Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plot the empirical FDR as a function of the cutoff level
plot.FDR.resultR Documentation

Plot the empirical FDR as a function of the cutoff level


Plots the output from EOC. The resulting graph is the empirical counterpart to those produced by TOC, i.e. the estimated FDR as a function of the cutoff-level on the t-statistic.


plot.FDR.result(x, add=FALSE, = TRUE, = FALSE, 
     xlim, ylim = c(0, 1), xlab, ylab, main, ...)



an object created by EOC


logical value indicating whether to add to an existing plot or start a new one

logical value indicating whether to show the classical sensitivity for testing one hypothesis as a function of the cutoff level.

logical value indicating whether to add a legend to the plot

xlim, ylim

limits for the horizontal and vertical axis

xlab, ylab

axis labels


plot title


the usual graphical parameters, passed to plot


A. Ploner

See Also



# We simulate a small example with 5 percent regulated genes and
# a rather large effect size
xdat = matrix(rnorm(50000), nrow=1000)
xdat[1:25, 1:25] = xdat[1:25, 1:25] - 2
xdat[26:50, 1:25] = xdat[26:50, 1:25] + 2
grp = rep(c("Sample A","Sample B"), c(25,25))

# Compute the EOC without plotting
ret = EOC(xdat, grp, plot=FALSE) 

# Some possible arrangements
plot(ret, legend=TRUE)
plot(ret, sensitivity=FALSE)


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> library(OCplus)
Loading required package: akima
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/OCplus/plot.FDR.result.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.FDR.result
> ### Title: Plot the empirical FDR as a function of the cutoff level
> ### Aliases: plot.FDR.result
> ### Keywords: hplot aplot
> ### ** Examples
> # We simulate a small example with 5 percent regulated genes and
> # a rather large effect size
> set.seed(2003)
> xdat = matrix(rnorm(50000), nrow=1000)
> xdat[1:25, 1:25] = xdat[1:25, 1:25] - 2
> xdat[26:50, 1:25] = xdat[26:50, 1:25] + 2
> grp = rep(c("Sample A","Sample B"), c(25,25))
> # Compute the EOC without plotting
> ret = EOC(xdat, grp, plot=FALSE) 
> # Some possible arrangements
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> plot(ret)
> plot(ret, legend=TRUE)
> plot(ret, sensitivity=FALSE)
null device 