Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Information about reference species
showReferencesR Documentation

Information about reference species


Get information about the currently stored reference species. If indicated by returnValue a data frame - containing information about each protein or interaction - is provided as well.


showReferences(path2ppi, species = NA, returnValue = NA)



An object from the class Path2PPI.


Either a number between 1 and the number of stored reference species or a character string with the taxonomy id. If no value for species is given then information about each stored reference species is provided.


Character value indicating whether to return a value. "proteins": a data frame containing the proteins associated with the pathway of interest in the corresponding reference species. "interactions": a data frame containing all processed, relevant and non-redundant interactions. "irefindex": a data frame containing all relevant interactions in the raw irefindex format. Is only reasonable if species is defined. If no value for returnValue is given then only general information is provided.


See description for returnValue


Oliver Philipp

See Also

addReference, removeReference, showInteraction


data(ai) #Load test data set

ppi <- Path2PPI("Autophagy induction", "Podospora anserina", "5145")

ppi <- addReference(ppi, "Homo sapiens", "9606",, 
ppi <- addReference(ppi, "Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)", "559292", 

#Get general information about each stored reference species

#Get general information about reference species with the taxonomy id "9606"
showReferences(ppi, species="9606")

#Get all proteins associated with the pathway of interest 
#and previously given by the user
proteins <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="proteins")

#Get all processed and non-redundant interactions previously 
#determined to be relevant for the pathway of interest
interactions <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="interactions")

#Get all relevant interactions in the detailed irefindex format
irefindex <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="irefindex")


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Path2PPI)
Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package: 'igraph'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/Path2PPI/showReferences.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: showReferences
> ### Title: Information about reference species
> ### Aliases: showReferences
> ### ** Examples
> data(ai) #Load test data set
> ppi <- Path2PPI("Autophagy induction", "Podospora anserina", "5145")
> ppi <- addReference(ppi, "Homo sapiens", "9606",, 
+           ,
Search for all relevant interactions:
Remove irrelevant homologs.
> ppi <- addReference(ppi, "Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c)", "559292", 
+           ,, 
Search for all relevant interactions:
Remove irrelevant homologs.
> #Get general information about each stored reference species
> showReferences(ppi)
Homo sapiens (TaxId: 9606)
5 proteins (0 not used)
894 interactions:
- 6 interactions have both interactors in protein list.
- 349 interactions have at least one interactor in protein list.
- 660 interactions in 102 protein complexes.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S288c) (TaxId: 559292)
7 proteins (0 not used)
2910 interactions:
- 15 interactions have both interactors in protein list.
- 834 interactions have at least one interactor in protein list.
- 2207 interactions in 102 protein complexes.

> #Get general information about reference species with the taxonomy id "9606"
> showReferences(ppi, species="9606")
Homo sapiens (TaxId: 9606)
5 proteins (0 not used)
894 interactions:
- 6 interactions have both interactors in protein list.
- 349 interactions have at least one interactor in protein list.
- 660 interactions in 102 protein complexes.
> #Get all proteins associated with the pathway of interest 
> #and previously given by the user
> proteins <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="proteins")
> #Get all processed and non-redundant interactions previously 
> #determined to be relevant for the pathway of interest
> interactions <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="interactions")
> #Get all relevant interactions in the detailed irefindex format
> irefindex <- showReferences(ppi, species="9606", returnValue="irefindex")
null device 