Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: A function to summarize input data into sufficient statistics...
GetStatisticsR Documentation

A function to summarize input data into sufficient statistics for estimating the attachment function and node fitness


The function summarizes input data into sufficient statistics for estimating the attachment function and node fitness, together with additional information about the data, such as the total number of nodes, the number of time-steps, the maximum degree, and the final degree of the network, etc. . It also provides mechanisms to automatically deal with very large datasets by binning the degree, setting a degree threshold, or discarding time-steps.


GetStatistics(data, net_type, only_PA,Binning, G, start_deg, deg_threshold, 
CompressMode, CompressRatio, CustomTime)



Matrix. A 3-column matrix whose each row contains information of one edge in the form (from_node id, to_node id, time_stamp). from_node id is the id of the source node. to_node id is the id of the destination node. time_stamp is the arrival time of the edge. from_node id and to_node id are assumed to be integers starting from 0. time_stamp can be either numeric or string. We assume that a smaller time_stamp represents an earlier arrival time.


String. Indicates the type of network. Default value is "directed".


Logical. Indicates whether the statistics for estimating A_k are summarized (if TRUE, saving memory at the cost of unable to estimate node fitness). Default value is FALSE.


Logical. Indicates whether the degree should be binned together. Default value is TRUE.


Integer. Number of bins. Default value is 1000.


Integer. The degree from which the program start to binning the degree together. Default value is 0.


Integer. Only the fitnesses of nodes whose number of new edges acquired is not less than deg_threshold will be estimated. The fitnesses of all other nodes are fixed at 1. Default value is 1.


Integer. Indicates whether the timeline should be compressed. Default value is 0. The value of CompressMode:

0: No compression

1: Compressed by using a subset of time-steps. The time stamps in this subset are equally spaced. The size of this subset is CompressRatio times the size of set of all time stamps.

2: Compressed by only starting from the first time-step when CompressRatio*100 percentages of the total number of edges (in the final state of the network) had already been added to the network.

3: This mode offers the most flexibility, but requires user to supply the time stamps in CustomTime. Only time stamps in this CustomTime will be used. This mode can be used, for example, when investigating the change of the attachment function or node fitness in different time intervals.


Numeric. Indicates how much we should compress. Default value is 0.5.


Vector. Custom time stamps.Only effective if CompressMode == 3. In that case, only these time stamps are used.


An object of class PAFitData, which is a list. Some important fields are:


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of nodes with degree k at time t, counting among all the nodes whose number of new edges acquired is less than deg_thresh


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of nodes with degree k at time t


A matrix where the (t,k+1) element is the number of new edges connect to a degree-k node at time t


A vector where the (k+1)-th element is the total number of edges that linked to a degree k node, counting over all time steps


A matrix recording the degree of all nodes at each time step


A vector where the t-th element is the number of new edges at time t


A vector where the j-th element is the total number of edges that linked to node j


Numeric. The number of nodes in the network


Numeric. The number of time steps


Numeric. The maximum degree in the final network


A vector contains the id of all nodes


A vector contains the final degree of all nodes


Numeric. The specified degree threshold.


Numeric vector. The index in the node_id vector of the nodes we want to estimate (i.e. nodes whose number of new edges acquired is not less deg_thresh)


Numeric. The degree at which we start binning.


Numeric vector contains the beginning degree of each bin


Numeric vector contains the ending degree of each bin


Numeric vector contains the length of each bin.


Logical. Indicates whether binning was applied or not.


Integer. Number of bins


Integer. The mode of time compression.


Integer. The number of time stamps actually used


The time stamps that are actually used




Vector. The time stamps specified by user.


Thong Pham


1. Pham, T. and Sheridan, P. and Shimodaira, H. (2015). Nonparametric estimation of the preferential attachment function in complex networks: evidence of deviations from log linearity, in press. Proceedings of ECCS 2014: European Conference on Complex Systems.

2. Pham T, Sheridan P, Shimodaira H (2015) PAFit: A Statistical Method for Measuring Preferential Attachment in Temporal Complex Networks. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137796. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137796 (


data   <- GenerateNet(N = 1000,m = 1,mode = 1, alpha = 1, shape = 5, rate = 5)
stats  <- GetStatistics(data$graph)


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> library(PAFit)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/PAFit/GetStatistics.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: GetStatistics
> ### Title: A function to summarize input data into sufficient statistics
> ###   for estimating the attachment function and node fitness
> ### Aliases: GetStatistics
> ### Keywords: fitness model Preferential Attachment function
> ###   Minorize-Maximization algorithms Bianconi-Barabasi model
> ###   Barabasi-Albert model
> ### ** Examples
> library("PAFit")
> data   <- GenerateNet(N = 1000,m = 1,mode = 1, alpha = 1, shape = 5, rate = 5)
> stats  <- GetStatistics(data$graph)
null device 