Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Spatial regularization using ICM
calcPottsR Documentation

Spatial regularization using ICM


Interface to C++ functions that perform spatial regularization of probabilistic group membership using Iterated Conditional Means.


calcPotts(W_SR, sample, rho, prior = TRUE, site_order = NULL, W_LR = NULL, 
         nbGroup_min = 100, coords = NULL, distance.ref = NULL, threshold = 0.1,
		 multiV = TRUE, iter_max = 200, cv.criterion = 0.005, verbose = 2)



The local neighborhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should be normalized by row (i.e. rowSums(W_SR)=1). REQUIRED.


The initial group probability membership. numeric vector. REQUIRED.


Value of the spatial regularisation parameters. numeric vector. REQUIRED.


Should the sample values be used as a prior ? logical.


a specific order to go all over the sites. integer vector.


The regional neighborhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should contain the distances between the observations (0 indicating infinite distance).


The minimum group size of the spatial groups required for performing regional regularization. integer.


The voxel coordinates. matrix.


The intervals of distance defining the several neighborhood orders in W_LR. numeric vector.


The minimum value to consider non-negligible group membership. numeric.


Should the regional potential range be specific to each spatial group ? logical.


Maximum number of ICM iterations. integer.


Convergence criterion of the ICM . numeric.


should the ICM be be traced over iterations ? logical. 1 to display each iteration and 2 to display convergence diagnostics.


The convergence criterion of the ICM is computed as maximum absolute difference between the group membership probability between two consecutive iterations.



# spatial field
## Not run: 
n <- 30

## End(Not run)

G <- 3
coords <- which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0,arr.ind = TRUE)

# neighborhood matrix
W_SR <- calcW(, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
resW <- calcW(, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE, calcBlockW = TRUE)
W_LR <- resW$W
site_order <- unlist(resW$blocks$ls_groups) - 1

# initialisation
sample <- simulPotts(W_SR, G = 3, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500, 
     site_order = site_order)$simulation

intensity <- rnorm((n * G)^2, mean = apply(sample, 1, which.max), sd = 0.5)
likelihood <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:3, function(x){dnorm(intensity, mean = x, sd = 0.5)})),
     ncol = G, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE)
likelihood_sqrt <- sqrt(likelihood)

probability <- sweep(likelihood_sqrt, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "/", STATS = rowSums(likelihood_sqrt))
multiplot(, probability, palette = "rgb",
     main = "original image")

#### local image restoration
LocalRestoration <- calcPotts(W_SR = W_SR, sample = probability, rho = 4,
     site_order = site_order)

multiplot(, LocalRestoration$predicted, palette = "rgb",
     main = "local restoration of the image")

#### regional image restoration
distance.ref <- seq(1, 10, 1)

RegionalRestoration <- calcPotts(W_SR = W_SR, sample = probability, 
     rho = c(4,2), site_order = site_order,
     W_LR = W_LR, coords = coords, distance.ref = distance.ref)
# regional potential  
     matrix(unlist(RegionalRestoration$Vregional), ncol = 3, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE),
     palette = "rgb", main = "regional potentials")

# final image
     matrix(unlist(RegionalRestoration$predicted), ncol = 3, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE),
     palette = "rgb", main = "local and regional \n restoration of the image")


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> library(MRIaggr)
Loading required package: Rcpp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MRIaggr/sfMM-calcPotts.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: calcPotts
> ### Title: Spatial regularization using ICM
> ### Aliases: calcPotts
> ### ** Examples
> optionsMRIaggr(legend=FALSE,axes=FALSE,num.main=FALSE,mar=c(0,2,2,0))
> # spatial field
> ## Not run: 
> ##D n <- 30
> ## End(Not run)
> ## Don't show: 
> n <- 10
> ## End(Don't show)
> G <- 3
> coords <- which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0,arr.ind = TRUE)
> # neighborhood matrix
> W_SR <- calcW(, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
> resW <- calcW(, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE, calcBlockW = TRUE)
> W_LR <- resW$W
> site_order <- unlist(resW$blocks$ls_groups) - 1
> # initialisation
> set.seed(10)
> system.time(
+ sample <- simulPotts(W_SR, G = 3, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500, 
+      site_order = site_order)$simulation
+ )
0% 10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
   user  system elapsed 
  0.100   0.000   0.099 
> intensity <- rnorm((n * G)^2, mean = apply(sample, 1, which.max), sd = 0.5)
> likelihood <- matrix(unlist(lapply(1:3, function(x){dnorm(intensity, mean = x, sd = 0.5)})),
+      ncol = G, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE)
> likelihood_sqrt <- sqrt(likelihood)
> probability <- sweep(likelihood_sqrt, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "/", STATS = rowSums(likelihood_sqrt))
> multiplot(, probability, palette = "rgb",
+      main = "original image")
> #### local image restoration
> LocalRestoration <- calcPotts(W_SR = W_SR, sample = probability, rho = 4,
+      site_order = site_order)
iteration 1 : totaldiff = 377.477 | maxdiff = 0.719846
iteration 2 : totaldiff = 126.706 | maxdiff = 0.461399
iteration 3 : totaldiff = 37.6441 | maxdiff = 0.197652
iteration 4 : totaldiff = 15.3192 | maxdiff = 0.131896
iteration 5 : totaldiff = 7.86262 | maxdiff = 0.0863482
iteration 6 : totaldiff = 4.561 | maxdiff = 0.0553534
iteration 7 : totaldiff = 2.86262 | maxdiff = 0.0393689
iteration 8 : totaldiff = 1.89935 | maxdiff = 0.0271843
iteration 9 : totaldiff = 1.31207 | maxdiff = 0.0230567
iteration 10 : totaldiff = 0.938505 | maxdiff = 0.0207437
iteration 11 : totaldiff = 0.694233 | maxdiff = 0.0186982
iteration 12 : totaldiff = 0.531938 | maxdiff = 0.0168628
iteration 13 : totaldiff = 0.42073 | maxdiff = 0.0151973
iteration 14 : totaldiff = 0.34252 | maxdiff = 0.013675
iteration 15 : totaldiff = 0.285769 | maxdiff = 0.0122937
iteration 16 : totaldiff = 0.242721 | maxdiff = 0.0110251
iteration 17 : totaldiff = 0.208744 | maxdiff = 0.00985519
iteration 18 : totaldiff = 0.181017 | maxdiff = 0.00878157
iteration 19 : totaldiff = 0.157821 | maxdiff = 0.0078014
iteration 20 : totaldiff = 0.138047 | maxdiff = 0.0069112
iteration 21 : totaldiff = 0.120965 | maxdiff = 0.00610681
iteration 22 : totaldiff = 0.106074 | maxdiff = 0.00538341
iteration 23 : totaldiff = 0.0930191 | maxdiff = 0.00473571
> multiplot(, LocalRestoration$predicted, palette = "rgb",
+      main = "local restoration of the image")
> #### regional image restoration
> distance.ref <- seq(1, 10, 1)
> RegionalRestoration <- calcPotts(W_SR = W_SR, sample = probability, 
+      rho = c(4,2), site_order = site_order,
+      W_LR = W_LR, coords = coords, distance.ref = distance.ref)
iteration 1 : totaldiff = 451.389 | maxdiff = 0.784689
iteration 2 : totaldiff = 157.917 | maxdiff = 0.583253
iteration 3 : totaldiff = 94.7593 | maxdiff = 0.510262
iteration 4 : totaldiff = 60.7116 | maxdiff = 0.415989
iteration 5 : totaldiff = 40.2135 | maxdiff = 0.493415
iteration 6 : totaldiff = 25.5837 | maxdiff = 0.315286
iteration 7 : totaldiff = 17.2948 | maxdiff = 0.387792
iteration 8 : totaldiff = 14.0267 | maxdiff = 0.342669
iteration 9 : totaldiff = 12.6206 | maxdiff = 0.523771
iteration 10 : totaldiff = 9.70745 | maxdiff = 0.417766
iteration 11 : totaldiff = 7.00181 | maxdiff = 0.305046
iteration 12 : totaldiff = 5.73897 | maxdiff = 0.278059
iteration 13 : totaldiff = 4.08077 | maxdiff = 0.223751
iteration 14 : totaldiff = 2.07393 | maxdiff = 0.140449
iteration 15 : totaldiff = 0.969519 | maxdiff = 0.0604498
iteration 16 : totaldiff = 0.451038 | maxdiff = 0.0236845
iteration 17 : totaldiff = 0.224973 | maxdiff = 0.0136769
iteration 18 : totaldiff = 0.122385 | maxdiff = 0.00774178
iteration 19 : totaldiff = 0.0709919 | maxdiff = 0.00438846
iteration 20 : totaldiff = 0.919245 | maxdiff = 0.0283198
iteration 21 : totaldiff = 0.403364 | maxdiff = 0.0189132
iteration 22 : totaldiff = 0.218222 | maxdiff = 0.0125333
iteration 23 : totaldiff = 0.130883 | maxdiff = 0.00782152
iteration 24 : totaldiff = 0.0828992 | maxdiff = 0.00486518
iteration 25 : totaldiff = 0.275483 | maxdiff = 0.00790047
iteration 26 : totaldiff = 0.14834 | maxdiff = 0.00521008
iteration 27 : totaldiff = 0.0913053 | maxdiff = 0.0040836
iteration 28 : totaldiff = 0.14551 | maxdiff = 0.00602982
iteration 29 : totaldiff = 0.0893481 | maxdiff = 0.00455238
iteration 30 : totaldiff = 0.104816 | maxdiff = 0.00547746
iteration 31 : totaldiff = 0.0666083 | maxdiff = 0.00401763
iteration 32 : totaldiff = 0.0808827 | maxdiff = 0.00470659
 Group  1  - radius :  4.15
 Group  2  - radius :  
 Group  3  - radius :  10.92
> # regional potential  
> multiplot(,
+      matrix(unlist(RegionalRestoration$Vregional), ncol = 3, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE),
+      palette = "rgb", main = "regional potentials")
> # final image
> multiplot(,
+      matrix(unlist(RegionalRestoration$predicted), ncol = 3, nrow = (n * G)^2, byrow = FALSE),
+      palette = "rgb", main = "local and regional \n restoration of the image")
null device 