Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: PK models with linear elimination
PKmodR Documentation

PK models with linear elimination


Create a model function with gradient evaluation (and, optionally, Hessian evaluation) for a model according to the number of compartments, the form of administration and dosage of the drug after performing any substitutions given.


  PKmod(admin = c("bolus", "infusion", "oral"),
    dosage = c("sd", "md", "ss"), subst = list(), cpt = 1L,
    hessian = FALSE)



form of administration of the drug, one of "bolus", "infusion" or "oral". Defaults to "bolus".


type of dosage of the drug, one of "sd" (single dose), "md" (multiple dose) or "ss" (steady-state). Defaults to "sd".


a list of formulas of substitutions to perform


scalar integer - the number of model compartments.


a logical value indicating whether the second derivatives should be calculated and incorporated in the return value.


The substitutions are given as a list of formulas, such as list(k ~ Cl/V, Cl ~ exp(lCl), V ~ exp(lV)). They are applied left to right.


a byte-compiled model function with gradient evaluation


## return a function with substitutions
PKmod("bolus", "sd", list(k ~ Cl/V, Cl ~ exp(lCl), V ~ exp(lV)))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(PKPDmodels)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/PKPDmodels/PKmod.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: PKmod
> ### Title: PK models with linear elimination
> ### Aliases: PKmod
> ### ** Examples
> ## return a function with substitutions
> PKmod("bolus", "sd", list(k ~ Cl/V, Cl ~ exp(lCl), V ~ exp(lV)))
function (dose, t, lCl, lV) 
    .expr1 <- exp(lCl)
    .expr2 <- exp(lV)
    .expr3 <- .expr1/.expr2
    .expr6 <- exp(-.expr3 * t)
    .expr7 <- dose * .expr6
    .expr15 <- .expr2^2
    .value <- .expr7/.expr2
    .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 2L), list(NULL, c("lCl", 
    .grad[, "lCl"] <- -(dose * (.expr6 * (.expr3 * t))/.expr2)
    .grad[, "lV"] <- dose * (.expr6 * (.expr1 * .expr2/.expr15 * 
        t))/.expr2 - .expr7 * .expr2/.expr15
    attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
<bytecode: 0x1b2e8b0>
null device 