Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Write GRM binary files.
write_GRMBinR Documentation

Write GRM binary files.


Function to write a binary GRM format recently introduced by GCTA. It takes a correlation matrix as used by other Kriging functions, and writes three files: binary file for storing the diagonal + lower triangular elements, a text file for sample IDs, and a binary file storing the number of SNPs used in the correlation matrix calculation.


write_GRMBin(X, n.snps = 0, prefix, size = 4)



Correlation matrix with rownames and colnames as sample IDs.


Number of SNPs used in correlation matrix calculation. Default is 0.0.


Base file path and names for the three output files.


Number of bytes to write for each value. Default is 4


None. Though side effects are writing three files as described above.



  ## create a random genotype matrix
  nSamples <- 10
  mMarkers <- 100
  X <- matrix(rbinom(n=100, size=2, prob=0.5), nrow=nSamples)
  ## compute the Genetric Relatedness Matrix
  grm <- cor(X)
  ## write a Genetic Relatedness Matrix (GRM)
  ## NOTE: to following is not run here -- not writing any files in examples
  #write_GRMBin(grm, n.snps=mMarkers, prefix="grm.out")


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> library(OmicKriging)
Loading required package: doParallel
Loading required package: foreach
Loading required package: iterators
Loading required package: parallel
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/OmicKriging/write_GRMBin.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: write_GRMBin
> ### Title: Write GRM binary files.
> ### Aliases: write_GRMBin
> ### ** Examples
>   ## create a random genotype matrix
>   nSamples <- 10
>   mMarkers <- 100
>   X <- matrix(rbinom(n=100, size=2, prob=0.5), nrow=nSamples)
>   ## compute the Genetric Relatedness Matrix
>   grm <- cor(X)
>   ## write a Genetic Relatedness Matrix (GRM)
>   ## NOTE: to following is not run here -- not writing any files in examples
>   #write_GRMBin(grm, n.snps=mMarkers, prefix="grm.out")
null device 