Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Creation of Multi-Fidelity Cokriging models
MuFicokmR Documentation

Creation of Multi-Fidelity Cokriging models


Create multi-fidelity cokriging models when parameters are unknown or known. If parameters are unknown, they are estimated by Maximum Likelihood. "MuFicokm" is based on the function "km" of the package "DiceKriging" and its usage is similar.


MuFicokm(	formula, MuFidesign, response, nlevel, formula.rho = ~1, 
		covtype = "matern5_2", coef.trend = NULL, coef.rho = NULL,
		coef.cov = NULL, coef.var = NULL, nugget = NULL, nugget.estim = FALSE, 
		noise.var = NULL, estim.method = "MLE", penalty = NULL, optim.method = "BFGS", 
		lower = NULL, upper = NULL, parinit = NULL, control = NULL, 
		gr = TRUE, iso = FALSE, scaling = FALSE, knots = NULL)



a list of objects of class "formula" specifying the linear trends of the Gaussian processes δ_k(x) with k = 1,...,nlevel. We use the convention Z_1(x) = δ_1(x). The length of the list has to be equal to the number of levels. This formula should concern only the input variables, and not the output (response).


an object of class "MuFiDesign" (see NestedDesign) representing the nested experimental design sets for the different code levels.


a list of vectors (or 1-column matrix or data frame) containing the values of the 1-dimensional outputs given by the different code levels. The length of the list has to be equal to the number of levels.


the number of levels for the responses.


a list of objects of class "formula" specifying the linear trends of the adjustment coefficients (i.e. it corresponds to g_{k-1}^T(x) , see details). The default is ~1, which defines a constant trend. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of character strings specifying the covariance structure to be used for the Gaussian processes δ_k(x) with k = 1,...,nlevel(we use the convention Z_1(x) = δ_1(x)), to be chosen between "gauss", "matern5_2", "matern3_2", "exp" or "powexp". See a full description of available covariance kernels in covTensorProduct-class in package DiceKriging. Default is "matern5_2". The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of vectors containing the values for the trend of the Gaussian processes δ_k(x) with k = 1,...,nlevel. We use the convention Z_1(x) = δ_1(x) . (see below and details)


an optional list of vectors containing the values of γ_{k-1} for the adjustment coefficients ρ_{k-1} with k = 2,...,nlevel. (see below and details)


an optional list of vectors containing the values for the covariance parameters of the Gaussian processes δ_k(x) with k = 1,...,nlevel. We use the convention Z_1(x) = δ_1(x) . (see below and details)


an optional list of vectors containing the values for the variance parameters of the Gaussian processes δ_k(x) with k = 1,...,nlevel. We use the convention Z_1(x) = δ_1(x) (see details). The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels. For estimation, there are 4 cases: 1. (All unknown) If all are missing, all are estimated. 2. (All known) If all are provided, no estimation is performed. 3. (Known trend) If coef.trend and coef.rho is provided but at least one of coef.cov or coef.var is missing, then BOTH coef.cov and coef.var are estimated. 4. (Unknown trend) If coef.cov and coef.var are provided but coef.trend and coef.rho are missing, then coef.trend and coef.rho are estimated.


an optional list of variance values standing for the homogeneous nugget effect for the Gaussian processes modelling the biases. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of booleans indicating whether the nugget effect should be estimated. Note that this option does not concern the case of heterogeneous noisy observations (see noise.var below). If nugget is given, it is used as an initial value. Default is FALSE. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


for noisy observations : an optional list of vectors containing the noise variance at each observation for each level. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


a list of character strings specifying the method by which unknown parameters are estimated. Default is "MLE" (Maximum Likelihood). At this stage, a beta version of leave-One-Out estimation (estim.method="LOO") is also implemented for noise-free observations. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


(beta version) an optional list of lists suitable for Penalized Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The list must contain the item fun indicating the penalty function, and the item value equal to the value of the penalty parameter. At this stage the only available fun is "SCAD", and covtype must be "gauss". Default is NULL, corresponding to (un-penalized) Maximum Likelihood Estimation. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of character strings indicating which optimization method is chosen for the likelihood maximization for each level. "BFGS" is the optim quasi-Newton procedure of package stats, with the method "L-BFGS-B". "gen" is the genoud genetic algorithm (using derivatives) from package rgenoud (>= 5.3.3). The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


(see below)


optional list of vectors containing the bounds of the correlation parameters for optimization for each level. The default values are given by covParametersBounds. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


a list of n optional vectors containing the initial values for the variables to be optimized over for each level. If no vector is given, an initial point is generated as follows. For method "gen", the initial point is generated uniformly inside the hyper-rectangle domain defined by lower and upper. For method "BFGS", some points (see control below) are generated uniformly in the domain. Then the best point with respect to the likelihood (or penalized likelihood, see penalty) criterion is chosen. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of lists of control parameters for optimization for each level. To avoid printing information in the command line during optimization progress, indicate trace=FALSE. For method "BFGS", pop.size is the number of candidate initial points generated before optimization starts (see parinit above). Default is 20. For method "gen", one can control pop.size (default : min(20, 4+3*log(nb of variables) ), max.generations (5), wait.generations (2) and BFGSburnin (0) of function genoud (see "genoud"). Another tunable paramater is upper.alpha (1-1e-8) for nugget estimation (see "km1Nugget"). Numbers into brackets are the default values. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of booleans indicating whether the analytical gradient should be used. Default is TRUE. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of booleans that can be used to force a tensor-product covariance structure (see covTensorProduct-class) to have a range parameter common to all dimensions. Default is FALSE. Not used (at this stage) for the power-exponential type. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of booleans indicating whether a scaling on the covariance structure should be used. The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


an optional list of lists of knots for scaling. The j-th element is a vector containing the knots for dimension j. If scaling=TRUE and knots are not specified, than knots are fixed to 0 and 1 in each dimension (which corresponds to affine scaling for the domain [0,1]^d). The length of the list must be either the number of levels or one. If the length is one, the same argument is repeated for all levels.


The assumed model is the one presented in the paper [LE GRATIET, L. (2012)]. Let us denote by Z_k(x) the Gaussian process modelling the code level k. We consider the following autoregressive model:

Z_k(x) = ρ_{k-1}Z_{k-1}(x) + δ_k(x)

where ρ_{k-1} is the adjustment coefficient between levels k and k-1 and δ_k(x) models the bias between the level k and the level k-1 adjusted. When ρ_{k-1} depends on x, it has the following form:

ρ_{k-1}(x) = g_{k-1}^T(x) γ_{k-1}

where the regressors g_{k-1}(x) are defined thanks to the parameter formula.rho. Furthermore, the experimental design sets D_k for each level k=2,...,nlevel must be nested.

D_k subset D_{k-1}


An object of class S3 MuFicokm.


a list containing objects of class S4 ("km") and ("kmCok").


a list containing the responses of the conditionned Gaussian processes of level k=2,...,nlevel at the experimental design set of level k-1.


a list of vectors containing the known responses at each code level.


a numeric representing the number of code levels.


an object of class ("NestDesign") representing the nested experimental design sets.


a list of numeric representing the nugget effects used to regularize the covariance matrices at each level.


Loic Le Gratiet, Universite Paris VII Denis-Diderot - CEA, DAM, DIF


KENNEDY, M.C. & O'HAGAN, A. (2000), Predicting the output from a complex computer code when fast approximations are available. Biometrika 87, 1-13.

FORRESTER, A.I.J, SOBESTER A. & KEAN, A.J. (2007), Multi-Fidelity optimization via surrogate modelling. Proc. R. Soc. A 463, 3251-3269.

LE GRATIET, L. & GARNIER, J. (2012), Recursive co-kriging model for Design of Computer Experiments with multiple levels of fidelity, arXiv:1210.0686.

LE GRATIET, L. (2012), Bayesian analysis of hierarchical multi-fidelity codes, arXiv:1112.5389.

See Also

predict.MuFicokm, summary.MuFicokm, NestedDesign, CrossValidationMuFicokmAll


#- 3 Dimensional test with 3 levels of response
#--- test functions
	myfunc1 <- function(x){sin(2*pi*x[,1])*0.2*(x[,2]+2)^2+cos(4*pi*x[,3])^2}
	myfunc2 <- function(x){2*myfunc1(x)+x[,3]}
	myfunc3 <- function(x){3*myfunc2(x)+x[,2]+x[,1]}
#--- Data
	#-- Nested Experimental design sets
		nD1 <- 100
		nD2 <- 50		
		nD3 <- 20
		set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
		set.seed(2);D2 <- matrix(runif(n=nD2*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
		set.seed(3);D3 <- matrix(runif(n=nD3*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
		NestDesign  <- NestedDesignBuild(design = list(D1,D2,D3))
	#-- observations
		z1 <- myfunc1(NestDesign$PX)
		z2 <- myfunc2(ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,2))
		z3 <- myfunc3(ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,3))
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation
		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
			formula = list(~1,~1+X2,~1+X3), 
			MuFidesign = NestDesign, 
			response = list(z1,z2,z3), 
			nlevel = 3)
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging prediction
		newdata <- matrix(runif(333,0,1),ncol=3)
		predictions <- predict(mymodel, newdata, "UK")
		z.pred <- predictions$mean
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging cross Validation
		set.seed(1);indice <- sample(1:nD3)[1:10]
	#-- Observations removing from the highest level
		resCV.cok <- CrossValidationMuFicokm(mymodel,indice)
	#-- Observations removing from all levels
		resCV.cok.all <- CrossValidationMuFicokmAll(mymodel,indice)
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging summary
		sum <- summary(mymodel)

#- 1 Dimensional test with 2 levels of response

#--- test functions
	Funcf <- function(x){return((6*x-2)^2*sin(12*x-4))}
	Funcc <- function(x){return(0.5*Funcf(x)+10*(x-0.5)-5)}
#--- Data
	Dc <- seq(0,1,0.1)
	indDf <- c(1,3,7,11)
	DNest <- NestedDesign(Dc, nlevel=2 , indices = list(indDf) )
	zc <- Funcc(DNest$PX)
	Df <- ExtractNestDesign(DNest,2)
	zf <- Funcf(Df)
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation without parameter estimations
		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
				formula = list(~1,~1), 
				MuFidesign = DNest, 
				response = list(zc,zf), 
				nlevel = 2,
				covtype = list("gauss","matern5_2"),
		predictions <- predict(
				object = mymodel, 
				newdata = seq(0,1,le=100),
				type = "SK")
#--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation with parameter estimations
		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
				formula = list(~1,~1+X1), 
				MuFidesign = DNest, 
				response = list(zc,zf), 
				nlevel = 2,
				covtype = "matern5_2")
		predictions <- predict(
				object = mymodel, 
				newdata = seq(0,1,le=100),


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> library(MuFiCokriging)
Loading required package: DiceKriging
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MuFiCokriging/MuFicokm.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: MuFicokm
> ### Title: Creation of Multi-Fidelity Cokriging models
> ### Aliases: MuFicokm
> ### ** Examples
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------
> #- 3 Dimensional test with 3 levels of response
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------
> #--- test functions
> 	myfunc1 <- function(x){sin(2*pi*x[,1])*0.2*(x[,2]+2)^2+cos(4*pi*x[,3])^2}
> 	myfunc2 <- function(x){2*myfunc1(x)+x[,3]}
> 	myfunc3 <- function(x){3*myfunc2(x)+x[,2]+x[,1]}
> #--- Data
> 	#-- Nested Experimental design sets
> 		nD1 <- 100
> 		nD2 <- 50		
> 		nD3 <- 20
> 		set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
> 		set.seed(2);D2 <- matrix(runif(n=nD2*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
> 		set.seed(3);D3 <- matrix(runif(n=nD3*3, 0,1),ncol=3)
> 		NestDesign  <- NestedDesignBuild(design = list(D1,D2,D3))
> 	#-- observations
> 		z1 <- myfunc1(NestDesign$PX)
> 		z2 <- myfunc2(ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,2))
> 		z3 <- myfunc3(ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,3))
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation
> 		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
+ 			formula = list(~1,~1+X2,~1+X3), 
+ 			MuFidesign = NestDesign, 
+ 			response = list(z1,z2,z3), 
+ 			nlevel = 3)

optimisation start
* estimation method   : MLE 
* optimisation method : BFGS 
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~1
* covariance model : 
  - type :  matern5_2 
  - nugget : NO
  - parameters lower bounds :  1e-10 1e-10 1e-10 
  - parameters upper bounds :  1.942627 1.97115 1.940819 
  - best initial criterion value(s) :  33.62449 

N = 3, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate     0  f=      -33.624  |proj g|=       1.6113
At iterate     1  f =      -38.398  |proj g|=        1.5367
At iterate     2  f =      -44.253  |proj g|=        1.4525
At iterate     3  f =      -46.617  |proj g|=        1.4542
At iterate     4  f =      -47.872  |proj g|=        1.3906
At iterate     5  f =      -48.349  |proj g|=        1.3357
At iterate     6  f =      -50.185  |proj g|=       0.88352
At iterate     7  f =      -50.587  |proj g|=         1.121
At iterate     8  f =      -50.778  |proj g|=       0.94639
At iterate     9  f =      -50.796  |proj g|=       0.27383
At iterate    10  f =      -50.797  |proj g|=       0.06406
At iterate    11  f =      -50.797  |proj g|=      0.018402
At iterate    12  f =      -50.797  |proj g|=    0.00021144
At iterate    13  f =      -50.797  |proj g|=    1.3209e-07

iterations 13
function evaluations 20
segments explored during Cauchy searches 15
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 1
norm of the final projected gradient 1.3209e-07
final function value -50.7966

F = -50.7966
final  value -50.796613 

optimisation start
* estimation method   : MLE 
* optimisation method : BFGS 
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~X2
* covariance model : 
  - type :  matern5_2 
  - nugget : NO
  - parameters lower bounds :  1e-10 1e-10 1e-10 
  - parameters upper bounds :  1.942627 1.963586 1.940819 
  - best initial criterion value(s) :  190.804 

N = 3, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate     0  f=       -190.8  |proj g|=      0.55005
At iterate     1  f =      -215.61  |proj g|=             0

iterations 1
function evaluations 2
segments explored during Cauchy searches 3
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 3
norm of the final projected gradient 0
final function value -215.613

F = -215.613
final  value -215.612769 

optimisation start
* estimation method   : MLE 
* optimisation method : BFGS 
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~X3
* covariance model : 
  - type :  matern5_2 
  - nugget : NO
  - parameters lower bounds :  1e-10 1e-10 1e-10 
  - parameters upper bounds :  1.572078 1.789636 1.890825 
  - best initial criterion value(s) :  29.64352 

N = 3, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate     0  f=      -29.644  |proj g|=       1.4751
At iterate     1  f =      -31.596  |proj g|=       0.86772
At iterate     2  f =      -35.452  |proj g|=       0.63405
At iterate     3  f =      -38.157  |proj g|=       0.31502
At iterate     4  f =      -40.216  |proj g|=             0

iterations 4
function evaluations 6
segments explored during Cauchy searches 8
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 3
norm of the final projected gradient 0
final function value -40.2162

F = -40.2162
final  value -40.216208 
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging prediction
> 		newdata <- matrix(runif(333,0,1),ncol=3)
> 		predictions <- predict(mymodel, newdata, "UK")
> 		z.pred <- predictions$mean
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging cross Validation
> 		set.seed(1);indice <- sample(1:nD3)[1:10]
> 	#-- Observations removing from the highest level
> 		resCV.cok <- CrossValidationMuFicokm(mymodel,indice)
> 	#-- Observations removing from all levels
> 		resCV.cok.all <- CrossValidationMuFicokmAll(mymodel,indice)
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging summary
> 		sum <- summary(mymodel)
Level 1: parameter estimation 
 Covariance type: matern5_2 
 Variance estimation: 14.27268 
 Trend estimation: 1.474425 
 Correlation length estimation: 0.9155138 1.97115 0.3582967 
Level  2 : parameter estimation 
 Covariance type: matern5_2 
 Variance estimation: 0.09498168 
 Trend estimation: 0.4908098 -0.01577949 
 Adjustment estimation: 1.999955 
 Correlation length estimation: 1.942627 1.963586 1.940819 
Level  3 : parameter estimation 
 Covariance type: matern5_2 
 Variance estimation: 0.2865715 
 Trend estimation: 0.9509803 -0.01440102 
 Adjustment estimation: 3.000481 
 Correlation length estimation: 1.572078 1.789636 1.890825 
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------
> #- 1 Dimensional test with 2 levels of response
> #-------------------------------------------------------------------
> #--- test functions
> 	Funcf <- function(x){return((6*x-2)^2*sin(12*x-4))}
> 	Funcc <- function(x){return(0.5*Funcf(x)+10*(x-0.5)-5)}
> #--- Data
> 	Dc <- seq(0,1,0.1)
> 	indDf <- c(1,3,7,11)
> 	DNest <- NestedDesign(Dc, nlevel=2 , indices = list(indDf) )
> 	zc <- Funcc(DNest$PX)
> 	Df <- ExtractNestDesign(DNest,2)
> 	zf <- Funcf(Df)
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation without parameter estimations
> 		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
+ 				formula = list(~1,~1), 
+ 				MuFidesign = DNest, 
+ 				response = list(zc,zf), 
+ 				nlevel = 2,
+ 				covtype = list("gauss","matern5_2"),
+ 				coef.trend=list(-5,3),
+ 				coef.rho=list(2),
+ 				coef.var=list(2,2),
+ 				coef.cov=list(0.1,0.2))
> 		predictions <- predict(
+ 				object = mymodel, 
+ 				newdata = seq(0,1,le=100),
+ 				type = "SK")
> #--- Multi-fidelity cokriging creation with parameter estimations
> 		mymodel <- MuFicokm(
+ 				formula = list(~1,~1+X1), 
+ 				MuFidesign = DNest, 
+ 				response = list(zc,zf), 
+ 				nlevel = 2,
+ 				covtype = "matern5_2")

optimisation start
* estimation method   : MLE 
* optimisation method : BFGS 
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~1
* covariance model : 
  - type :  matern5_2 
  - nugget : NO
  - parameters lower bounds :  1e-10 
  - parameters upper bounds :  2 
  - best initial criterion value(s) :  -23.20728 

N = 1, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate     0  f=       23.207  |proj g|=      0.37244
At iterate     1  f =        23.19  |proj g|=       0.36588
At iterate     2  f =       23.168  |proj g|=       0.36063
At iterate     3  f =       23.167  |proj g|=        0.0346
At iterate     4  f =       23.167  |proj g|=    0.00045399
At iterate     5  f =       23.167  |proj g|=    5.8469e-07

iterations 5
function evaluations 7
segments explored during Cauchy searches 5
BFGS updates skipped 0
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 0
norm of the final projected gradient 5.84693e-07
final function value 23.1673

F = 23.1673
final  value 23.167345 

optimisation start
* estimation method   : MLE 
* optimisation method : BFGS 
* analytical gradient : used
* trend model : ~X1
* covariance model : 
  - type :  matern5_2 
  - nugget : NO
  - parameters lower bounds :  1e-10 
  - parameters upper bounds :  2 
  - best initial criterion value(s) :  121.8498 

N = 1, M = 5 machine precision = 2.22045e-16
At X0, 0 variables are exactly at the bounds
At iterate     0  f=      -121.85  |proj g|=      0.14136
At iterate     1  f =      -122.16  |proj g|=       0.10721
At iterate     2  f =      -122.61  |proj g|=       0.10721
ys=-1.036e-07  -gs= 6.576e-07, BFGS update SKIPPED
At iterate     3  f =      -123.01  |proj g|=       0.10721
Nonpositive definiteness in Cholesky factorization in formk;
   refresh the lbfgs memory and restart the iteration.
At iterate     4  f =      -123.01  |proj g|=       0.10721

iterations 4
function evaluations 30
segments explored during Cauchy searches 4
BFGS updates skipped 1
active bounds at final generalized Cauchy point 1
norm of the final projected gradient 0.107214
final function value -123.014

F = -123.014
l(0) > u(0).  No feasible solutionfinal  value -123.014304 
> 		predictions <- predict(
+ 				object = mymodel, 
+ 				newdata = seq(0,1,le=100),
+ 				type="UK")
null device 