Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Computation of the spatial potential
calcMultiPotentialR Documentation

Computation of the spatial potential


Compute the regional potential of a spatial field. Call the calcMultiPotential_cpp C++ function.


calcMultiPotential(W_SR, W_LR, distance.ref, sample, coords,
         threshold = 0.01, nbGroup_min = 100, check.args = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)



The local neighborhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should be normalized by row (i.e. rowSums(Wweight_SR)=1). REQUIRED.


The regional neighborhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should contain the distances between the observations (0 indicating infinite distance). REQUIRED.


The intervals of distance defining the several neighborhood orders in W_LR. numeric vector. REQUIRED.


The probability membership to the group. numeric vector or character vector. REQUIRED.


The voxel coordinates. matrix. REQUIRED.


The minimum value to consider non-negligible group membership. numeric. Default is 0.01.


The minimum group size of the spatial groups required for computing the potential. integer. Default is 100.


Should the validity of the arguments be checked ? logical.


Should the radius of the spatial groups be displayed ? logical.


If check.args is set to TRUE, argument ccords must be a matrix (and not a data.frame) and the x slot of argument W_LR must contain categories of distances instead of distances. Distance categories must begin at 0 and end at length(distance.ref)-1.


A numeric vector containing the regional potential.


# spatial field
## Not run: 
n <- 30

## End(Not run)

G <- 3
coords <- data.frame(which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE), 1)
optionsMRIaggr(quantiles.legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, num.main = FALSE)

# neighborhood matrix
W_SR <- calcW(coords, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
W_LR <- calcW(coords, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE)$W
distance.ref <- seq(1, 10, 1)

# data
sample <- simulPotts(W = W_SR, G = G, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500)


V1 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
     sample = sample$simulation[,2], coords = coords, verbose = TRUE)

multiplot(coords, V1)		

sampleV <- (apply(sample$simulation, 1, which.max) - 1) / 2
multiplot(coords, sampleV)

  V2 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
     sample = sampleV, coords = coords, verbose = TRUE)

Wcat_LR <- W_LR
Wcat_LR@x <- findInterval(x = Wcat_LR@x, vec = distance.ref) - 1

  V2 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = Wcat_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
     sample = sampleV, coords = as.matrix(coords), verbose = TRUE, check.args = FALSE)
# quicker but arguments have to be correctly specified

multiplot(coords, V2)		


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> library(MRIaggr)
Loading required package: Rcpp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MRIaggr/sfMM-calcMultiPotential.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: calcMultiPotential
> ### Title: Computation of the spatial potential
> ### Aliases: calcMultiPotential
> ### Keywords: functions
> ### ** Examples
> # spatial field
> ## Not run: 
> ##D n <- 30
> ## End(Not run)
> ## Don't show: 
> n <- 10
> ## End(Don't show)
> G <- 3
> coords <- data.frame(which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0, arr.ind = TRUE), 1)
> optionsMRIaggr(quantiles.legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, num.main = FALSE)
> # neighborhood matrix
> W_SR <- calcW(coords, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
> W_LR <- calcW(coords, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE)$W
> distance.ref <- seq(1, 10, 1)
> # data
> set.seed(10)
> sample <- simulPotts(W = W_SR, G = G, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500)
NOTE : specifying argument 'site_order' would speed up the execution of the function 
0% 10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
> # 
> multiplot(coords,sample$simulation[,2])
> V1 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
+      sample = sample$simulation[,2], coords = coords, verbose = TRUE)
segment x slot of argument 'W_LR' according to argument 'distance.ref' 
radius :  10.22   
> multiplot(coords, V1)		
> #
> sampleV <- (apply(sample$simulation, 1, which.max) - 1) / 2
> multiplot(coords, sampleV)
> system.time(
+   V2 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
+      sample = sampleV, coords = coords, verbose = TRUE)
+ )
segment x slot of argument 'W_LR' according to argument 'distance.ref' 
radius :  11.42   
   user  system elapsed 
  0.008   0.000   0.007 
> Wcat_LR <- W_LR
> Wcat_LR@x <- findInterval(x = Wcat_LR@x, vec = distance.ref) - 1
> system.time(
+   V2 <- calcMultiPotential(W_SR = W_SR, W_LR = Wcat_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 1),
+      sample = sampleV, coords = as.matrix(coords), verbose = TRUE, check.args = FALSE)
+ )
radius :  11.42   
   user  system elapsed 
  0.000   0.000   0.002 
> # quicker but arguments have to be correctly specified
> multiplot(coords, V2)		
null device 