Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Run microsimulation (sequentially)
micSimR Documentation

Run microsimulation (sequentially)


Performs a continuous-time microsimulation run (sequentially, i.e., using only one CPU core).


micSim(initPop, immigrPop = NULL, transitionMatrix, absStates = NULL, 
  initStates = c(), initStatesProb = c(), maxAge = 99, simHorizon, 
  fertTr = c(), dateSchoolEnrol="09/01")



Data frame comprising the starting population of the simulation.


Data frame comprising information about the immigrants entering the population across simulation time.


A matrix indicating the transition pattern and the names of the functions determining the respective transition rates.


A vector indicating the absorbing states of the model.


A vector comprising all initial states that newborns might enter.


A vector comprising the probabilities corresponding to initStates. In sum, these probabilities have to be one.


A scalar indicating the maximal age which an individual can reach during simulation. maxAge has to be greater than zero


A vector comprising the starting and ending date of the simulation. Both dates have to be chron objects. The starting date has to precede the ending date.


A vector indicating all transitions triggering a child birth event during simulation, that is, the creation of a new individual.


A string of the form "month/day" indicating the general enrollment date for elementary school, e.g., "09/01" for September 1st. The default setting is "09/01".


All nonabsorbing states considered during simulation have to be defined as composite states. In more detail, they consist of labels indicating values of state variables. Within states, labels are separated by a forward slash "/". Possible state variables are, for example, gender, number of children ever born, and educational attainment. Corresponding values are, for example, "m" and "f" (gender), "0","1","2", and "3+" (number of children ever born), "no", "low", "med", and "high" (educational attainment). Possible examples of states are "m/0/low" for a childless male with elementary education or "f/1/high" for a female with one child and a higher secondary school degree. All state variables considered plus accordant value labels have to be provided by the user. The only exception is gender which is predefined by labels "m" and "f" indicating male and female individuals. The label values "no" and "low" are reserved for enrolment events to elementary school (see below).

Nonabsorbing states have to be given as strings such as "dead" for being dead or "rest" for emigrated.

micSim is able to conduct enrollment events to elementary school such that they take place on dateSchoolEnrol of a particular year. For this purpose, a state variable defining educational attainment has to be created first. Then, labels of possible values have to be defined such that "no" describes no education and "low" describes elementary education. Finally, the transition function determining the transition rate for the respective enrollment event has to be defined to return "Inf" for the age x at which children should be enrolled (e.g., at age seven) and zero otherwise. That way, an event "school enrollment on dateSchoolEnrol of the year in which a child turns x years old" is enforced.

If educational attainment is not considered, dateSchoolEnrol can let be unspecified: dateSchoolEnrol=c().

The starting population initPop has to be given in the form of a data frame. Each row of the data frame corresponds to one individual. initPop has to comprise the following information: unique numerical person identifier (ID), birth date, and initial state (i.e., the state occupied by the individual when entering the synthetic population). Birth dates have to be chron objects.

Information about immigrants has to be given in the form of a data frame (immigrPop). Each row of the data frame corresponds to one immigrant. immigrPop contains the following data: unique numerical person identifier (ID), immigration date, birth date, and initial state (i.e., the state occupied by the immigrant when entering the simulated population). Immigration dates and birth dates have to be chron objects.

For each transition that should be considered during simulation accordant transition rates have to be provided. micSim requires these rates in form of functions which are handed over via the transition matrix transitionMatrix (described in the subsequent paragraph). The MicSim package allows rates to depend on three time scales: age, calendar time, and the time that has elapsed since the last change of a particular state variable (e.g., the time elapsed since wedding). In accordance therewith, micSim requires transition rates functions to feature three input parameters, namely age, calTime, and duration. Via age the age of an individual is handed over, via caltime the calendar time, and via duration the time that has elapsed since the last change of the affected state variable. All three input parameters might vary, or only one or two of them. Also none of the input parameters can be specified to vary, i.e., a transition rate can be defined to be constant. If rates are assumed to be independent of a specific time scale, the corresponding input argument can simply be ignored within the body of the rates function (i.e., is not used to determine a specific rate value). For illustration, see the examples in the example section. Note that allowing transition rates to vary along the time elapsed since a last transition facilitates modelling gestation gaps after a delivery: For a period of nine or ten months transition rates for higher order parities are simply set to zero (cf., the complex example in the example section).

The transition matrix transitionMatrix has as many rows as the simulation model comprises nonabsorbing states and as many columns as the simulation model comprises absorbing and nonabsorbing states. The rows of transitionMatrix mark starting states of transitions and the columns mark arrival states. At positions of transitionMatrix indicating impossible transitions, the matrix contains zeros. Otherwise the name of the function determining the respective transition rates has to be given. The function buildTransitionMatrix supports the construction of transitionMatrix.

If, during simulation, an individual reaches maxAge, he/she stays in his/her current state until simulation ending date is reached, that is, the respective individual is no longer at risk of experiencing any events and his/her ongoing episode will be censored at simlation ending date.

It is recommended to set simHorizon using the function setSimHorizon.

Each element of fertTr has to be of the form "A->B", that is, "A" indicates the starting attribute of the transition and "B" the arrival attribute. ("->" is the placeholder defined to mark a transition.) For example, "0" (childless) gives the starting point of the transition marking a first birth event and "1" (first child) its arrival point. All fertility attributes given in fertTr have to be part of the state variable specifiying fertility in the state space. That is, if there is none, fertTr is empty: fertTr=c().


The data frame pop contains the whole synthetic population considered during simulation including all events generated. In more detail, pop contains as many rows as there are transitions performed by the individuals. (Also, "entering the population" is considered as an event. In general, individuals can enter the simulation via three channels: by being part of the starting population, by immigration, and by being born during simulation).

The function convertToLongFormat reshapes the microsimulation output into long format.


Concerning run times micSim is not very performant. That is because it is purely implemented in R, i.e., it does not incorporate routines implemented in a high level programming language like Java, C++ or Python. This is work in progress. For the meantime, if a computer cluster is accessible, we recommend parallel computing using micSimParallel.


Sabine Zinn


# 1. Simple example only dealing with mortality events
# Clean workspace 

# Defining simulation horizon
simHorizon <- setSimHorizon(startDate="01/01/2000", endDate="31/12/2100")

# Seed for random number generator

# Definition of maximal age
maxAge <- 120

# Defintion of nonabsorbing and absorbing states
sex <- c("m","f")
stateSpace <- sex
attr(stateSpace,"name") <- "sex"
absStates <- "dead"

# Definition of an initial population 
dts <- c("31/12/1930","03/04/1999","15/10/1956","11/11/1991","01/01/1965")
birthDates <- chron(dates=dts,format=c(dates="d/m/Y"))
initStates <- c("f","m","f","m","m")
initPop <- data.frame(ID=1:5,birthDate=birthDates,initState=initStates)

# Definition of mortality rates (Gompertz model).
mortRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  a <- 0.00003
  b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.1, 0.097)
  rate <- a*exp(b*age)

# Transition pattern and assignment of functions specifying transition rates
absTransitions <- c("dead","mortRates")
transitionMatrix <- buildTransitionMatrix(allTransitions=NULL,
  absTransitions=absTransitions, stateSpace=stateSpace)

# Execute microsimulation (sequentially, i.e., using only one CPU)
pop <- micSim(initPop=initPop, transitionMatrix=transitionMatrix, absStates=absStates, 
  maxAge=maxAge, simHorizon=simHorizon)
# 2. More complex example dealing with mortality, changes in the fertily and the marital 
# status, in the educational attainment, as well as dealing with migration
# Clean workspace 

# Defining simulation horizon
simHorizon <- setSimHorizon(startDate="01/01/2014", endDate="31/12/2024")

# Seed for random number generator

# Definition of maximal age 
maxAge <- 100  

# Defintion of nonabsorbing and absorbing states
sex <- c("m","f")                     
fert <- c("0","1+")           
marital <- c("NM","M","D","W")        
edu <- c("no","low","med","high")   
stateSpace <- expand.grid(sex=sex,fert=fert,marital=marital,edu=edu)
absStates <- c("dead","rest")   

# General date of enrollment to elementary school
dateSchoolEnrol <- "09/01"

# Definition of an initial population (for illustration purposes, create a random population)
N = 100                                                       
initBirthDatesRange <- chron(dates=c("31/12/1950","01/01/2014"), format=c(dates="d/m/Y"), 
birthDates <- dates(initBirthDatesRange[1] + runif(N, min=0, max=diff(initBirthDatesRange)))
getRandInitState <- function(birthDate){
  age <- trunc(as.numeric(simHorizon[1] - birthDate)/365.25)
  s1 <- sample(sex,1)
  s2 <- ifelse(age<=18, fert[1], sample(fert,1))
  s3 <- ifelse(age<=18, marital[1], ifelse(age<=22, sample(marital[1:3],1), 
  s4 <- ifelse(age<=7, edu[1], ifelse(age<=18, edu[2], ifelse(age<=23, sample(edu[2:3],1), 
  initState <- paste(c(s1,s2,s3,s4),collapse="/")
initPop <- data.frame(ID=1:N, birthDate=birthDates, 
  initState=sapply(birthDates, getRandInitState))

# Definition of immigrants entering the population (for illustration purposes, create immigrants 
# randomly)
M = 20                                                           
immigrDatesRange <- as.numeric(simHorizon)
immigrDates <- dates(chron(immigrDatesRange[1] + runif(M, min=0,max=diff(immigrDatesRange)), 
  format=c(dates="d/m/Y", times="h:m:s"), out.format=c(dates="d/m/year",times="h:m:s")))
immigrAges <- runif(M, min=15*365.25, max=70*365.25)
immigrBirthDates <- dates(chron(as.numeric(immigrDates) - immigrAges, 
  format=c(dates="d/m/Y", times="h:m:s"), out.format=c(dates="d/m/year", times="h:m:s")))
IDmig <- max(as.numeric(initPop[,"ID"]))+(1:M)
immigrPop <- data.frame(ID = IDmig, immigrDate = immigrDates, birthDate=immigrBirthDates, 
  immigrInitState=sapply(immigrBirthDates, getRandInitState))  

# Definition of initial states for newborns 
initStates <- rbind(c("m","0","NM","no"),c("f","0","NM","no")) 
# Definition of related occurrence probabilities
initStatesProb <- c(0.515,0.485)                              

# Definition of (possible) transition rates  
# (1) Fertility rates (Hadwiger mixture model)
fert1Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  # parity 1
  b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3.9, 3.3)
  c <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 28, 29)
  rate <-  (b/c)*(c/age)^(3/2)*exp(-b^2*(c/age+age/c-2))
  rate[age<=15 | age>=45] <- 0
fert2Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  # partiy 2+
  b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3.2, 2.8)
  c <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 32, 33)
  rate <-  (b/c)*(c/age)^(3/2)*exp(-b^2*(c/age+age/c-2))
  rate[age<=15 | age>=45 | duration<0.75] <- 0
# (2) Rates for first marriage (normal density)
marriage1Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  
  m <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 25, 30)
  s <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3, 3)
  rate <- dnorm(age, mean=m, sd=s)
  rate[age<=16] <- 0
# (3) Remariage rates (log-logistic model)
marriage2Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  
  b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.07, 0.10)
  p <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 2.7,2.7)
  lambda <- ifelse(calTime<=1950, 0.04, 0.03)
  rate <- b*p*(lambda*age)^(p-1)/(1+(lambda*age)^p)
  rate[age<=18] <- 0
# (4) Divorce rates (normal density)
divorceRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  m <- 40
  s <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 7, 6)
  rate <- dnorm(age,mean=m,sd=s)
  rate[age<=18] <- 0
# (5) Widowhood rates (gamma cdf)
widowhoodRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  rate <- ifelse(age<=30, 0, pgamma(age-30, shape=6, rate=0.06))
# (6) Rates to change educational attainment
# Set rate to `Inf' to make transition for age 7 deterministic.
noToLowEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  rate <- ifelse(age==7,Inf,0) 
lowToMedEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  rate <- dnorm(age,mean=16,sd=1)
  rate[age<=15 | age>=25] <- 0
medToHighEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  rate <- dnorm(age,mean=20,sd=3)
  rate[age<=18 | age>=35] <- 0
# (7) Mortality rates (Gompertz model)
mortRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  a <- .00003
  b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.1, 0.097)
  rate <- a*exp(b*age)
# (8) Emigration rates 
emigrRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
  rate <- ifelse(age<=18,0,0.0025)

# Transition pattern and assignment of functions specifying transition rates
fertTrMatrix <- cbind(c("0->1+","1+->1+"),                         
  c("fert1Rates", "fert2Rates"))
maritalTrMatrix <- cbind(c("NM->M","M->D","M->W","D->M","W->M"),              
eduTrMatrix <- cbind(c("no->low","low->med","med->high"),
allTransitions <- rbind(fertTrMatrix, maritalTrMatrix, eduTrMatrix)
absTransitions <- rbind(c("dead","mortRates"),c("rest","emigrRates"))
transitionMatrix <- buildTransitionMatrix(allTransitions=allTransitions,
  absTransitions=absTransitions, stateSpace=stateSpace)

# Define transitions triggering a birth event
fertTr <- fertTrMatrix[,1]

# Execute microsimulation (sequentially, i.e., using only one CPU core)
pop <- micSim(initPop=initPop, immigrPop=immigrPop, 
  transitionMatrix=transitionMatrix, absStates=absStates, 
  initStates=initStates, initStatesProb=initStatesProb, 
  maxAge=maxAge, simHorizon=simHorizon, fertTr=fertTr, 


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> library(MicSim)
Loading required package: chron
Loading required package: snowfall
Loading required package: snow
Loading required package: rlecuyer
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MicSim/micSim.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: micSim
> ### Title: Run microsimulation (sequentially)
> ### Aliases: micSim
> ### ** Examples
> ######################################################################################
> # 1. Simple example only dealing with mortality events
> ######################################################################################
> # Clean workspace 
> rm(list=ls())
> # Defining simulation horizon
> simHorizon <- setSimHorizon(startDate="01/01/2000", endDate="31/12/2100")
> # Seed for random number generator
> set.seed(234)
> # Definition of maximal age
> maxAge <- 120
> # Defintion of nonabsorbing and absorbing states
> sex <- c("m","f")
> stateSpace <- sex
> attr(stateSpace,"name") <- "sex"
> absStates <- "dead"
> # Definition of an initial population 
> dts <- c("31/12/1930","03/04/1999","15/10/1956","11/11/1991","01/01/1965")
> birthDates <- chron(dates=dts,format=c(dates="d/m/Y"))
> initStates <- c("f","m","f","m","m")
> initPop <- data.frame(ID=1:5,birthDate=birthDates,initState=initStates)
> # Definition of mortality rates (Gompertz model).
> mortRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   a <- 0.00003
+   b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.1, 0.097)
+   rate <- a*exp(b*age)
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # Transition pattern and assignment of functions specifying transition rates
> absTransitions <- c("dead","mortRates")
> transitionMatrix <- buildTransitionMatrix(allTransitions=NULL,
+   absTransitions=absTransitions, stateSpace=stateSpace)
> # Execute microsimulation (sequentially, i.e., using only one CPU)
> pop <- micSim(initPop=initPop, transitionMatrix=transitionMatrix, absStates=absStates, 
+   maxAge=maxAge, simHorizon=simHorizon)
Initialization ... 
Simulation is running ... 
Year:  2006 
Year:  2017 
Year:  2020 
Year:  2079 
Year:  2086 
Simulation has finished.
> ######################################################################################
> # 2. More complex example dealing with mortality, changes in the fertily and the marital 
> # status, in the educational attainment, as well as dealing with migration
> ######################################################################################
> # Clean workspace 
> rm(list=ls())
> # Defining simulation horizon
> simHorizon <- setSimHorizon(startDate="01/01/2014", endDate="31/12/2024")
> # Seed for random number generator
> set.seed(234)
> # Definition of maximal age 
> maxAge <- 100  
> # Defintion of nonabsorbing and absorbing states
> sex <- c("m","f")                     
> fert <- c("0","1+")           
> marital <- c("NM","M","D","W")        
> edu <- c("no","low","med","high")   
> stateSpace <- expand.grid(sex=sex,fert=fert,marital=marital,edu=edu)
> absStates <- c("dead","rest")   
> # General date of enrollment to elementary school
> dateSchoolEnrol <- "09/01"
> # Definition of an initial population (for illustration purposes, create a random population)
> N = 100                                                       
> initBirthDatesRange <- chron(dates=c("31/12/1950","01/01/2014"), format=c(dates="d/m/Y"), 
+   out.format=c(dates="d/m/year"))
> birthDates <- dates(initBirthDatesRange[1] + runif(N, min=0, max=diff(initBirthDatesRange)))
> getRandInitState <- function(birthDate){
+   age <- trunc(as.numeric(simHorizon[1] - birthDate)/365.25)
+   s1 <- sample(sex,1)
+   s2 <- ifelse(age<=18, fert[1], sample(fert,1))
+   s3 <- ifelse(age<=18, marital[1], ifelse(age<=22, sample(marital[1:3],1), 
+     sample(marital,1)))
+   s4 <- ifelse(age<=7, edu[1], ifelse(age<=18, edu[2], ifelse(age<=23, sample(edu[2:3],1), 
+     sample(edu[-1],1))))
+   initState <- paste(c(s1,s2,s3,s4),collapse="/")
+   return(initState)
+ }
> initPop <- data.frame(ID=1:N, birthDate=birthDates, 
+   initState=sapply(birthDates, getRandInitState))
> # Definition of immigrants entering the population (for illustration purposes, create immigrants 
> # randomly)
> M = 20                                                           
> immigrDatesRange <- as.numeric(simHorizon)
> immigrDates <- dates(chron(immigrDatesRange[1] + runif(M, min=0,max=diff(immigrDatesRange)), 
+   format=c(dates="d/m/Y", times="h:m:s"), out.format=c(dates="d/m/year",times="h:m:s")))
> immigrAges <- runif(M, min=15*365.25, max=70*365.25)
> immigrBirthDates <- dates(chron(as.numeric(immigrDates) - immigrAges, 
+   format=c(dates="d/m/Y", times="h:m:s"), out.format=c(dates="d/m/year", times="h:m:s")))
> IDmig <- max(as.numeric(initPop[,"ID"]))+(1:M)
> immigrPop <- data.frame(ID = IDmig, immigrDate = immigrDates, birthDate=immigrBirthDates, 
+   immigrInitState=sapply(immigrBirthDates, getRandInitState))  
> # Definition of initial states for newborns 
> initStates <- rbind(c("m","0","NM","no"),c("f","0","NM","no")) 
> # Definition of related occurrence probabilities
> initStatesProb <- c(0.515,0.485)                              
> # Definition of (possible) transition rates  
> # (1) Fertility rates (Hadwiger mixture model)
> fert1Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  # parity 1
+   b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3.9, 3.3)
+   c <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 28, 29)
+   rate <-  (b/c)*(c/age)^(3/2)*exp(-b^2*(c/age+age/c-2))
+   rate[age<=15 | age>=45] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> fert2Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  # partiy 2+
+   b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3.2, 2.8)
+   c <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 32, 33)
+   rate <-  (b/c)*(c/age)^(3/2)*exp(-b^2*(c/age+age/c-2))
+   rate[age<=15 | age>=45 | duration<0.75] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (2) Rates for first marriage (normal density)
> marriage1Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  
+   m <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 25, 30)
+   s <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 3, 3)
+   rate <- dnorm(age, mean=m, sd=s)
+   rate[age<=16] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (3) Remariage rates (log-logistic model)
> marriage2Rates <- function(age, calTime, duration){  
+   b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.07, 0.10)
+   p <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 2.7,2.7)
+   lambda <- ifelse(calTime<=1950, 0.04, 0.03)
+   rate <- b*p*(lambda*age)^(p-1)/(1+(lambda*age)^p)
+   rate[age<=18] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (4) Divorce rates (normal density)
> divorceRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   m <- 40
+   s <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 7, 6)
+   rate <- dnorm(age,mean=m,sd=s)
+   rate[age<=18] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (5) Widowhood rates (gamma cdf)
> widowhoodRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   rate <- ifelse(age<=30, 0, pgamma(age-30, shape=6, rate=0.06))
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (6) Rates to change educational attainment
> # Set rate to `Inf' to make transition for age 7 deterministic.
> noToLowEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   rate <- ifelse(age==7,Inf,0) 
+   return(rate)
+ }
> lowToMedEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   rate <- dnorm(age,mean=16,sd=1)
+   rate[age<=15 | age>=25] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> medToHighEduRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   rate <- dnorm(age,mean=20,sd=3)
+   rate[age<=18 | age>=35] <- 0
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (7) Mortality rates (Gompertz model)
> mortRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   a <- .00003
+   b <- ifelse(calTime<=2020, 0.1, 0.097)
+   rate <- a*exp(b*age)
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # (8) Emigration rates 
> emigrRates <- function(age, calTime, duration){
+   rate <- ifelse(age<=18,0,0.0025)
+   return(rate)
+ }
> # Transition pattern and assignment of functions specifying transition rates
> fertTrMatrix <- cbind(c("0->1+","1+->1+"),                         
+   c("fert1Rates", "fert2Rates"))
> maritalTrMatrix <- cbind(c("NM->M","M->D","M->W","D->M","W->M"),              
+   c("marriage1Rates","divorceRates","widowhoodRates",
+  "marriage2Rates","marriage2Rates"))
> eduTrMatrix <- cbind(c("no->low","low->med","med->high"),
+   c("noToLowEduRates","lowToMedEduRates","medToHighEduRates")) 
> allTransitions <- rbind(fertTrMatrix, maritalTrMatrix, eduTrMatrix)
> absTransitions <- rbind(c("dead","mortRates"),c("rest","emigrRates"))
> transitionMatrix <- buildTransitionMatrix(allTransitions=allTransitions,
+   absTransitions=absTransitions, stateSpace=stateSpace)
> # Define transitions triggering a birth event
> fertTr <- fertTrMatrix[,1]
> # Execute microsimulation (sequentially, i.e., using only one CPU core)
> pop <- micSim(initPop=initPop, immigrPop=immigrPop, 
+   transitionMatrix=transitionMatrix, absStates=absStates, 
+   initStates=initStates, initStatesProb=initStatesProb, 
+   maxAge=maxAge, simHorizon=simHorizon, fertTr=fertTr, 
+   dateSchoolEnrol=dateSchoolEnrol)
Initialization ... 
Simulation is running ... 
Year:  2015 
Year:  2016 
Year:  2017 
Year:  2018 
Year:  2019 
Year:  2020 
Year:  2021 
Year:  2022 
Year:  2023 
Year:  2024 
Simulation has finished.
null device 