Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Loadings plot for a specific factor/interaction of the ASCA
ASCA.PlotLoadingsR Documentation

Loadings plot for a specific factor/interaction of the ASCA


Allows the user to plot a single loadings plot for one factor or interaction (or for the SVD on the original data)


ASCA.PlotLoadings(asca, ee= "", pcs = c(1,2))



Results of a performed ASCA analysis


Which factor or interaction to use (eg. "1", or "12", or leave empty to use the original data)


Which PCs (Principal Components) to use for plotting (eg. c1,2)


Only the plot is returned.


Output of ASCA.Calculate is required.


Tim Dorscheidt


##Plot selected loadings after doing PerformAsca
## use the data matrix, ASCAX, and an experimental design matrix, ASCAF.
ASCA <- ASCA.Calculate(ASCAX, ASCAF, equation.elements = "1,2,12", scaling = TRUE)

## plot the loadings of the first two principal components of the first factor
ASCA.PlotLoadings(ASCA, ee = "1", pcs="1,2")


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> library(MetStaT)
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: abind
Loading required package: pls

Attaching package: 'pls'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MetStaT/ASCA.PlotLoadings.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: ASCA.PlotLoadings
> ### Title: Loadings plot for a specific factor/interaction of the ASCA
> ### Aliases: ASCA.PlotLoadings
> ### ** Examples
> ##Plot selected loadings after doing PerformAsca
> ## use the data matrix, ASCAX, and an experimental design matrix, ASCAF.
> data(ASCAdata)
> ASCA <- ASCA.Calculate(ASCAX, ASCAF, equation.elements = "1,2,12", scaling = TRUE)
Variance explained per principal component (if >1%):
Whole data set 	PC1: 52.84%   PC2: 22.89%   PC3: 18.92%   PC4: 5.34%    
Factor 1     	PC1: 100.00%  PC2:  NA%     PC3:  NA%     PC4:  NA%     
Factor 2     	PC1: 91.34%   PC2: 8.66%    PC3:  NA%     PC4:  NA%     
Interaction 12	PC1: 88.72%   PC2: 11.28%   PC3:  NA%     PC4:  NA%     

Percentage each effect contributes to the total sum of squares:
Overall means  	0.96%
Factor 1     	0.00%
Factor 2     	0.00%
Interaction 12	0.00%
Residuals      	0.00%

Percentage each effect contributes to the sum of squares of the centered data:
Factor 1     	0.00%
Factor 2     	0.00%
Interaction 12	0.00%
Residuals      	0.00%

> ## plot the loadings of the first two principal components of the first factor
> ASCA.PlotLoadings(ASCA, ee = "1", pcs="1,2")
null device 