Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Individual priority (IP) slot
IPR Documentation

Individual priority (IP) slot


IP (Individual priority) is a slot of geoAggreg and ariAggreg classes. It consists of a matrix of individual and aggregated group AHP priorities.


Daryanaz Dargahi <>


mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 1, data = NA)
mat[,1] <- c(system.file('extdata','ind1.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind2.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind3.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
            system.file('extdata','ind4.tsv',package = 'Prize'))
rownames(mat) <- c('ind1','ind2','ind3', 'ind4')
colnames(mat) <- c('individual_judgement')

# Aggregation of individual judgements
res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)

# Aggregation of individual priorities
res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'arithmetic', simulation = 500)


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> library(Prize)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/Prize/IP.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: IP
> ### Title: Individual priority (IP) slot
> ### Aliases: IP Ip ip IP,ANY-method
> ### ** Examples
> mat <- matrix(nrow = 4, ncol = 1, data = NA)
> mat[,1] <- c(system.file('extdata','ind1.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind2.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind3.tsv',package = 'Prize'),
+             system.file('extdata','ind4.tsv',package = 'Prize'))
> rownames(mat) <- c('ind1','ind2','ind3', 'ind4')
> colnames(mat) <- c('individual_judgement')
> # Aggregation of individual judgements
> res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'geometric', simulation = 500)
Reading individual judgements.
Aggregating individual judgements with geometric mean (AIJ).
Computing group consistency ratio (GCR).
Computing consensus index (CI).
> IP(res)
                Tumor_expression Normal_expression  Frequency   Epitopes
ind1                   0.4915181         0.3058879 0.12487821 0.07771583
ind2                   0.3060687         0.4949012 0.12868606 0.07034399
ind3                   0.4627138         0.3271881 0.13574662 0.07435149
ind4                   0.6208484         0.2414021 0.07368481 0.06406465
Group judgement        0.4697298         0.3406738 0.11600194 0.07359445
> # Aggregation of individual priorities
> res <- gaggregate(srcfile = mat, method = 'arithmetic', simulation = 500)
Reading individual judgements.
Aggregating individual priorities with arithmetic mean (AIP).
> IP(res)
                Tumor_expression Normal_expression  Frequency   Epitopes
ind1                   0.4915181         0.3058879 0.12487821 0.07771583
ind2                   0.3060687         0.4949012 0.12868606 0.07034399
ind3                   0.4627138         0.3271881 0.13574662 0.07435149
ind4                   0.6208484         0.2414021 0.07368481 0.06406465
Group judgement        0.4702873         0.3423448 0.11574892 0.07161899
null device 