Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Visualization of Peeling Trajectories/Profiles
plot_boxtrajR Documentation

Visualization of Peeling Trajectories/Profiles


Function for plotting the cross-validated peeling trajectories/profiles of a PRSP object. Applies to the pre-selected covariates specified by user and all other statistical quantities of interest at each iteration of the peeling sequence (inner loop of our PRSP algorithm).


               main = NULL, 
               toplot = object$cvfit$cv.used,
               col = 1, 
               lty = 1, 
               lwd = 1, 
               cex = 1, 
               add.legend = FALSE, 
               text.legend = NULL, 
               nr = NULL, 
               nc = NULL,
               device = NULL, 
               file = "Trajectory Plots", 
               horizontal = FALSE, 
               width = 8.5, 
               height = 11, ...)



Object of class PRSP as generated by the main function sbh.


Character vector. Main Title. Defaults to NULL.


Numeric vector. Which of the pre-selected covariates to plot (in reference to the original index of covariates). Defaults to covariates used for peeling.


Integer vector. Line color for the covariate trajectory curve of each selected covariate. Defaults to vector of colors of length the number of selected covariates. The vector is reused cyclically if it is shorter than the number of selected covariates.


Integer vector. Line type for the covariate trajectory curve of each selected covariate. Defaults to vector of 1's of length the number of selected covariates. The vector is reused cyclically if it is shorter than the number of selected covariates.


Integer vector. Line width for the covariate trajectory curve of each selected covariate. Defaults to vector of 1's of length the number of selected covariates. The vector is reused cyclically if it is shorter than the number of selected covariates.


Integer scalar. Line color for the trajectory curve of each statistical quantity of interest. Defaults to 1.


Integer scalar. Line type for the trajectory curve of each statistical quantity of interest. Defaults to 1.


Integer scalar. Line width for the trajectory curve of each statistical quantity of interest. Defaults to 1.


Integer scalar. Symbol expansion used for titles, legends, and axis labels. Defaults to 1.


Logical scalar. Should the legend be added to the current open graphics device? Defaults to FALSE.


Character vector of legend content. Defaults to NULL.


Integer scalar of the number of rows in the plot. If NULL, defaults to 3.


Integer scalar of the number of columns in the plot. If NULL, defaults to 3.


Graphic display device in {NULL, "PS", "PDF"}. Defaults to NULL (standard output screen). Currently implemented graphic display devices are "PS" (Postscript) or "PDF" (Portable Document Format).


File name for output graphic. Defaults to "Trajectory Plots".


Absolute path (without final (back)slash separator). Defaults to working directory path.


Logical scalar. Orientation of the printed image. Defaults to FALSE, that is potrait orientation.


Numeric scalar. Width of the graphics region in inches. Defaults to 8.5.


Numeric scalar. Height of the graphics region in inches. Defaults to 11.


Generic arguments passed to other plotting functions.


The plot limits the display of trajectories to those only covariates that are used for peeling.

The plot includes box descriptive statistics (such as support), survival endpoint statistics (such as Maximum Event-Free Time (MEFT), Minimum Event-Free Probability (MEVP), LHR, LRT) and prediction performance (such as CER).


Invisible. None. Displays the plot(s) on the specified device.


End-user plotting function.


Maintainer: "Jean-Eudes Dazard, Ph.D."

Acknowledgments: This project was partially funded by the National Institutes of Health NIH - National Cancer Institute (R01-CA160593) to J-E. Dazard and J.S. Rao.


  • Dazard J-E., Choe M., LeBlanc M. and Rao J.S. (2015). "Cross-validation and Peeling Strategies for Survival Bump Hunting using Recursive Peeling Methods." Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (in press).

  • Dazard J-E., Choe M., LeBlanc M. and Rao J.S. (2014). "Cross-Validation of Survival Bump Hunting by Recursive Peeling Methods." In JSM Proceedings, Survival Methods for Risk Estimation/Prediction Section. Boston, MA, USA. American Statistical Association IMS - JSM, p. 3366-3380.

  • Dazard J-E., Choe M., LeBlanc M. and Rao J.S. (2015). "R package PRIMsrc: Bump Hunting by Patient Rule Induction Method for Survival, Regression and Classification." In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Programmers and Analysts Section. Seattle, WA, USA. American Statistical Association IMS - JSM, (in press).

  • Dazard J-E. and J.S. Rao (2010). "Local Sparse Bump Hunting." J. Comp Graph. Statistics, 19(4):900-92.


# Loading the library and its dependencies

# Simulated dataset #1 (n=250, p=3)
# Non Replicated Combined Cross-Validation (RCCV)
# Peeling criterion = LRT
# Optimization criterion = LRT
CVCOMB.synt1 <- sbh(dataset = Synthetic.1, 
                    cvtype = "combined", cvcriterion = "lrt",
                    B = 1, K = 5, 
                    vs = TRUE, cpv = FALSE, 
                    decimals = 2, probval = 0.5, 
                    arg = "beta=0.05,
                    parallel = FALSE, conf = NULL, seed = 123)

plot_boxtraj(object = CVCOMB.synt1,
             main = paste("Cross-validated peeling trajectories for model #1", sep=""),
             toplot = CVCOMB.synt1$cvfit$cv.used,
             device = NULL, file = "Trajectory Plots", path=getwd(),
             horizontal = FALSE, width = 8.5, height = 11)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(PRIMsrc)
Loading required package: parallel
Loading required package: survival
Loading required package: Hmisc
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: Formula
Loading required package: ggplot2

Attaching package: 'Hmisc'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    format.pval, round.POSIXt, trunc.POSIXt, units

Loading required package: glmnet
Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: foreach
Loaded glmnet 2.0-5

Loading required package: MASS
PRIMsrc 0.6.3
Type to see new features, changes, and bug fixes

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/PRIMsrc/plot_boxtraj.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot_boxtraj
> ### Title: Visualization of Peeling Trajectories/Profiles
> ### Aliases: plot_boxtraj
> ### Keywords: Exploratory Survival/Risk Analysis Survival/Risk Estimation &
> ###   Prediction Non-Parametric Method Cross-Validation Bump Hunting
> ###   Rule-Induction Method
> ### ** Examples
> #===================================================
> # Loading the library and its dependencies
> #===================================================
> library("PRIMsrc")
> #=================================================================================
> # Simulated dataset #1 (n=250, p=3)
> # Non Replicated Combined Cross-Validation (RCCV)
> # Peeling criterion = LRT
> # Optimization criterion = LRT
> #=================================================================================
> CVCOMB.synt1 <- sbh(dataset = Synthetic.1, 
+                     cvtype = "combined", cvcriterion = "lrt",
+                     B = 1, K = 5, 
+                     vs = TRUE, cpv = FALSE, 
+                     decimals = 2, probval = 0.5, 
+                     arg = "beta=0.05,
+                            alpha=0.1,
+                            minn=10,
+                            L=NULL,
+                            peelcriterion="lr"",
+                     parallel = FALSE, conf = NULL, seed = 123)

Survival dataset provided.

Requested single 5-fold cross-validation without replications 
Cross-validation technique:  COMBINED 
Cross-validation criterion:  LRT 
Variable pre-selection: TRUE 
Computation of permutation p-values: FALSE 
Peeling criterion:  LRT 
Parallelization: FALSE 

Pre-selection of covariates and determination of directions of peeling... 
Pre-selected covariates:
X1 X2 X3 
 1  2  3 
Directions of peeling at each step of pre-selected covariates:
X1 X2 X3 
 1 -1 -1 
Fitting and cross-validating the Survival Bump Hunting model using the PRSP algorithm ... 
replicate : 1
seed : 123
Fold : 1
Fold : 2
Fold : 3
Fold : 4
Fold : 5
Success! 1 (replicated) cross-validation(s) has(ve) completed 
Generating cross-validated optimal peeling lengths from all replicates ...
Generating cross-validated box memberships at each step ...
Generating cross-validated box rules for the pre-selected covariates at each step ...
Generating cross-validated modal trace values of covariate usage at each step ...
Covariates used for peeling at each step, based on covariate trace modal values:
X1 X2 
 1  2 
Generating cross-validated box statistics at each step ...
> plot_boxtraj(object = CVCOMB.synt1,
+              main = paste("Cross-validated peeling trajectories for model #1", sep=""),
+              toplot = CVCOMB.synt1$cvfit$cv.used,
+              device = NULL, file = "Trajectory Plots", path=getwd(),
+              horizontal = FALSE, width = 8.5, height = 11)
Device:  2 
null device 