Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Compress a MRIaggr object
constCompressMRIaggrR Documentation

Compress a MRIaggr object


Generate from an existing MRIaggr object a new one with lower spatial resolution.


## S4 method for signature 'MRIaggr'
constCompressMRIaggr(object, compression.factor, param = NULL,
         mask = NULL, threshold = 0.49, verbose = optionsMRIaggr("verbose"))



an object of class MRIaggr. REQUIRED.


the compression factor. postive integer. REQUIRED.


the contrast parameters to load in the new MRIaggr object. character vector or NULL.


the binary contrast parameter(s). character vector.


the value above which the local mean of the binary parameters is assigned to 1 (and otherwise to 0). numeric between 0 and 1.


should the execution of the function be traced ? logical.


Information about the param argument can be found in the details section of initParameter.

The fonction uses a local mean to compress the initial parameters maps to a lower resolution.


a MRIaggr object.


## load a MRIaggr object
data("MRIaggr.Pat1_red", package = "MRIaggr")
## compress the MRIaggr object
MRIaggr.compressed <- constCompressMRIaggr(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, compression.factor = 2,
                                           param = c("DWI_t0","T2_FLAIR_t2","MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2"),
                                           mask = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2") 

## display
par(mfrow = c(2,4), mar = rep(1.75,4), mgp = c(2,0.75,0))
multiplot(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, param = "DWI_t0", window = NULL, breaks = seq(0,350,1),
             midplane = TRUE, main = "before - slice ")
multiplot(MRIaggr.compressed, param = "DWI_t0", window = NULL, breaks = seq(0,350,1),
             midplane = TRUE, main = "after - slice ")

multiplot(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, param = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2", main = "before - slice ")
multiplot(MRIaggr.compressed, param = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2", main = "after - slice ")


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> library(MRIaggr)
Loading required package: Rcpp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MRIaggr/MRIaggr-constCompressMRIaggr.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: constCompressMRIaggr
> ### Title: Compress a MRIaggr object
> ### Aliases: constCompressMRIaggr constCompressMRIaggr,MRIaggr-method
> ### Keywords: methods
> ### ** Examples
> ## load a MRIaggr object
> data("MRIaggr.Pat1_red", package = "MRIaggr")
> ## compress the MRIaggr object
> MRIaggr.compressed <- constCompressMRIaggr(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, compression.factor = 2,
+                                            param = c("DWI_t0","T2_FLAIR_t2","MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2"),
+                                            mask = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2") 
slice : 1 2 3 
constCompressMRIaggr[MRIaggr] : MRIaggr has been compressed from (x, y) = 78 100
                                                              to (x, y) = 39 50
> ## display
> par(mfrow = c(2,4), mar = rep(1.75,4), mgp = c(2,0.75,0))
> multiplot(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, param = "DWI_t0", window = NULL, breaks = seq(0,350,1),
+              midplane = TRUE, main = "before - slice ")
> multiplot(MRIaggr.compressed, param = "DWI_t0", window = NULL, breaks = seq(0,350,1),
+              midplane = TRUE, main = "after - slice ")
> multiplot(MRIaggr.Pat1_red, param = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2", main = "before - slice ")
> multiplot(MRIaggr.compressed, param = "MASK_T2_FLAIR_t2", main = "after - slice ")
null device 