Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plots clustering result
plot.clustR Documentation

Plots clustering result


Makes formatted plots from the clustering result returned from ClusProc.


  ## S3 method for class 'clust'
    type = c("histo", "scat", "sil"), adjust = TRUE, ...)



The clustering results obtained from ClusProc.


Factor. For specifying the plot type. It must be one of 'histo', 'scat' and 'sil'. If it is 'histo', the histogram is obtained with the first PC score of the intensity measurement. For 'scat', the first PC score of the intensity measurement is plotted against the mean of the intensity measurement. For 'sil', the silhouette score is plotted. See details.


Logicals. If TRUE (default), the silhouette-adjusted clustering result will be used. If FALSE, the initial clustering result will be used. See details in ClusProc.


Usual arguments passed to the qplot function.


  • typeWe provide three types of plots: 'hist', 'scat' and 'sil'. The first two plots are used to visually check the performance of clustering. Different clusters are represented by using different colors. The 'sil' plot is the the overview of the silhouette value for all the individuals, the silhouettes of the different clusters are printed below each other. The higher silhouettes value means the better performance.


Meiling Liu


# Fit the data under the given clustering numbers <- ClusProc(signal=signal,N=2:6,varSelection='PC.9')


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> library(PedCNV)
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: RcppArmadillo
Loading required package: ggplot2
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/PedCNV/plot.clust.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plot.clust
> ### Title: Plots clustering result
> ### Aliases: plot.clust
> ### ** Examples
> # Fit the data under the given clustering numbers
> <- ClusProc(signal=signal,N=2:6,varSelection='PC.9')
The first 5 principal components are used.
The logliklihood for signal model is -1663.629 when clustering number is 2.
The logliklihood for signal model is -1477.954 when clustering number is 3.
The logliklihood for signal model is -1395.767 when clustering number is 4.
The logliklihood for signal model is -1338.199 when clustering number is 5.
The logliklihood for signal model is -1295.364 when clustering number is 6.
> plot(,type='histo')
null device 