Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Aggregated individual judgements (AIJ) slot
AIJR Documentation

Aggregated individual judgements (AIJ) slot


AIJ (Aggregated individual judgements) is a slot of geoAggreg class. It consists of a matrix of aggregated group judgements (a pairwise comparison matrix).


Daryanaz Dargahi <>


mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 1, data = NA)
mat[,1] <- c(system.file('extdata','ind1.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind2.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind3.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind4.tsv',package = 'Prize'))
rownames(mat) <- c('ind1','ind2','ind3', 'ind4')
colnames(mat) <- c('individual_judgement')

# non-weighted aggregation
res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)


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> library(Prize)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/Prize/AIJ.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: AIJ
> ### Title: Aggregated individual judgements (AIJ) slot
> ### Aliases: AIJ aij Aij AIJ,ANY-method
> ### ** Examples
> mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 1, data = NA)
> mat[,1] <- c(system.file('extdata','ind1.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind2.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind3.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind4.tsv',package = 'Prize'))
> rownames(mat) <- c('ind1','ind2','ind3', 'ind4')
> colnames(mat) <- c('individual_judgement')
> # non-weighted aggregation
> res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)
Reading individual judgements.
Aggregating individual judgements with geometric mean (AIJ).
Computing group consistency ratio (GCR).
Computing consensus index (CI).
> AIJ(res)
                  Tumor_expression Normal_expression Frequency Epitopes
Tumor_expression         1.0000000         2.0000000 3.4641016 5.143687
Normal_expression        0.5000000         1.0000000 3.6628415 5.383563
Frequency                0.2886751         0.2730121 1.0000000 1.681793
Epitopes                 0.1944131         0.1857506 0.5946036 1.000000
null device 