Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot hydrogen bond timeseries
hbond_tsR Documentation

Plot hydrogen bond timeseries


Timeseries plot of hydrogen bonds (various selections possible). In addition to the timeseries file, the summary file is also necessary.


hbond_ts( timeseries,
          acceptorRange = NA,
          donorRange = NA,
          plotOccurences = FALSE,
          scalingFactorPlot = NA,
          printNames = FALSE,
          namesToSingle = FALSE,
          printAtoms = FALSE,
          timeUnit = NA,
          snapshotsPerTimeInt = 1000,
          timeRange = NA,
          hbondIndices = NA,
          barePlot = FALSE,
          ... )



Table, containing the timeseries information (e.g. produced by load_hbond_ts()).


Table, containing the summary information (e.g. produced by load_hbond()).


Vector of acceptor resdiues, which are to be plotted.


Vector of donor residues, which are to be plotted.


Specifies, whether the overall summary should also be plotted in a subplot on the right hand side.


To manually set the scaling factor (if necessary).


Enables human readable names rather than the hbond identifiers.


If printNames is TRUE, this flags enables one letter codes.


Enables atom names in hydrogen bond identification on the y-axis.


Specifies the time unit on the x-axis.


Specifies, how many snapshots make up one time unit (see above).


Selects a certain time range specified by a vector.


List, containing vectors to select hbonds by their identifiers.


Boolean, indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information.


Additional arguments (ellipsis).


Christian Margreitter


# see "extdata/hbond_example.txt.gz" and "extdata/hbond_ts_example.txt.gz" for format information
hbond_ts( load_hbond_ts( system.file( "extdata/hbond_ts_example.txt.gz",
                                      package = "MDplot" ) ),
          load_hbond( system.file( "extdata/hbond_example.txt.gz",
                                   package = "MDplot" ) ) )


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
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> library(MDplot)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Loading required package: gplots

Attaching package: 'gplots'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Loading required package: gtools
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MDplot/hbond_ts.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: hbond_ts
> ### Title: Plot hydrogen bond timeseries
> ### Aliases: hbond_ts
> ### Keywords: hbond hydrogen bond timeseries
> ### ** Examples
> # see "extdata/hbond_example.txt.gz" and "extdata/hbond_ts_example.txt.gz" for format information
> hbond_ts( load_hbond_ts( system.file( "extdata/hbond_ts_example.txt.gz",
+                                       package = "MDplot" ) ),
+           load_hbond( system.file( "extdata/hbond_example.txt.gz",
+                                    package = "MDplot" ) ) )
       hbondID occurence [%]
  [1,]       1          1.54
  [2,]       2          3.04
  [3,]       3          3.17
  [4,]       4         69.87
  [5,]       5          0.01
  [6,]       6          3.94
  [7,]       7          0.01
  [8,]       8          0.02
  [9,]       9          0.00
 [10,]      10          0.00
 [11,]      11          0.01
 [12,]      12          0.00
 [13,]      13         35.30
 [14,]      14         94.76
 [15,]      15          0.05
 [16,]      16          0.00
 [17,]      17          0.37
 [18,]      18          0.21
 [19,]      19         93.12
 [20,]      20          0.02
 [21,]      21          0.00
 [22,]      22          3.47
 [23,]      23          0.36
 [24,]      24          0.00
 [25,]      25          0.24
 [26,]      26          0.01
 [27,]      27          0.00
 [28,]      28          0.00
 [29,]      29          0.00
 [30,]      30          0.03
 [31,]      31          0.01
 [32,]      32          0.00
 [33,]      33          0.09
 [34,]      34          0.00
 [35,]      35          0.01
 [36,]      36          0.07
 [37,]      37          0.08
 [38,]      38          0.00
 [39,]      39          0.05
 [40,]      40         92.21
 [41,]      41          0.19
 [42,]      42          0.01
 [43,]      43          0.00
 [44,]      44          0.00
 [45,]      45          0.00
 [46,]      46          0.04
 [47,]      47          0.78
 [48,]      48          0.14
 [49,]      49          0.02
 [50,]      50          0.05
 [51,]      51         92.04
 [52,]      52          0.64
 [53,]      53          0.03
 [54,]      54          0.00
 [55,]      55         93.68
 [56,]      56          1.79
 [57,]      57          0.00
 [58,]      58          0.00
 [59,]      59          0.00
 [60,]      60          0.04
 [61,]      61          0.01
 [62,]      62          0.02
 [63,]      63          0.00
 [64,]      64          4.66
 [65,]      65          0.04
 [66,]      66          0.09
 [67,]      67          0.00
 [68,]      68          0.00
 [69,]      69          0.00
 [70,]      70          0.00
 [71,]      71          0.00
 [72,]      72          0.00
 [73,]      73          0.00
 [74,]      74          0.00
 [75,]      75          0.17
 [76,]      76          0.00
 [77,]      77          0.00
 [78,]      78          0.00
 [79,]      79          0.07
 [80,]      80          1.27
 [81,]      81         75.53
 [82,]      82          3.15
 [83,]      83          0.00
 [84,]      84          0.00
 [85,]      85          0.00
 [86,]      86          0.00
 [87,]      87          0.02
 [88,]      88          0.07
 [89,]      89          0.00
 [90,]      90          0.50
 [91,]      91          0.12
 [92,]      92         65.95
 [93,]      93          0.00
 [94,]      94          0.00
 [95,]      95          0.00
 [96,]      96          0.00
 [97,]      97          0.25
 [98,]      98          0.00
 [99,]      99          0.00
[100,]     100          0.00
[101,]     101          0.00
[102,]     102          0.00
[103,]     103          0.01
[104,]     104          0.00
[105,]     105          0.00
[106,]     106          0.00
[107,]     107          0.00
[108,]     108          0.00
[109,]     109          0.00
[110,]     110          0.00
[111,]     111          0.00
[112,]     112          0.00
[113,]     113          0.00
[114,]     114          0.00
[115,]     115          0.00
[116,]     116          0.00
[117,]     117          0.00
[118,]     118          0.00
[119,]     119          0.17
[120,]     120          0.79
[121,]     121          0.02
[122,]     122          0.61
[123,]     123          0.19
[124,]     124          0.00
[125,]     125          0.00
[126,]     126          0.00
[127,]     127          0.02
[128,]     128         61.62
[129,]     129          0.00
[130,]     130          0.00
[131,]     131          0.00
[132,]     132          0.00
[133,]     133         25.60
[134,]     134          0.00
[135,]     135          0.00
[136,]     136          0.00
[137,]     137          0.00
[138,]     138          0.00
[139,]     139          0.00
[140,]     140          0.00
[141,]     141          0.00
[142,]     142          0.00
[143,]     143          0.00
[144,]     144         83.47
[145,]     145          0.04
[146,]     146          0.00
[147,]     147          0.18
[148,]     148          4.65
[149,]     149          0.02
[150,]     150          0.05
[151,]     151          0.03
[152,]     152          0.00
[153,]     153         25.84
[154,]     154         97.05
[155,]     155          0.23
[156,]     156          0.00
[157,]     157         79.59
[158,]     158          0.01
[159,]     159          0.93
[160,]     160          0.00
[161,]     161          0.19
[162,]     162          0.00
[163,]     163          0.08
[164,]     164          0.00
[165,]     165         32.01
[166,]     166         95.61
[167,]     167          0.07
[168,]     168          0.00
[169,]     169          0.03
[170,]     170          0.00
[171,]     171          0.01
[172,]     172          1.06
[173,]     173          0.06
[174,]     174          0.69
[175,]     175          0.02
[176,]     176          0.21
[177,]     177         89.16
[178,]     178          0.08
[179,]     179          0.11
[180,]     180         82.70
[181,]     181          0.03
[182,]     182          0.46
[183,]     183          0.79
[184,]     184          0.00
[185,]     185          0.03
[186,]     186          0.00
[187,]     187          0.00
[188,]     188         27.01
[189,]     189         98.29
[190,]     190          0.18
[191,]     191          0.00
[192,]     192          1.01
[193,]     193          0.02
[194,]     194          0.04
[195,]     195          0.17
[196,]     196          0.01
[197,]     197          0.11
[198,]     198         90.80
[199,]     199          0.00
[200,]     200          0.02
[201,]     201          0.00
[202,]     202          0.04
[203,]     203          0.01
[204,]     204          0.03
[205,]     205          0.12
[206,]     206         86.53
[207,]     207          0.60
[208,]     208          0.00
[209,]     209          1.20
[210,]     210          0.49
[211,]     211          1.73
[212,]     212         75.61
[213,]     213          0.00
[214,]     214          7.22
[215,]     215          0.02
[216,]     216          0.00
[217,]     217          0.01
[218,]     218         28.84
[219,]     219         97.14
[220,]     220          0.12
[221,]     221          0.00
[222,]     222          0.02
[223,]     223          0.01
[224,]     224         79.89
[225,]     225          0.01
[226,]     226          2.58
[227,]     227          0.00
[228,]     228          0.67
[229,]     229          0.17
[230,]     230          0.01
[231,]     231          0.01
[232,]     232         30.07
[233,]     233         96.63
[234,]     234          0.10
[235,]     235          0.01
[236,]     236          0.20
[237,]     237         93.06
[238,]     238          0.01
[239,]     239          0.03
[240,]     240          0.81
[241,]     241          0.07
[242,]     242          0.97
[243,]     243          0.10
[244,]     244          0.01
[245,]     245         86.08
[246,]     246          0.09
[247,]     247          0.15
[248,]     248          0.04
[249,]     249          2.20
[250,]     250          0.04
[251,]     251          0.01
[252,]     252          0.02
[253,]     253         22.17
[254,]     254         97.94
[255,]     255          0.24
[256,]     256          0.02
[257,]     257          0.24
[258,]     258          0.08
[259,]     259         92.40
[260,]     260          0.01
[261,]     261          0.00
[262,]     262          0.02
[263,]     263          0.59
[264,]     264          0.01
[265,]     265          0.02
[266,]     266          0.05
[267,]     267          0.00
[268,]     268          0.04
[269,]     269          0.01
[270,]     270          0.00
[271,]     271          0.14
[272,]     272         87.61
[273,]     273          1.38
[274,]     274          0.01
[275,]     275          0.02
[276,]     276          0.75
[277,]     277          0.23
[278,]     278          0.00
[279,]     279          0.00
[280,]     280          0.00
[281,]     281          0.00
[282,]     282          0.00
[283,]     283         68.94
[284,]     284          0.05
[285,]     285          0.00
[286,]     286          0.00
[287,]     287          0.00
[288,]     288          0.70
[289,]     289          0.00
[290,]     290          0.00
[291,]     291          0.00
[292,]     292          0.00
[293,]     293          4.29
[294,]     294          0.00
[295,]     295          0.01
[296,]     296          0.00
[297,]     297          0.00
[298,]     298          0.00
[299,]     299          0.00
[300,]     300          0.00
[301,]     301         39.35
[302,]     302         79.93
[303,]     303          0.09
[304,]     304          0.00
[305,]     305          0.00
[306,]     306          0.03
[307,]     307          0.00
[308,]     308          0.02
[309,]     309          0.00
[310,]     310          0.00
[311,]     311          4.53
[312,]     312         72.01
[313,]     313          0.01
[314,]     314          0.00
[315,]     315          0.00
[316,]     316          0.00
[317,]     317          0.00
[318,]     318          0.00
[319,]     319          0.00
[320,]     320          1.05
[321,]     321         12.24
[322,]     322          0.02
[323,]     323          0.00
[324,]     324          0.00
[325,]     325          0.00
[326,]     326          0.00
[327,]     327          0.00
[328,]     328          0.01
[329,]     329          0.00
[330,]     330          0.09
[331,]     331          0.00
[332,]     332         75.29
[333,]     333          0.02
[334,]     334          0.00
[335,]     335          0.00
[336,]     336          0.00
[337,]     337          0.17
[338,]     338          0.00
[339,]     339          0.02
[340,]     340          0.00
[341,]     341          0.00
[342,]     342          0.00
[343,]     343          3.76
[344,]     344          0.02
[345,]     345          0.00
[346,]     346          0.00
[347,]     347         36.36
[348,]     348         96.97
[349,]     349          0.04
[350,]     350          0.00
[351,]     351          0.00
[352,]     352          0.00
[353,]     353          0.01
[354,]     354          0.00
[355,]     355          0.00
[356,]     356         74.28
[357,]     357          0.02
[358,]     358          0.00
[359,]     359          1.41
[360,]     360          0.00
[361,]     361          0.00
[362,]     362          0.88
[363,]     363          0.00
[364,]     364          0.14
[365,]     365          0.01
[366,]     366          0.00
[367,]     367         32.51
[368,]     368         95.07
[369,]     369          0.04
[370,]     370          0.00
[371,]     371          0.00
[372,]     372          0.00
[373,]     373          0.08
[374,]     374          0.01
[375,]     375         86.43
[376,]     376          0.19
[377,]     377          0.00
[378,]     378          0.00
[379,]     379          0.00
[380,]     380          0.29
[381,]     381          1.29
[382,]     382          0.02
[383,]     383          0.01
[384,]     384          0.02
[385,]     385          0.02
[386,]     386          0.04
[387,]     387          0.01
[388,]     388          0.00
[389,]     389          0.06
[390,]     390         82.19
[391,]     391          0.03
[392,]     392          0.19
[393,]     393          0.11
null device 