1) and the remaining columns are the p SNP genotypes (coded numerically)


the highest level of interaction to consider


the number of models from the training set to retain in the testing set


a three-dimensional vector specifying the ratio of split proportions training:testing:validation (default is 2:2:1 denoted as c(2,2,1))


the case/control ratio threshold to ascribe high-risk/low-risk status of a genotype combination


how to treat genotype combinations with case/control ratio equal to the threshold; default is "HR" for high-risk, but can also consider "LR" for low-risk


a numeric vector of possible genotypes arising in data; default is c(0,1,2), but this vector can be longer or shorter depending on if more or fewer than three genotypes are possible


MDR is a non-parametric data-mining approach to variable selection designed to detect gene-gene or gene-environment interactions in case-control studies. This function uses balanced accuracy as the evaluation measure to rank potential models. An overall best model is chosen to minimize balanced accuracy, while also preventing model over-fitting with internal validation. This function uses a three-way split of the data (training set for model building, testing set for replication, and validation set for prediction) for internal validation.


An object of class 'mdr', which is a list containing:

final model

a numeric vector of the predictors included in the final model

final model accuracy

the balanced accuracy of the final model from the validation set

top models

a list containing the best model (with minimum BA) for each level of interaction, from 1 to K

top model accuracies

a matrix containing the training, testing, and validation accuracies for each level of interaction, from 1 to K


a vector of the high-risk/low-risk parameterizations of the genotype combinations for the final model


the numeric vector of possible genotypes specified

validation method

"3WS", since a three-way split internal validation procedure was utilized



MDR is a combinatorial search approach, so considering high-order interactions (i.e. large values for K) can be computationally expensive.


When determining the high-risk/low-risk status of a genotype combination, the order of combinations uses the convention that the genotypes of the first locus vary the most, based on the function expand.grid. For instance, with 3 genotypes (0,1,2), a two-way interaction results in the following 9 combinations: (0,0), (1,0), (2,0), (0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,2).


Stacey Winham


Ritchie et al (2001). Multifactor-dimensionality reduction reveals high-order interactions among estrogen-metabolism genes in sporadic breast cancer. Am J Hm Genet 69, 138-147.

Velez et al (2007). A balanced accuracy function for epistasis modeling in imbalanced datasets using multifactor dimensionality reduction. Genet Epidemiol 31, 306-315.

Winham SJ and Motsinger AA (2010). A comparison of internal validation techniques for multifactor dimensionality reduction. BMC Bioinformatics.

See Also, mdr, boot.error,, permute.mdr, plot.mdr, predict.mdr, summary.mdr


#load test data

fit<-mdr.3WS(data=mdr1[,1:11], K=3, x = NULL, proportion = NULL, ratio = NULL, equal = "HR", genotype = c(0, 1, 2)) #fit MDR with 3WS to a subset of the sample data, allowing for 1 to 3-way interactions

print(fit) #view the fitted mdr object

summary(fit) #create summary table of best MDR model

plot(fit, data=mdr1) #create contingency plot of best MDR model; may need to expand the plot window for large values of K


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> library(MDR)
Loading required package: lattice
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MDR/mdr.3WS.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: mdr.3WS
> ### Title: A function to perform MDR on a dataset using the three-way split
> ###   for internal validation.
> ### Aliases: mdr.3WS
> ### ** Examples
> #load test data
> data(mdr1)
> fit<-mdr.3WS(data=mdr1[,1:11], K=3, x = NULL, proportion = NULL, ratio = NULL, equal = "HR", genotype = c(0, 1, 2)) #fit MDR with 3WS to a subset of the sample data, allowing for 1 to 3-way interactions
> print(fit) #view the fitted mdr object
$`final model`
[1] 4 6 8

$`final model accuracy`
[1] 66.25616

$`top models`
$`top models`[[1]]
[1] 9

$`top models`[[2]]
[1] 4 9

$`top models`[[3]]
[1] 4 6 8

$`top model accuracies`
     training accuracy testing accuracy prediction accuracy
[1,]          61.66198         60.92437            61.90476
[2,]          68.36612         69.36775            65.59934
[3,]          73.90606         74.26971            66.25616

 [1]  0  1  0  0  1  1  0  1  0  0  1  1  0  0  1  1  1  1 NA  1  0 NA  1  0 NA
[26]  0  1

[1] 0 1 2

$`validation method`
[1] "3WS"

[1] "mdr"
> summary(fit) #create summary table of best MDR model
  Level    Best Models        Training Accuracy    Testing Accuracy
      1              9                    61.66               60.92
      2              4 9                  68.37               69.37
*     3              4 6 8                73.91               74.27
     Validation Accuracy
*                  66.26
'*' indicates overall best model> 
> plot(fit, data=mdr1) #create contingency plot of best MDR model; may need to expand the plot window for large values of K
null device 