Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Definition of nested experimental design sets for...
NestedDesignR Documentation

Definition of nested experimental design sets for Multi-Fidelity Cokriging models


Build an object of class S3 ("NestDesign") defining nested experimental design sets used to build multi-fidelity Cokriging models.


	NestedDesign(x, nlevel , indices = NULL, n = NULL)



a matrix representing the experimental design set of the code level 1.


an integer representing the number of code levels.


a list of vectors. The ith element of the list contains the indices of the points in the experimental design set of the level i-1 constituting the experimental design set of the level i. If indices = NULL they are randomly sampled according to the number of observations defining in n.


a vector containing the number of observations at level k=2,...,nlevel. It is not taking into account if indices is different from NULL.


The procedure does not change the experimental design set of the highest code level. During the procedure, the points of D_{k-1} the closest to those of D_k with k=2,...,nlevel are removed and they are replaced by the points of D_k . Thus, the length of the final D_{k-1} could be larger than the one of the initial D_{k-1}. (see "MuFicokm")


an object of class ("NestDesign") representing a nested experimental design set.


Loic Le Gratiet


LE GRATIET, L. & GARNIER, J. (2012), Recursive co-kriging model for Design of Computer Experiments with multiple levels of fidelity, arXiv:1210.0686.

See Also

MuFicokm, ExtractNestDesign, NestedDesignBuild


#-- Nested Experimental design sets
	dimension <- 3
	nD1 <- 100
	nD2 <- 50		
	nD3 <- 20
	set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
	NestDesign <- NestedDesign(D1, nlevel=3 , n = c(nD2,nD3))


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> library(MuFiCokriging)
Loading required package: DiceKriging
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MuFiCokriging/NestedDesign.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: NestedDesign
> ### Title: Definition of nested experimental design sets for Multi-Fidelity
> ###   Cokriging models
> ### Aliases: NestedDesign
> ### ** Examples
> #-- Nested Experimental design sets
> 	dimension <- 3
> 	nD1 <- 100
> 	nD2 <- 50		
> 	nD3 <- 20
> 	set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
> 	NestDesign <- NestedDesign(D1, nlevel=3 , n = c(nD2,nD3))
null device 