Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
MatrixFactorization-classR Documentation

Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations


The class "MatrixFactorization" is the virtual (super) class of (potentially) all matrix factorizations of matrices from package Matrix.

The class "CholeskyFactorization" is the virtual class of all Cholesky decompositions from Matrix (and trivial sub class of "MatrixFactorization").

Objects from the Class

A virtual Class: No objects may be created from it.



Object of class "integer" - the dimensions of the original matrix - must be an integer vector with exactly two non-negative values.



(x) simply returns x@Dim, see above.


signature(x = "MatrixFactorization"): this has not been implemented yet for all matrix factorizations. It should return a list whose components are matrices which when multiplied return the original Matrix object.


signature(object = "MatrixFactorization"): simple printing, see show.


signature(a = "MatrixFactorization", b= .): solve A x = b for x; see solve-methods.

See Also

classes inheriting from "MatrixFactorization", such as LU, Cholesky, CHMfactor, and sparseQR.




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> library(Matrix)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Matrix/MatrixFactorization-class.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: MatrixFactorization-class
> ### Title: Class "MatrixFactorization" of Matrix Factorizations
> ### Aliases: MatrixFactorization-class CholeskyFactorization-class
> ###   dim,MatrixFactorization-method expand,MatrixFactorization-method
> ###   show,MatrixFactorization-method
> ### Keywords: classes
> ### ** Examples
> showClass("MatrixFactorization")
Virtual Class "MatrixFactorization" [package "Matrix"]

Name:      Dim
Class: integer

Known Subclasses: 
Class "CholeskyFactorization", directly
Class "BunchKaufman", directly
Class "pBunchKaufman", directly
Class "LU", directly
Class "sparseQR", directly
Class "Schur", directly
Class "Cholesky", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 2
Class "pCholesky", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 2
Class "CHMfactor", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 2
Class "denseLU", by class "LU", distance 2
Class "sparseLU", by class "LU", distance 2
Class "CHMsuper", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 3
Class "CHMsimpl", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 3
Class "dCHMsuper", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 4
Class "nCHMsuper", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 4
Class "dCHMsimpl", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 4
Class "nCHMsimpl", by class "CholeskyFactorization", distance 4
> getClass("CholeskyFactorization")
Virtual Class "CholeskyFactorization" [package "Matrix"]

Name:      Dim
Class: integer

Extends: "MatrixFactorization"

Known Subclasses: 
Class "Cholesky", directly
Class "pCholesky", directly
Class "CHMfactor", directly
Class "CHMsuper", by class "CHMfactor", distance 2
Class "CHMsimpl", by class "CHMfactor", distance 2
Class "dCHMsuper", by class "CHMsuper", distance 3
Class "nCHMsuper", by class "CHMsuper", distance 3
Class "dCHMsimpl", by class "CHMsimpl", distance 3
Class "nCHMsimpl", by class "CHMsimpl", distance 3
null device 