Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Nested experimental design sets building
NestedDesignBuildR Documentation

Nested experimental design sets building


Procedure to build nested experimental design sets from a list of non-nested experimental design sets.


	NestedDesignBuild(design = NULL)



a list of matrices representing the experimental design sets of each level.


an object of class ("NestDesign") representing the nested experimental design sets.


Loic Le Gratiet

See Also

MuFicokm, NestedDesign, SubstDesign, CrossValidationMuFicokmAll


#-- Nested Experimental design sets
	dimension <- 3
	nD1 <- 100
	nD2 <- 50		
	nD3 <- 20
	set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
	set.seed(2);D2 <- matrix(runif(n=nD2*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
	set.seed(3);D3 <- matrix(runif(n=nD3*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
	NestDesign  <- NestedDesignBuild(design = list(D1,D2,D3))
#-- Design set at level 1
#-- Extraction of design sets at level 2 and 3


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(MuFiCokriging)
Loading required package: DiceKriging
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/MuFiCokriging/NestedDesignBuilding.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: NestedDesignBuild
> ### Title: Nested experimental design sets building
> ### Aliases: NestedDesignBuild
> ### ** Examples
> #-- Nested Experimental design sets
> 	dimension <- 3
> 	nD1 <- 100
> 	nD2 <- 50		
> 	nD3 <- 20
> 	set.seed(1);D1 <- matrix(runif(n=nD1*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
> 	set.seed(2);D2 <- matrix(runif(n=nD2*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
> 	set.seed(3);D3 <- matrix(runif(n=nD3*dimension, 0,1),ncol=dimension)
> 	NestDesign  <- NestedDesignBuild(design = list(D1,D2,D3))
> #-- Design set at level 1
> 	NestDesign$PX
             [,1]        [,2]       [,3]
  [1,] 0.26550866 0.654723928 0.26750821
  [2,] 0.57285336 0.270260146 0.51679684
  [3,] 0.90820779 0.992684061 0.26895059
  [4,] 0.20168193 0.633493264 0.18116833
  [5,] 0.89838968 0.213208135 0.51857614
  [6,] 0.94467527 0.129372348 0.56278294
  [7,] 0.66079779 0.478118034 0.12915685
  [8,] 0.62911404 0.924074470 0.25636760
  [9,] 0.06178627 0.598760967 0.71793528
 [10,] 0.68702285 0.356726912 0.76322269
 [11,] 0.49769924 0.013077575 0.30829233
 [12,] 0.71761851 0.715566066 0.64957946
 [13,] 0.38003518 0.446284349 0.95373265
 [14,] 0.77744522 0.640101045 0.33997920
 [15,] 0.21214252 0.495593578 0.16545393
 [16,] 0.65167377 0.484349524 0.32216806
 [17,] 0.38611409 0.453895489 0.51095970
 [18,] 0.01339033 0.511169784 0.25762126
 [19,] 0.38238796 0.207545113 0.04646089
 [20,] 0.86969085 0.228658143 0.41785626
 [21,] 0.34034900 0.595711996 0.85400150
 [22,] 0.18621760 0.642795492 0.63142023
 [23,] 0.66846674 0.598092422 0.68962785
 [24,] 0.79423986 0.560900748 0.68941341
 [25,] 0.10794363 0.526027724 0.55490062
 [26,] 0.72371095 0.985095224 0.42962441
 [27,] 0.41127443 0.507641822 0.45272006
 [28,] 0.82094629 0.682788079 0.30644326
 [29,] 0.64706019 0.601541218 0.57835394
 [30,] 0.55303631 0.258165927 0.14260408
 [31,] 0.52971958 0.729309623 0.41504763
 [32,] 0.78935623 0.452570831 0.21092575
 [33,] 0.02333120 0.175126768 0.42875037
 [34,] 0.69273156 0.864544949 0.94295706
 [35,] 0.47761962 0.614644972 0.76197386
 [36,] 0.43809711 0.328777319 0.47067850
 [37,] 0.07067905 0.500440973 0.48498968
 [38,] 0.09946616 0.180866361 0.10880632
 [39,] 0.31627171 0.529630603 0.24772683
 [40,] 0.29360337 0.895094103 0.31714467
 [41,] 0.45906573 0.446235323 0.27796603
 [42,] 0.33239467 0.779984890 0.78754051
 [43,] 0.25801678 0.413124210 0.16502764
 [44,] 0.47854525 0.063808481 0.06445754
 [45,] 0.33907294 0.630414122 0.06221405
 [46,] 0.83944035 0.840614554 0.10902927
 [47,] 0.34668349 0.856131665 0.38171635
 [48,] 0.33377493 0.391359281 0.16931091
 [49,] 0.89219834 0.895445426 0.19220954
 [50,] 0.38998954 0.741078649 0.18123182
 [51,] 0.77732070 0.605303447 0.47731371
 [52,] 0.43465948 0.293730155 0.02778712
 [53,] 0.71251468 0.191260110 0.52731078
 [54,] 0.32535215 0.503339486 0.37306337
 [55,] 0.75708715 0.877057543 0.04795913
 [56,] 0.12169192 0.724498893 0.15483161
 [57,] 0.23962942 0.711743868 0.22638080
 [58,] 0.64228826 0.100873126 0.98156346
 [59,] 0.87626921 0.927302089 0.32701373
 [60,] 0.77891468 0.283232500 0.50693950
 [61,] 0.79730883 0.590573159 0.68144251
 [62,] 0.41008408 0.840507032 0.11890256
 [63,] 0.81087024 0.317963684 0.05043966
 [64,] 0.18488226 0.007109038 0.20093473
 [65,] 0.70237404 0.014693911 0.42763907
 [66,] 0.16805192 0.929720222 0.82892213
 [67,] 0.94383934 0.275401199 0.28697385
 [68,] 0.94347496 0.811859695 0.59591690
 [69,] 0.12915898 0.785878913 0.89897195
 [70,] 0.83344882 0.988902156 0.45337700
 [71,] 0.46801852 0.613952910 0.14741778
 [72,] 0.54998374 0.710185730 0.12867698
 [73,] 0.55267407 0.770027857 0.02465634
 [74,] 0.18082010 0.260300035 0.57437694
 [75,] 0.40528218 0.859073118 0.82532801
 [76,] 0.85354845 0.437488002 0.81369567
 [77,] 0.97639849 0.388144758 0.87269634
 [78,] 0.07497942 0.065935510 0.56900208
 [79,] 0.83688918 0.042175526 0.97888480
 [80,] 0.15050144 0.184673463 0.88573723
 [81,] 0.14924686 0.288059732 0.56283652
 [82,] 0.96264405 0.402642736 0.69365409
 [83,] 0.13237200 0.572685004 0.33594560
 [84,] 0.01041453 0.350642575 0.20610944
 [85,] 0.16464224 0.671998928 0.91927626
 [86,] 0.81019214 0.025050357 0.02281245
 [87,] 0.62719629 0.856525001 0.66560842
 [88,] 0.84442900 0.971515429 0.53354330
 [89,] 0.28487057 0.323722437 0.81779672
 [90,] 0.98172786 0.976755185 0.17845326
 [91,] 0.29701074 0.397016412 0.28543421
 [92,] 0.11508408 0.379998879 0.62946983
 [93,] 0.16320087 0.560387630 0.30010028
 [94,] 0.94404181 0.463808179 0.44367396
 [95,] 0.97468790 0.426943403 0.66816354
 [96,] 0.34908841 0.093025187 0.31165700
 [97,] 0.16804153 0.228201881 0.28146879
 [98,] 0.80751640 0.015329893 0.78628120
 [99,] 0.38494235 0.128981559 0.17301935
[100,] 0.32773432 0.093381929 0.57074752
[101,] 0.60210067 0.236885007 0.41928296
[102,] 0.60439405 0.791147409 0.26762217
[103,] 0.12463344 0.599731566 0.04780944
[104,] 0.29460092 0.910147711 0.10349305
[105,] 0.57760992 0.560424554 0.31403146
[106,] 0.63097927 0.755704769 0.80064106
[107,] 0.51201590 0.379171891 0.22932470
[108,] 0.50502391 0.373280977 0.21299844
[109,] 0.53403535 0.170290643 0.87710091
[110,] 0.55724944 0.453307324 0.99322196
[111,] 0.86791949 0.258413960 0.84424702
[112,] 0.82970869 0.336265952 0.91043655
[113,] 0.11144915 0.889583035 0.47126973
[114,] 0.70368836 0.201946299 0.22441841
[115,] 0.89748826 0.579186043 0.12781466
[116,] 0.27973255 0.207632030 0.27968351
> #-- Extraction of design sets at level 2 and 3
> 	ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,2)
            [,1]        [,2]       [,3]
 [1,] 0.18488226 0.007109038 0.20093473
 [2,] 0.70237404 0.014693911 0.42763907
 [3,] 0.16805192 0.929720222 0.82892213
 [4,] 0.94383934 0.275401199 0.28697385
 [5,] 0.94347496 0.811859695 0.59591690
 [6,] 0.12915898 0.785878913 0.89897195
 [7,] 0.83344882 0.988902156 0.45337700
 [8,] 0.46801852 0.613952910 0.14741778
 [9,] 0.54998374 0.710185730 0.12867698
[10,] 0.55267407 0.770027857 0.02465634
[11,] 0.18082010 0.260300035 0.57437694
[12,] 0.40528218 0.859073118 0.82532801
[13,] 0.85354845 0.437488002 0.81369567
[14,] 0.97639849 0.388144758 0.87269634
[15,] 0.07497942 0.065935510 0.56900208
[16,] 0.83688918 0.042175526 0.97888480
[17,] 0.15050144 0.184673463 0.88573723
[18,] 0.14924686 0.288059732 0.56283652
[19,] 0.96264405 0.402642736 0.69365409
[20,] 0.13237200 0.572685004 0.33594560
[21,] 0.01041453 0.350642575 0.20610944
[22,] 0.16464224 0.671998928 0.91927626
[23,] 0.81019214 0.025050357 0.02281245
[24,] 0.62719629 0.856525001 0.66560842
[25,] 0.84442900 0.971515429 0.53354330
[26,] 0.28487057 0.323722437 0.81779672
[27,] 0.98172786 0.976755185 0.17845326
[28,] 0.29701074 0.397016412 0.28543421
[29,] 0.11508408 0.379998879 0.62946983
[30,] 0.16320087 0.560387630 0.30010028
[31,] 0.94404181 0.463808179 0.44367396
[32,] 0.97468790 0.426943403 0.66816354
[33,] 0.34908841 0.093025187 0.31165700
[34,] 0.16804153 0.228201881 0.28146879
[35,] 0.80751640 0.015329893 0.78628120
[36,] 0.38494235 0.128981559 0.17301935
[37,] 0.32773432 0.093381929 0.57074752
[38,] 0.60210067 0.236885007 0.41928296
[39,] 0.60439405 0.791147409 0.26762217
[40,] 0.12463344 0.599731566 0.04780944
[41,] 0.29460092 0.910147711 0.10349305
[42,] 0.57760992 0.560424554 0.31403146
[43,] 0.63097927 0.755704769 0.80064106
[44,] 0.51201590 0.379171891 0.22932470
[45,] 0.50502391 0.373280977 0.21299844
[46,] 0.53403535 0.170290643 0.87710091
[47,] 0.55724944 0.453307324 0.99322196
[48,] 0.86791949 0.258413960 0.84424702
[49,] 0.82970869 0.336265952 0.91043655
[50,] 0.11144915 0.889583035 0.47126973
[51,] 0.70368836 0.201946299 0.22441841
[52,] 0.89748826 0.579186043 0.12781466
[53,] 0.27973255 0.207632030 0.27968351
> 	ExtractNestDesign(NestDesign,3)
           [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
 [1,] 0.1680415 0.22820188 0.28146879
 [2,] 0.8075164 0.01532989 0.78628120
 [3,] 0.3849424 0.12898156 0.17301935
 [4,] 0.3277343 0.09338193 0.57074752
 [5,] 0.6021007 0.23688501 0.41928296
 [6,] 0.6043941 0.79114741 0.26762217
 [7,] 0.1246334 0.59973157 0.04780944
 [8,] 0.2946009 0.91014771 0.10349305
 [9,] 0.5776099 0.56042455 0.31403146
[10,] 0.6309793 0.75570477 0.80064106
[11,] 0.5120159 0.37917189 0.22932470
[12,] 0.5050239 0.37328098 0.21299844
[13,] 0.5340354 0.17029064 0.87710091
[14,] 0.5572494 0.45330732 0.99322196
[15,] 0.8679195 0.25841396 0.84424702
[16,] 0.8297087 0.33626595 0.91043655
[17,] 0.1114492 0.88958303 0.47126973
[18,] 0.7036884 0.20194630 0.22441841
[19,] 0.8974883 0.57918604 0.12781466
[20,] 0.2797326 0.20763203 0.27968351
null device 