Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Night and Day Boundary Computation Function
NightDayR Documentation

Night and Day Boundary Computation Function


Calculates the declination of the sun, the greenwhich hour angle and the latitudes of the of the sun movements throughout one day.


NightDay(time, timezone)



needs to be of following format: %Y-%m-%d (%Y Year with century, %m Month as decimal number (01-12), %d Day of the month as decimal number (01-31)), %H:%M:%S (%H Hours as decimal number (00-23), %M Minute as decimal number (00-59), %S Second as decimal number (00-61)


has to be an integer, e.g. a number between -11 and +11 (0 for GMT, +1 for CMT, etc.)



is an object of class 'POSIXlt' representing the input time.


is an integer representing the input timezone


is a vector fo doubles containing the Latitudes of the night and day boundary.


returns a double of the sun declination.


returns a double of the greenwhich hour angle.


The function NightDay can be used in combination with your own maps and plot functions.


Max Hughes-Brandl


Time <- Sys.time()
timezone <- 1

NightDay(Time, timezone)


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> library(NightDay)
Loading required package: maps

 # maps v3.1: updated 'world': all lakes moved to separate new #
 # 'lakes' database. Type '?world' or 'news(package="maps")'.  #

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/NightDay/NightDay.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: NightDay
> ### Title: Night and Day Boundary Computation Function
> ### Aliases: NightDay
> ### ** Examples
> Time <- Sys.time()
> timezone <- 1
> NightDay(Time, timezone)
[1] "2016-07-04 21:01:01 JST"

[1] 1

  [1] -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -66 -66 -66
 [19] -66 -66 -66 -66 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -64 -64 -64 -64 -63 -63 -63 -63
 [37] -62 -62 -62 -61 -61 -61 -60 -60 -59 -59 -58 -58 -57 -57 -56 -56 -55 -54
 [55] -54 -53 -52 -52 -51 -50 -49 -48 -47 -46 -45 -44 -43 -42 -40 -39 -38 -36
 [73] -35 -33 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 -18 -16 -14 -12  -9  -7  -5  -2   0
 [91]   2   5   7   9  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  33  35  36
[109]  38  39  40  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  52  53  54  54
[127]  55  56  56  57  57  58  58  59  59  60  60  61  61  61  62  62  62  63
[145]  63  63  63  64  64  64  64  65  65  65  65  65  65  66  66  66  66  66
[163]  66  66  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67
[181]  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  67  66  66  66
[199]  66  66  66  66  65  65  65  65  65  65  64  64  64  64  63  63  63  63
[217]  62  62  62  61  61  61  60  60  59  59  58  58  57  57  56  56  55  54
[235]  54  53  52  52  51  50  49  48  47  46  45  44  43  42  40  39  38  36
[253]  35  33  32  30  28  26  24  22  20  18  16  14  12   9   7   5   2   0
[271]  -2  -5  -7  -9 -12 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 -26 -28 -30 -32 -33 -35 -36
[289] -38 -39 -40 -42 -43 -44 -45 -46 -47 -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 -52 -53 -54 -54
[307] -55 -56 -56 -57 -57 -58 -58 -59 -59 -60 -60 -61 -61 -61 -62 -62 -62 -63
[325] -63 -63 -63 -64 -64 -64 -64 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -65 -66 -66 -66 -66 -66
[343] -66 -66 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67 -67

[1] 22.77939

[1] 119.1378

[1] "NightDay"
null device 