Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Conversion to Japanese year style
jyearR Documentation

Conversion to Japanese year style


jyear calculates a year of the reign of an Emperor, i.e., “gengo”, which is widely used in official statistics and documents in Japan.


jyear(x, shift = FALSE, withAD = FALSE, ascii = FALSE)



numeric. a Cristian year. It must be greater than 1867.


logical. This is for manual adjustment in a particular year. The default value is FALSE. See Details for more information.


logical. If TRUE, the intact Christian year is also given in output. The default value is FALSE.


logical. If TRUE, an abbreviation of gengo is used: "M", "T", "S", and "H". If FALSE, the Kanji characters of gengo is provided. The default value is FALSE.


Japan uses era systems, and on each emperor's reign it would constitute one era. The Japanese traditional era name is widely used in official statistics and documents instead of the Anno Domini system. Recently, the year is often written in traditional form with Christian year, e.g., H12 (2000), because Japanese year style without Christian one is confusing even for Japanese.

jyear calculates such Japanese year from the given Christian year. Is may be useful if the Japanese style is required in statistical graphics or documents.

Since jyear dose not take account of month and day, an unexpected output could be given for a particular year, during which an era changed to a new one. The shift option should be set manually as TRUE in the following period.

from January 1 to July 29 in 1912
from January 1 to December 24 in 1926
from January 1 to 7 in 1989




Susumu Tanimura




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> library(Nippon)
Loading required package: maptools
Loading required package: sp
Checking rgeos availability: TRUE
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/Nippon/jyear.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: jyear
> ### Title: Conversion to Japanese year style
> ### Aliases: jyear
> ### Keywords: Japanese language
> ### ** Examples
> jyear(2000,ascii=TRUE)
[1] "H12"
> jyear(2000,withAD=TRUE,ascii=TRUE)
[1] "H12(2000)"
> jyear(1989,ascii=TRUE)
[1] "H1"
> jyear(1989,shift=TRUE,ascii=TRUE)
[1] "S64"
null device 