Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Estimation of the local and regional spatial correlation
rhoMFR Documentation

Estimation of the local and regional spatial correlation


Estimation the spatial regularization parameters on external data using mean field approximation.


rhoMF(Y, W_SR, rho_max = 50, prior_prevalence = TRUE, 
    test.regional = FALSE, W_LR, distance.ref, coords, threshold = 0.1,
	nbGroup_min = 100, regionalGroups = "last_vs_others", multiV = TRUE)



a matrix containing the observations (by rows) for the various groups (by columns). REQUIRED.


the local neighbourhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should be normalized by row (i.e. rowSums(Wweight_SR)=1). REQUIRED.


Maximum possible rho value (numeric), minimum is 0.


should a prior on class prevalence be including when estimating the regularisation parameters ? logical.


Should regional regularization be considered. logical.


the regional neighbourhood matrix. dgCMatrix. Should be contains the distances between the observations (0 indicating infinite distance).


the interval of distance defining the several neighbourhood orders in W_LR. numeric vector.


the minimum value of the posterior probability for group G for being considered as lesioned when forming the spatial groups. double.


the minimum group size of the spatial groups required for computing the regional potential. integer.


coordinates of each site. matrix.


how should the regional potential be computed : last group versus the others ("last_vs_others") or for each group ("each").


should the regional neighbourhood range be computed for each spatial group ? logical.


A numericVector containing the estimated regularisation parameter(s).

See Also

calcW to compute the neighbourhood matrix,
simulPotts to draw simulations from a Potts model.
rhoLvfree to estimate the regularization parameters using mean field approximation. calcPottsParameter general interface for estimating the regularization parameters.


# spatial field
## Not run: 
n <- 50

## End(Not run)

G <- 3
coords <- which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0,arr.ind = TRUE)

# neighbourhood matrix
W_SR <- calcW(, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
W_LR <- calcW(, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE)$W

# initialisation
sample <- simulPotts(W_SR, G = 3, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500, 
                     site_order = TRUE)$simulation

multiplot(, sample,palette = "rgb")

# estimation
rho <- rhoMF(Y=sample, W_SR = W_SR)

# the regional potential is computed for each group
rho <- rhoMF(Y = sample, W_SR = W_SR,
             test.regional = TRUE, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 0.5),
			 coords = coords, regionalGroups = "each")

# the regional potential is computed for the last group vs. the others
rho <- rhoMF(Y = sample, W_SR = W_SR,
             test.regional = TRUE, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 0.5),
			 coords = coords, regionalGroups = "last_vs_others")


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> library(MRIaggr)
Loading required package: Rcpp
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MRIaggr/sfMM-rhoMF.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: rhoMF
> ### Title: Estimation of the local and regional spatial correlation
> ### Aliases: rhoMF
> ### ** Examples
> # spatial field
> ## Not run: 
> ##D n <- 50
> ## End(Not run)
> ## Don't show: 
> n <- 10
> ## End(Don't show)
> G <- 3
> coords <- which(matrix(0, nrow = n * G, ncol = n * G) == 0,arr.ind = TRUE)
> # neighbourhood matrix
> W_SR <- calcW(, range = sqrt(2), row.norm = TRUE)$W
> W_LR <- calcW(, range = 10, row.norm = FALSE)$W
> # initialisation
> set.seed(10)
> sample <- simulPotts(W_SR, G = 3, rho = 3.5, iter_max = 500, 
+                      site_order = TRUE)$simulation
0% 10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
0% 10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100%
> multiplot(, sample,palette = "rgb")
> # estimation
> rho <- rhoMF(Y=sample, W_SR = W_SR)
> rho
[1] 3.684189
> # the regional potential is computed for each group
> rho <- rhoMF(Y = sample, W_SR = W_SR,
+              test.regional = TRUE, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 0.5),
+ 			 coords = coords, regionalGroups = "each")
> rho
[1] 1.207717 6.258988
> # the regional potential is computed for the last group vs. the others
> rho <- rhoMF(Y = sample, W_SR = W_SR,
+              test.regional = TRUE, W_LR = W_LR, distance.ref = seq(1, 10, 0.5),
+ 			 coords = coords, regionalGroups = "last_vs_others")
> rho
[1]  3.190126 16.414513
null device 