Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Multinomial Response Models with Structured Penalties
MRSPR Documentation

Multinomial Response Models with Structured Penalties


Fit models with multinomial response (including ordinal regression) with structured penalties.


MRSP(formula, data, class.names = NULL, model = multinomlogit(), constr = NULL,
     offset = NULL, weights = NULL, penweights = NULL, standardize = TRUE,
     nrlambda = 50, lambdamin = 0.01, lambdamax = NULL, control = NULL,
     penalty = TRUE, group.classes = TRUE, group.dummies = TRUE,
     sparse.groups = FALSE, adaptive = FALSE, threshold = FALSE, refit = FALSE,
     lambda, lambdaR = 0, lambdaF = 0, gamma = 1, psi = 1, fusion = FALSE,
     nonneg = FALSE, y = NULL, X = NULL, Z = NULL, penindex = NULL,
     grpindex = NULL, mlfit = NULL, = TRUE, ...)



A symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The left-hand side specifies the response, which must be a categorical variable with K categories. The right-hand-side specifies the covariate structure. See details below.


A data frame containing the variables in formula. It must be in long format. This means that K rows are required for each individual observation. For details and a possibility to convert to this format, see from the mlogit package. The response variable must be either a 0-1-vector or a logical vector, with 1 or TRUE indicating the observed class/category/alternative.


An optional character vector of length K specifying the names of the response classes/categories.


An object of class MRSP.model that specifies the model to be used. Currently, model = multinomlogit() and model = sequentiallogit() are available, yielding a multinomial or sequential logit model, respectively. Cumulative logit models will be included in future versions of MRSP.


The identifiability constraint to be used. The coefficients of predictors which do not vary over categories (i.e. global/individual-specific predictors) are not identifiable in (unpenalized) multinomial logit models. Either an integer in [1,K] or "symmetric" or "none". See details below.


An optional vector of offsets. Must be of appropriate length.


An optional vector of observations weights. Must be of appropriate length.


An object containing weights that modify the penalty terms on different parameters. See for details.


If TRUE, predictors are mean-centered and standardized to unit variance. The reported coefficients, by default, correspond to the original covariates.

nrlambda, lambdamin, lambdamax

If a sequence of lambda values is not specified explicitly via argument lambda, MRSP computes a suitable grid of length nrlambda, ranging from lambdamin to lambdamax. If lambdamax is missing, MRSP tries to find a suitable value for it.


An object of class MRSP.control that stores control information. It's slots max.iter and rel.tol specify the max number of iterations and the relative change in penalized log-likelihood values that indicates convergence. The other slots should not be changed unless by experienced users.


Specifies the general type of penalty to be applied. FALSE means no penalty is used. TRUE means that a lasso-type penalty is applied. "Ridge" applies a ridge penalty. Arguments group.classes, group.dummies and sparse.groups have no effect unless penalty = TRUE.


If TRUE, lasso-type penalties will be grouped across all coefficients belonging to the same covariate. This corresponds to the ‘CATS Lasso’ penalty proposed in Tutz, Poessnecker and Uhlmann (2015).


If entries on the rhs of formula refer to factor variables with more than 2 levels, several dummy variables will enter the model that are related to the same actual covariate. Setting this argument to TRUE will yield penalty terms that treat all corresponding coefficients as one parameter group. This corresponds to the original ‘Group Lasso’ of Yuan and Lin (2006).

sparse.groups, gamma

If TRUE, parameter groups will also be penalized by an L1 penalty on top of the unsquared L2 penalty. If the L2 penalty uses a tuning parameter of value lambda, the L1 penalty will use tuning parameter lambda*gamma.


Should adaptive weights be used? Use adaptive="ML" to obtain the traditional adaptive weights proposed in the literature. Using adaptive = TRUE computes the penalized estimator with whatever penalty is specified and no adaptive weights and computes adaptive weights from the output of this penalized model. The final output is the computed with those adaptive weights. It is strongly recommended to prefer adaptive="ML" over adaptive=TRUE.


If TRUE, the coefficients will be thresholded with an appropriate threshold value. You can also specify an explicit nonnegative value to be used as the threshold.


Should refitting be performed? If TRUE, the model is first fit traditionally, and then refitted on the active set found by this first fit. This can improve variable selection, but tends to be rather slow and memory-consuming.


Tuning parameter(s) to be used. Can be a nonnegative scalar or vector. If missing, MRSP computes a suitable grid of lambda values, see also nrlambda.


Lambda value(s) for ridge penalties. Same structure as lambda.


Lambda values(s) for fusion penalties. Same structure as lambda. Not yet supported for end-users of MRSP, but included for compatibility with future releases of MRSP.


A numeric that balances the weighting of penalties on global and class-/category-/alternative-specific predictors (if present) in multinomial logit models. Penalties on global predictors are weighted with psi, penalties on class-specific predictors are weighted with (2-psi).


If fusion penalties are used, this specifies the type of fusion. Not yet supported for end-users of MRSP, but included for compatibility with future releases of MRSP.


If TRUE, all coefficients are restricted to be nonnegative.

y, X, Z, penindex, grpindex, mlfit

These optional arguments allow to supply the corresponding objects directly to It is highly recommended not to use those arguments and to use formula instead for the model specification.

If TRUE, the model is fitted. If FALSE, function MRSP prepares the call to and returns a list from which this call can be accessed.


Further arguments to be passed.


For model = multinomlogit(), a formula of the form “Y ~ x | z1 | z2” yields linear predictors

eta_r = beta_0r + x ' beta_r + z1_r ' gamma + z2_r ' delta_r

for r=1,…,K, which are connected to probabilities by the multinomial logit link, also known as softmax function:

P(Y = r | x, z1, z2) = exp(eta_r) / sum[ exp(eta_s)]_{s=1,...,K}.

This means that the x-variables have global values that are class-/category-/alternative-unspecific. The coefficients belonging to those global variables are not identifiable in the generic form of the multinomial logit model as given above. Therefore, an identifiability constraint can be specified with argument constr: By setting constr = r (with r in [1,K]), category r is chosen as reference category. Technically, this means setting beta_r = 0. Alternatively, constr="symmetric" specifies a so-called symmetric side constraint, which technically means imposing that

sum[ beta_sj ]_{s=1,...,K} = 0,

for all j=1,…,p. If constr = "none", no constraint is used for penalized parameter groups and identifiability is ensured by the penalty term (see Friedman, Hastie and Tibshirani, 2010). Coefficients of an unpenalized x-variable are subject to a symmetric side constraint in this case.
The z1- and z2-variables are class-/category-/alternative-specific. The z1-variables have a global effect while the category-specific z2-variables are equipped with coefficients that are also category-specific. Note that no identifiability constraints are required for category-specific variables.

For model = sequentiallogit(), a formula of the form “Y ~ x1 | x2” yields linear predictors of the form

eta_r = beta_0r + x1 ' alpha + x2 ' beta_r

for r=1,…,K-1, which are connected to conditional probabilities via the logit link in the following way:

P(Y = r | Y >= r, x1, x2) = exp(eta_r) / (1 + exp(eta_r))

for r=1,…,K-1.
Note that in the sequential case, slot "mu" of an MRSP-class object contains the unconditional class probabilities P(Y = r). If you want to get the “discrete” hazard rates P(Y = r | Y >= r), use methods fitted or predict with argument convert2hazard=TRUE.


Depending on nrlambda, either an object of class MRSP or of class MRSP.list, which are lists of length nrlambda whose elements are MRSP objects. Additionally, the attributes “topcall”, “call” and “dat” store, respectively, the call to MRSP, the call to which was prepared by MRSP and the data object to be supplied to Note that dat contains the standardized covariates if standardize = TRUE.


Wolfgang Poessnecker


Tutz, G., Poessnecker, W. and Uhlmann, L. (2015): Variable Selection in General Multinomial Logit Models
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 82, 207-222.

Friedman, J., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2010): Regularization Paths for Generalized Linear Models via Coordinate Descent,
Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 33(1), 1-22.

Yuan, M. and Lin, Y. (2006): Model selection and estimation in regression with grouped variables
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B, Vol. 68(1), 49-67.


## load data
data(TravelMode, package="MRSP")
## bring the response variable to the form required by MRSP
TravelMode$choice <- ifelse(TravelMode$choice=="yes",1,0)

## construct a list of fitted models for different lambda values. 
## income is a global predictor, wait is a class-specific predictor with global
## coefficients, vcost and travel are specified as class-specific predictors 
## with class-specific coefficients. The fourth category ("car") is chosen as 
## reference. 
fit <- MRSP(choice~income|wait|vcost+travel, data=TravelMode, constr=4,
            class.names=levels(TravelMode$mode), lambdamax=150, nrlambda=10,
            group.classes=TRUE, sparse.groups=FALSE, adaptive="ML")

## slots can be extracted from all elements via function 'extract':
BICs <- extract(fit, "BIC")
lambdagrid <- extract(fit, "lambda")

## to select a concrete lambda/model, one can use function 'select'. Here, we
## chose the best model according to its AIC value
bestfit <- select(fit, "AIC")

## some methods:
## get the coefficients belonging to standardized predictors:
coef(bestfit, type="stand")
predict(bestfit, newdata = TravelMode[1:40,c(4,5,6,8)])

## plot some coefficient paths:
## you can either specify the number of the variable...
plot(fit, 2, legendpars=list(x="bottomright"))
## ... or its name as a character string. lcex is the cex parameter for legends.
## set it to zero to disable legend plotting. 
plot(fit,"travel", lambda = bestfit@lambda, lcex=0)


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> library(MRSP)
Loading required package: parallel
Loading required package: compiler
Loading required package: matrixcalc
Loading required package: Formula
This is MRSP version 0.4.3
Author: Wolfgang Poessnecker
Date: December 09, 2014

Attaching package: 'MRSP'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MRSP/MRSP.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: MRSP
> ### Title: Multinomial Response Models with Structured Penalties
> ### Aliases: MRSP MRSP,ANY-method
> ### Keywords: Regularization Penalization Group Lasso Multinomial Logit
> ###   Model CATS Lasso
> ### ** Examples
> ## load data
> data(TravelMode, package="MRSP")
> ## bring the response variable to the form required by MRSP
> TravelMode$choice <- ifelse(TravelMode$choice=="yes",1,0)
> ## construct a list of fitted models for different lambda values. 
> ## income is a global predictor, wait is a class-specific predictor with global
> ## coefficients, vcost and travel are specified as class-specific predictors 
> ## with class-specific coefficients. The fourth category ("car") is chosen as 
> ## reference. 
> fit <- MRSP(choice~income|wait|vcost+travel, data=TravelMode, constr=4,
+             class.names=levels(TravelMode$mode), lambdamax=150, nrlambda=10,
+             group.classes=TRUE, sparse.groups=FALSE, adaptive="ML")
> fit
Model object of class 'MRSP.list'.
A list of 10 objects of class 'MRSP', with additional attributes 'topcall', 'call' and 'dat'.

MRSP(formula = choice ~ income | wait | vcost + travel, data = TravelMode, 
    class.names = c("air", "train", "bus", "car"), constr = 4, 
    nrlambda = 10, lambdamax = 150, group.classes = TRUE, sparse.groups = FALSE, 
    adaptive = "ML", model = expression(multinomlogit()))

Model type:
Multinomial Logit Model

Lambda values ranging from 0.01 to 150.
> ## slots can be extracted from all elements via function 'extract':
> BICs <- extract(fit, "BIC")
> lambdagrid <- extract(fit, "lambda")
> ## to select a concrete lambda/model, one can use function 'select'. Here, we
> ## chose the best model according to its AIC value
> bestfit <- select(fit, "AIC")
> bestfit
Model object of class 'MRSP'.

MRSP(formula = choice ~ income | wait | vcost + travel, data = TravelMode, 
    class.names = c("air", "train", "bus", "car"), constr = 4, 
    nrlambda = 10, lambdamax = 150, group.classes = TRUE, sparse.groups = FALSE, 
    adaptive = "ML", model = expression(multinomlogit()))

Model type:
Multinomial Logit Model

Lambda value:

LogLik: -165.3431    approx. edf: 14.38038 
AIC: 359.4469     BIC: 407.5796 
> ## some methods:
> summary(bestfit)
    Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max. 
-2.14700 -0.62580  0.00000 -0.03904  0.61240  1.96800 

[1] 0.09532651

[1] -165.3431

      (Intercept)       income
air      4.058384  0.009140216
train    4.901615 -0.041940503
bus      3.679695 -0.021976987
car      0.000000  0.000000000

             wait       vcost       travel
air   -0.09233675  0.02182513 -0.028462195
train -0.09233675 -0.02718600 -0.002740459
bus   -0.09233675 -0.01683399 -0.003720115
car   -0.09233675 -0.03194881 -0.003764431

[1] "MRSP.coef"

[1] 14.38038

[1] 359.4469

[1] 407.5796

> BIC(bestfit)
[1] 407.5796
> fitted(bestfit)[1:6,]
          air      train        bus       car
1  0.04056739 0.29485327 0.14273964 0.5218397
5  0.20929042 0.21228965 0.04522356 0.5331964
9  0.50786025 0.06676395 0.10157734 0.3237985
13 0.21186590 0.03883452 0.01716587 0.7321337
17 0.09253363 0.30823353 0.08522939 0.5140035
21 0.03303183 0.43104541 0.22685141 0.3090714
> bestfit@coef
      (Intercept)       income
air      4.058384  0.009140216
train    4.901615 -0.041940503
bus      3.679695 -0.021976987
car      0.000000  0.000000000

             wait       vcost       travel
air   -0.09233675  0.02182513 -0.028462195
train -0.09233675 -0.02718600 -0.002740459
bus   -0.09233675 -0.01683399 -0.003720115
car   -0.09233675 -0.03194881 -0.003764431

[1] "MRSP.coef"
> ## get the coefficients belonging to standardized predictors:
> coef(bestfit, type="stand")
Global predictors with category-specific coefficients:
      (Intercept)     income
air      5.064762  0.1797362
train    4.177966 -0.8247318
bus      3.663882 -0.4321627
car      0.000000  0.0000000

Class-specific predictors with category-specific coefficients:
           vcost     travel
air    0.7060807 -8.5745102
train -0.8795141 -0.8255895
bus   -0.5446089 -1.1207203
car   -1.0335993 -1.1340712

Category-specific predictors with global coefficients:

> residuals(bestfit)
  [1]  0.8064706  0.7930104  1.0619011  0.5583835 -0.8157973 -0.9173559
  [7] -0.1333833 -1.5687646 -0.8609495  0.6567114  0.8555428 -0.5893411
 [13] -0.4888737  0.7175009  1.2069469  0.3974495 -0.4237051  0.3174823
 [19] -0.8682550  0.6844680  0.3406249  0.7902191 -1.2472055  0.4020283
 [25]  0.2506884  0.0787724 -1.4529171 -0.8374900 -1.3786842  0.1272865
 [31] -0.1914995  0.5345890  1.6882755  0.2325071 -0.4219568 -0.3238668
 [37]  1.0610435  0.4779211  1.1995639 -0.1153891 -1.2255908  0.1254288
 [43] -0.3368995 -0.2853178 -0.6718128  0.2499521  0.8076601 -0.9634196
 [49]  1.1523811  0.0000000  1.9682518 -1.2997661  0.3959652  0.9164251
 [55] -0.2336924  0.5447951 -0.5730134  0.4366256  1.0870673 -1.7079267
 [61]  0.6096139  0.1717499  0.3703989  0.1252323 -1.9355285  0.4213976
 [67]  0.6392411  1.2750483  1.5538752 -1.7580564  0.2663204 -0.5015661
 [73]  0.1954144  1.5278638  0.7881882 -1.1603823  0.0000000  0.0000000
 [79] -1.4931815  0.8396534 -1.9990310 -0.4138140 -0.1236986  0.8823712
 [85]  0.2951353 -0.6247501  0.7961529 -0.2308948 -0.6465080 -0.5028100
 [91] -0.5439674  0.2405083 -0.6800815 -0.1623978 -0.1477514 -0.4648180
 [97] -0.4713474 -0.2277062 -1.4761235 -0.5013124  0.6127915 -0.6409052
[103] -1.2475948 -1.1437167  0.0000000 -0.7078344  0.9339288 -0.8444365
[109]  0.4133728  0.5479171 -0.5991515  0.5410789  0.8769415 -0.4004860
[115] -1.1920890  0.7764450  1.2559201  0.7396484 -0.8082189 -0.2418968
[121]  0.4905683  0.0000000 -0.4291783  0.4777202  0.3460029 -0.9225956
[127]  0.7368706 -0.9785930  0.7510478 -0.2272649  0.6176078  0.7208953
[133] -0.5982509 -0.8073537  0.8437302 -0.8603294 -1.0425202  0.5999197
[139] -1.5422742  0.8953472  0.5453318 -0.5703076 -2.1465929  0.7117663
[145]  0.2318330  0.6355097 -0.3528943  0.2961520 -0.6317435 -1.1928950
[151] -0.3845051  0.0000000 -1.0729519 -0.8617517 -1.1885595  0.6110338
[157] -0.7143971 -0.1793287 -2.0680139  0.6073485 -0.8648402 -1.7442785
[163] -0.4130425  0.5052354  0.5643808 -1.1339990 -0.5399943  0.4621152
[169]  1.0521807 -0.6264310 -0.4598958  1.5283956 -0.5006444  0.5344999
[175]  0.8857221 -0.6260981  0.6019520  0.5255920 -1.7802427  0.1819760
[181] -0.9829050  1.0202941  0.6866753  1.2727398  0.7422477  0.7230441
[187] -0.5247940 -0.1888991  0.7785051  0.0000000  1.2933743 -0.4020893
[193]  0.2433293 -0.7354390 -0.2303571  0.2504183  1.0215813  0.2000165
[199] -0.1016938  0.1356023 -0.5574834  1.0444842  0.5024799  0.5163399
[205]  0.9668138 -1.2575845 -0.4835862 -1.7208817  1.2960768  0.0000000
> predict(bestfit, newdata = TravelMode[1:40,c(4,5,6,8)])
          air       train         bus        car
1  0.04056739 0.294853271 0.142739642 0.52183970
5  0.20929042 0.212289646 0.045223563 0.53319637
9  0.50786025 0.066763950 0.101577341 0.32379846
13 0.21186590 0.038834523 0.017165867 0.73213371
17 0.09253363 0.308233528 0.085229388 0.51400346
21 0.03303183 0.431045410 0.226851412 0.30907135
25 0.98236622 0.002425219 0.004428456 0.01078011
29 0.16269011 0.595481350 0.156480890 0.08534765
33 0.05429331 0.305671419 0.163509771 0.47652550
37 0.17209535 0.089646893 0.088574224 0.64968353
> ## plot some coefficient paths:
> par(mfrow=c(1,2))
> ## you can either specify the number of the variable...
> plot(fit, 2, legendpars=list(x="bottomright"))
> ## ... or its name as a character string. lcex is the cex parameter for legends.
> ## set it to zero to disable legend plotting. 
> plot(fit,"travel", lambda = bestfit@lambda, lcex=0)
null device 