Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: The 'Proteins' Class for Proteomics Data And Meta-Data
Proteins-classR Documentation

The Proteins Class for Proteomics Data And Meta-Data


The Proteins class encapsulates data and meta-data for proteomics experiments. The class stores the protein sequences as well as specific subsets of interest, typically peptides, as ranges. The Proteins instances, the sequence and peptide slots are described by their respective metadata attributes.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created using its constructor Proteins. The constructor either takes a fasta file name as first argument or, alternatively a named uniprotIds argument with valid UniProt accession numbers (not yet implemented).


An instance of class Proteins is characterised by one or multiple protein sequences that can be accessed as AAStringSet with the aa accessor. Sequence-specific annotation, such as accession numbers, protein and gene names, ... is available with the ametadata or acols methods. General metadata such as the data of creation of the instance are stored as a list returned by the metadata accessor, which would typically contain a created character that documents when the object was created, a reference genome descriptor, a UniProtRelease with the release data of the UniProt database and possibly others.

Each sequence of a Proteins instance can also be characterised by a set of specific ranges describing peptides of interest. These peptide features can be extracted as an AAStringSetList, where each protein sequence contains 0 or more peptide features. These peptides features are encode as ranges along the original proteins sequences (a list of IRanges) that can be extracted with the pranges function. These peptide features have their own metadata describing for example peptide identification scores, number of missed cleavages, ... available with the pmetadata or pcols methods.

See also the Pbase-data vignette.

Developement notes

Since version 0.2.0, addIdentificationData supports multiple identification file names to be added to a Proteins instance (argument renamed filenames) using either mzID or mzR. Added new Pparams parametrisation infrastructure.

See news(package = "Pbase") for a description of all changes.

Other possible metadata fields: Uniprot.sw, biomaRt instances.



Object of class "list" containing global metadata, accessed with metadata.


Object of class "AAStringSet" storing the protein sequences, accessed with aa.


Object of class "CompressedIRangesList" containg protein feature ranges such as theoretical (obtain by in silico cleavage) or observed peptides. Accessed as an IRangesList with pranges or and AAStringSetList with pfeatures.


Object of class "Versions" documenting the class verions. Intended for developer use and debugging.


Class "Versioned", directly.



signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns an AAStringSet instance representing the sequences of the proteins.


signature(x = "Proteins"): ...


signature(x = "Proteins"): ...


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns a list of global metadata of the instance x, including data of instance creation or, if created from a set of UnitProt identifiers (see constructors above), the UniProt version and UnitProt.WS version number.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns a DataFrame of protein metadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): See ametadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns a list of feature metadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): See pmetadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns the names of the sequences metadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns the names of the peptide feature metadata.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns the protein sequence names defined as UniProt accession numbers.


signature(x = "Proteins"): Returns the number of proteins.


signature(x = "Proteins", i = "ANY", j = "missing"): Creates a subset of the Proteins insance.


signature(x = "Proteins", i = "ANY", j = "missing"): Returns an AAString instance representing the sequence of the selected protein.


signature(x = "Proteins", mass = "numeric", len = "numeric", ...): ...


signature(x = "Proteins", enzym = "character", missedCleavages = "numeric"): Cleaves all proteins using the enzym rule while allowing missedCleavages missing cleavages. Please see cleave for details.


signature(object = "Proteins", id = "character", rmEmptyRanges = "logical", par = "Pparams"): Adds identification data from an IdentMzMl file (id) to the Proteins object. If rmEmptyRanges is TRUE proteins without any identification data are removed. See Pparams for further settings.


signature(object = "Proteins", filenames = "character", rmEmptyRanges = "logical", par = "Pparams"): Adds identification data from a fasta file (filenames) to the Proteins object. Please note that both fasta files (the origin of the Proteins object and the ones given in filenames) must share the same Uniprot accession numbers. If rmEmptyRanges is TRUE proteins without any identification data are removed. See Pparams for further settings.


signature(x = "Proteins", y = "missing"): Plots all proteins and associated peptides using the Gviz/Pviz infrastructure.


signature(object = "Proteins"): Displays object summary as text.



signature(x = "Proteins")

: removes proteins with empty peptide ranges.


signature(x = "Proteins"): returns a modified Proteins object. pcols(x) gains a "Proteotypic" logical column, indicating of the peptide is proteotypic or now.


signature(pattern = "Proteins"): calulates the coverage of proteins. pcols(x) gains a "Coverage" numeric column.


signature(x = "Proteins", missedCleavages = "numeric"): Tests whether a Protein object was cleaved already.


Laurent Gatto <> and Sebastian Gibb <>


Definition of the UniProt fasta comment format:

See Also



## Create a Protein object reading all proteins from a fasta file.
fastaFiles <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "Pbase"),
                         pattern = "fasta", full.names = TRUE)
p <- Proteins(fastaFiles)

## Adding custom metadata
metadata(p, "Comment") <- "I love R"

## Plotting
plot(p[1:5], from = 1, to = 30)

## Cleaving
pp <- cleave(p[1:100])
pp <- proteotypic(pp)

plot(pp[1:2], from = 20, to = 30)

## Protein coverage
pp <- proteinCoverage(pp)

## Add indentification data
idfile <- system.file("extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid",
                      package = "Pbase")
p <- addIdentificationData(p, idfile)

plot(p[1], # the first protein has 36 peptides
     fill = c(rep("orange", 13), rep("steelblue", 13)))


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(Pbase)
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: Gviz
Loading required package: S4Vectors
Loading required package: stats4

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums

Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: grid

This is Pbase version 0.12.2

> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/Pbase/Proteins-class.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: Proteins-class
> ### Title: The 'Proteins' Class for Proteomics Data And Meta-Data
> ### Aliases: Proteins-class class:Proteins Proteins
> ###   Proteins,character,missing-method Proteins,missing,character-method
> ###   Proteins,missing,missing-method [,Proteins,ANY,ANY-method
> ###   [,Proteins,ANY,ANY,ANY-method [[,Proteins,ANY,ANY-method
> ###   aa,Proteins-method aa ametadata,Proteins-method ametadata acols
> ###   metadata,Proteins-method metadata<-,Proteins-method
> ###   pfeatures,Proteins-method pfeatures plot,Proteins,missing-method
> ###   pmetadata,Proteins-method pmetadata pcols pranges,Proteins-method
> ###   pranges pranges<-,Proteins,CompressedIRangesList-method pranges<-
> ###   pfilter,Proteins-method pfilter pvarLabels,Proteins-method pvarLabels
> ###   avarLabels,Proteins-method avarLabels length,Proteins-method
> ###   seqnames,Proteins-method show,Proteins-method cleave,Proteins-method
> ###   addIdentificationData,Proteins,character-method addPeptideFragments
> ###   addPeptideFragments,Proteins,character-method rmEmptyRanges
> ###   proteotypic proteinCoverage isCleaved
> ### Keywords: classes
> ### ** Examples
> ## Create a Protein object reading all proteins from a fasta file.
> fastaFiles <- list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "Pbase"),
+                          pattern = "fasta", full.names = TRUE)
> p <- Proteins(fastaFiles)
> p
S4 class type     : Proteins
Class version     : 0.1
Created           : Wed Jul  6 02:39:44 2016
Number of Proteins: 963
  [1] A4UGR9 [2] A6H8Y1 ... [962] Pb98 [963] Pb99
Sequence features:
  [1] DB [2] AccessionNumber ... [10] Comment [11] Filename
Peptide features: None
> metadata(p)
[1] "Wed Jul  6 02:39:44 2016"

> ## Adding custom metadata
> metadata(p, "Comment") <- "I love R"
> metadata(p)
[1] "Wed Jul  6 02:39:44 2016"

[1] "I love R"

> ## Plotting
> plot(p[1:5], from = 1, to = 30)
> ## Cleaving
> pp <- cleave(p[1:100])
> pp <- proteotypic(pp)
> pp
S4 class type     : Proteins
Class version     : 0.1
Created           : Wed Jul  6 02:39:44 2016
Number of Proteins: 100
  [1] A4UGR9 [2] A6H8Y1 ... [99] B1X737 [100] B1X740
Sequence features:
  [1] DB [2] AccessionNumber ... [10] Comment [11] Filename
Peptide features:
  MissedCleavages, Proteotypic
> pcols(pp[1:2])
SplitDataFrameList of length 2
DataFrame with 457 rows and 2 columns
    MissedCleavages Proteotypic
              <Rle>       <Rle>
1                 0        TRUE
2                 0        TRUE
3                 0        TRUE
4                 0       FALSE
5                 0       FALSE
...             ...         ...
453               0        TRUE
454               0        TRUE
455               0        TRUE
456               0        TRUE
457               0        TRUE

<1 more element>
> plot(pp[1:2], from = 20, to = 30)
> ## Protein coverage
> pp <- proteinCoverage(pp)
> avarLabels(pp)
 [1] "DB"               "AccessionNumber"  "EntryName"        "IsoformName"     
 [5] "ProteinName"      "OrganismName"     "GeneName"         "ProteinExistence"
 [9] "SequenceVersion"  "Comment"          "Filename"         "Coverage"        
> acols(pp)$Coverage
A4UGR9 A6H8Y1 B1X5X3 B1X5X8 B1X5Y6 B1X5Y8 B1X603 B1X604 B1X620 B1X626 B1X637 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X638 B1X641 B1X645 B1X650 B1X655 B1X662 B1X666 B1X669 B1X677 B1X678 B1X6A7 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6A8 B1X6B7 B1X6B9 B1X6C7 B1X6D9 B1X6E0 B1X6E6 B1X6E7 B1X6E8 B1X6E9 B1X6F0 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6F3 B1X6F4 B1X6F5 B1X6F6 B1X6F7 B1X6F8 B1X6F9 B1X6G0 B1X6G1 B1X6G2 B1X6G3 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6G4 B1X6G5 B1X6G6 B1X6G7 B1X6G8 B1X6G9 B1X6H0 B1X6H1 B1X6H2 B1X6H7 B1X6I9 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6J0 B1X6J1 B1X6J5 B1X6J6 B1X6K7 B1X6L0 B1X6L1 B1X6L3 B1X6L4 B1X6L6 B1X6L7 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6M1 B1X6M8 B1X6P1 B1X6Q1 B1X6Q4 B1X6Q5 B1X6Q6 B1X6Q7 B1X6Q8 B1X6Q9 B1X6S1 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6S3 B1X6S5 B1X6U3 B1X6V8 B1X6V9 B1X6W2 B1X6W3 B1X6W6 B1X6X2 B1X6X3 B1X6X5 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
B1X6X7 B1X6Y8 B1X6Z8 B1X703 B1X705 B1X709 B1X711 B1X720 B1X731 B1X733 B1X737 
     1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1      1 
> pp
S4 class type     : Proteins
Class version     : 0.1
Created           : Wed Jul  6 02:39:44 2016
Number of Proteins: 100
  [1] A4UGR9 [2] A6H8Y1 ... [99] B1X737 [100] B1X740
Sequence features:
  [1] DB [2] AccessionNumber ... [11] Filename [12] Coverage
Peptide features:
  MissedCleavages, Proteotypic
> ## Add indentification data
> idfile <- system.file("extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid",
+                       package = "Pbase")
> p <- addIdentificationData(p, idfile)
Reading 1 identification files:
  1. /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
> pranges(p)
IRangesList of length 9
IRanges object with 36 ranges and 28 metadata columns:
             start       end     width |    DB AccessionNumber   EntryName
         <integer> <integer> <integer> | <Rle>     <character> <character>
  A4UGR9      2743      2760        18 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9       307       318        12 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      1858      1870        13 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      1699      1708        10 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      2622      2637        16 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
     ...       ...       ...       ... .   ...             ...         ...
  A4UGR9        20        31        12 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      1712      1729        18 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9        48        61        14 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      2082      2094        13 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9      2743      2756        14 |    sp          A4UGR9 XIRP2_HUMAN
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
     ...         ...
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9        <NA>
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
     ...                                                                 ...
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN Xin actin-binding repeat-containing protein 2
         OrganismName GeneName          ProteinExistence SequenceVersion
                <Rle>    <Rle>                     <Rle>           <Rle>
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
     ...          ...      ...                       ...             ...
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
  A4UGR9 Homo sapiens    XIRP2 Evidence at protein level               2
         Comment spectrumID chargeState      rank passThreshold
           <Rle>   <factor>   <integer> <integer>     <logical>
  A4UGR9    <NA>  index=124           3         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>   index=28           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>   index=20           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>  index=187           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>  index=211           3         1          TRUE
     ...     ...        ...         ...       ...           ...
  A4UGR9    <NA>   index=99           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>    index=9           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>  index=122           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>   index=87           2         1          TRUE
  A4UGR9    <NA>   index=77           2         1          TRUE
         experimentalMassToCharge calculatedMassToCharge           sequence
                        <numeric>              <numeric>           <factor>
  A4UGR9                 715.0305               715.0308 QEITQNKSFFSSVKESQR
  A4UGR9                 715.9177               715.4117       LPVPKDVYSKQR
  A4UGR9                 786.9066               786.9081      EQNNDALEKSLRR
  A4UGR9                 629.8380               629.3386         SLKESSHRWK
  A4UGR9                 645.3429               645.3511   LKMVPRKQREFSGSDR
     ...                      ...                    ...                ...
  A4UGR9                 619.2888               618.7782       PESGFAEDSAAR
  A4UGR9                1014.0198              1013.5117 QPDAIPGDIEKAIECLEK
  A4UGR9                 821.4005               820.8909     MARYQAAVSRGDCR
  A4UGR9                 720.3445               720.3527      TNTSTGLKMAMER
  A4UGR9                 821.9231               821.9254     QEITQNKSFFSSVK
            modNum   isDecoy     post      pre     start       end
         <integer> <logical> <factor> <factor> <integer> <integer>
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        D        K      2743      2760
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        N        R       307       318
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        L        R      1858      1870
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        E        K      1699      1708
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        G        K      2622      2637
     ...       ...       ...      ...      ...       ...       ...
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        G        K        20        31
  A4UGR9         1     FALSE        A        K      1712      1729
  A4UGR9         1     FALSE        S        R        48        61
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        S        K      2082      2094
  A4UGR9         0     FALSE        E        K      2743      2756
                DatabaseAccess DBseqLength DatabaseSeq acquisitionNum
                      <factor>   <integer>    <factor>      <numeric>
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                        124
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                         28
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                         20
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                        187
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                        211
     ...                   ...         ...         ...            ...
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                         99
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                          9
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                        122
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                         87
  A4UGR9 sp|A4UGR9|XIRP2_HUMAN        3374                         77
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
     ...                                                                           ...
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid
  A4UGR9 /home/ddbj/local/lib64/R/library/Pbase/extdata/Thermo_Hela_PRTC_selected.mzid

<8 more elements>
> pfeatures(p)
AAStringSetList of length 9
[["P04075-2"]] P04075-2=GVVPLAGTNGETTTQGLDGLSER ...
[["P60709"]] P60709=DLTDYLMKILTER
> plot(p[1])
> plot(p[1], # the first protein has 36 peptides
+      fill = c(rep("orange", 13), rep("steelblue", 13)))
null device 