Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: subsetPeptideData
subsetPeptideDataR Documentation



Given a matrix of peptide data, omit columns with excess missing data, specified by NAs.


subsetPeptideData(pepdat, numNAsAllowed = NULL, percentageNAsAllowed = 0.05)



The peptide matrix, with peptides in columns and samples in rows.


The maximum count of missing values for each peptide (counts NAs).


The percentage of missing data allowed for each peptide over samples.


Returns a matrix.


David L Gibbs


subsetPeptideData(peptideData, percentageNAsAllowed=0.2)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

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> library(ProCoNA)
Loading required package: WGCNA
Loading required package: dynamicTreeCut
Loading required package: fastcluster

Attaching package: 'fastcluster'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


*  Package WGCNA 1.51 loaded.
*    Important note: It appears that your system supports multi-threading,
*    but it is not enabled within WGCNA in R. 
*    To allow multi-threading within WGCNA with all available cores, use 
*          allowWGCNAThreads()
*    within R. Use disableWGCNAThreads() to disable threading if necessary.
*    Alternatively, set the following environment variable on your system:
*          ALLOW_WGCNA_THREADS=<number_of_processors>
*    for example 
*    To set the environment variable in linux bash shell, type 
*           export ALLOW_WGCNA_THREADS=4
*     before running R. Other operating systems or shells will
*     have a similar command to achieve the same aim.

Attaching package: 'WGCNA'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Loading required package: MSnbase
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

Loading required package: mzR
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: BiocParallel
Loading required package: ProtGenerics

This is MSnbase version 1.20.7 
  Read '?MSnbase' and references therein for information
  about the package and how to get started.

Attaching package: 'MSnbase'

The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Loading required package: flashClust

Attaching package: 'flashClust'

The following object is masked from 'package:fastcluster':


The following object is masked from 'package:stats':


Attaching package: 'ProCoNA'

The following object is masked from 'package:ProtGenerics':


The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/ProCoNA/subsetPeptideData.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: subsetPeptideData
> ### Title: subsetPeptideData
> ### Aliases: subsetPeptideData
> ### ** Examples
> data(ProCoNA_Data)
> subsetPeptideData(peptideData, percentageNAsAllowed=0.2)
Removing peptides with more than 12 missing data points

      33699225     7393735   191136635     7786631    83228277      7639507
1   1.60617707 -0.29566480  1.36314914  1.92324944  1.50575048 -1.390401718
2  -0.10852941 -1.33978948 -0.38302267 -0.47104963 -0.38690661  1.089973341
3   1.10879174  0.80262262  0.12399070  0.59175396  0.61513655  0.862103370
4  -0.20470465  0.13374983 -0.72927564  1.00270676  1.96011733 -0.573620646
5  -0.24032924 -0.47443430  0.27245834  0.07977294  0.69425909  0.051934904
6   0.72609948  0.36645343 -0.95367055 -1.36753154  0.65560457 -1.465597827
7  -1.45317618 -1.36111983  1.23103862 -0.82153182 -1.36813791 -0.210286368
8   0.06470469 -2.44214055  1.38165102  0.25093963  0.59561797  0.837802446
9  -0.05176296  1.06370310 -0.63095066 -2.44047463  1.27771385  0.207384113
10  1.14210132 -1.55967600 -0.16380802 -1.44776938  1.26551828 -0.082687429
11  1.81547405 -0.11993350  0.70501563 -0.77241324 -0.55512931  2.032694124
12  0.50204655  0.42474634  0.29688762 -0.43599906 -0.46612730 -0.554773380
13 -1.02628208  0.64712325 -1.32063098  0.78840810 -1.07788515 -0.439974286
14 -1.36184221 -1.36514922  0.36088166  0.39898253  1.10024881 -1.100032181
15  1.45440432  1.22441269 -0.14017497 -0.20386905 -0.38265770  0.356875269
16  1.22820101 -1.11604838 -0.24569477  0.34275464 -0.42409383 -0.793123066
17  0.79839848  0.39952321  0.73629089 -1.46360872  0.20046372  0.258794173
18 -1.16677071  1.36730335  1.05652354 -0.57487926  0.78829514  0.048941253
19 -0.71657672 -0.04617319 -0.51206533  0.24025799 -1.33929593  0.566288612
20 -0.16762603 -0.49530431  1.83144346  0.17417377  1.58028699 -1.263503314
21 -0.08906407  0.43484536  0.70905088  1.17179992  0.24534054  0.002347015
22  0.13047535 -1.59652280 -0.53344221 -0.65954445 -1.13934534 -0.428247412
23  0.14923299  1.20072214  0.27466458  0.84343630 -0.65101380  0.825009060
24  1.37687146  0.85368397 -0.03494946  0.97208304 -1.08495335  0.538941462
25  0.08740910 -0.55121878 -0.16227145  0.87439478  0.14435338  0.634429896
26  2.52821227 -0.79122637 -0.25273851  0.70625146  0.08990765  0.208851743
27 -0.89834500  0.55365478 -1.54808830 -1.65604720 -1.59519433  0.794682697
28 -1.32973120  0.52307506  0.04951756 -0.30525204 -2.82151184 -0.312932721
29  1.03187795  1.05133308 -1.71660149 -0.21053339  1.15853739 -1.311588294
30  0.51173317  0.76383238 -0.34423911 -0.69301615  0.31164883 -1.082416222
31 -0.76828805  0.73366862 -1.22799846 -0.52269487  1.88351103  1.112971092
32 -1.37781616  0.23332700 -1.21992124 -0.26062671 -1.00886462 -1.735430685
33 -0.65215291 -0.80104723 -1.22596281 -1.42143827 -0.41289500 -1.544629601
34 -0.99817786  0.25246109  1.29811793  1.50565356 -1.01903475  0.017058563
35  0.50452683  2.73730341  0.30116898 -0.92669417 -0.60303628 -1.827424290
36  0.35751615 -0.26158928  1.30006101 -0.37219187 -0.20071573  0.817635213
37  0.29433066  0.12679141  0.88410517  0.97183229 -0.92917540  0.811440718
38  0.32875889  0.16263495 -0.62039096  0.86495111 -2.19766704  1.942132224
39 -2.45498480 -0.77295114 -0.12507430 -0.82556106  0.01341721 -0.340371689
40 -1.90217234  1.17633673 -1.29131625  1.23063856 -0.08630903  1.703227475
41 -1.38747586 -1.34228833  0.78873384 -0.29212007  0.49984074  0.512085606
42 -1.04313798 -1.25046400 -0.13705044  0.54804469  0.84978507 -0.373093187
43  0.15253262 -0.72176830  2.04797892  0.63296855  0.65219410 -0.008728417
44  0.21478211  0.16401857  0.21608328  0.13046584  0.07862545 -1.206318233
45 -0.35635220  0.98275254 -0.14311091  0.85997187  0.18561826 -0.937551118
46 -0.77460365  0.45020546 -0.25445241  0.47384101  0.13260253  0.736105332
47  0.56574080 -0.29154749  1.61989851  1.78072256  0.05768928 -1.627067581
48  0.06535115  1.51074447 -0.16846663  1.28946999 -0.83436385  1.980539391
49 -0.68739637 -1.02025941 -0.40330861  0.26325015 -0.22181113  0.610102987
50  0.43051552  0.24931343 -0.35771723  0.20702613  0.83070592 -0.441657214
51  0.10505463 -0.16994951  0.36170518 -0.80460404 -0.52039980  1.399738806
52 -0.23468181 -0.21593482 -0.46007345  0.64051718  1.05995831  0.481318060
53  0.81177015 -0.10956775  1.48350974  0.85003371 -1.68002666  1.099438718
54  0.18347147 -1.19909571 -1.77601129 -0.12969734 -0.79238786 -1.740424911
55 -1.37292524 -0.35566425  0.61464941 -1.66746770  1.56757921  0.707324837
56 -0.73832822 -2.09235429 -0.93923051  0.66636456 -0.20654770  0.109175706
57  1.02377165  0.07656756 -1.95699295  0.39118374  0.50002258  0.401875193
58  1.11555095  1.35165891  1.14185264  0.88046364  0.67125173  0.102661021
59  1.32375743  1.02902235 -2.00446745 -2.29913233 -0.04163643 -1.371665106
60 -0.17640811  1.11129190  1.53274177 -1.50261639  0.87552169  0.301662469
       7602097    83467817     7606954    26686692     6992104     6949082
1  -1.94439713 -0.88668664 -0.80490490 -1.52171014 -0.64641042 -0.90341576
2  -1.48220684 -1.71246145 -2.29521102 -1.11728208 -4.06642749 -1.90952501
3  -2.26664744 -1.37103910 -1.22272517 -2.27840687 -0.67122987 -0.92927001
4  -0.18184326 -0.44071360  0.32936046  0.75323333 -0.13108959 -0.05792240
5  -0.45707369 -0.51445232  0.49332100  0.31096520  0.02427666 -0.17189586
6  -1.67397191 -0.71146497 -0.42427186 -2.11930446 -0.40133578 -0.61886662
7   0.38116408  0.07359050  1.13337080 -0.33290497 -0.76056787  0.74936899
8   0.02511237  0.01462434 -0.61389235  0.07377793 -0.58999517 -0.44980745
9  -0.75788462  0.33206963  0.23414470  0.38760355 -0.28318523 -0.19858159
10  0.62828992  1.90761955  0.77446378  0.66856832  0.51140867  0.39704038
11  0.98968393  0.36857118 -0.11518062  0.53886253  0.70688563  0.13807633
12  1.07072581  1.24199121  0.52010088  1.31296148  1.97978914  1.07540926
13  0.06805709 -0.25426828 -0.68798602 -0.58391602 -0.05777902 -0.02473707
14  0.01375371  0.08381666 -0.81844271 -1.03432048  0.57428115  0.06368869
15  1.86798699  1.54170856  2.44490742  1.54600741  1.14551721  2.99151348
16 -0.75312246 -1.39174335 -1.01336928 -0.82423057 -0.63274716 -1.61930859
17  0.89661835  1.12229891  1.31005738  1.48736659  0.84769698  0.16781095
18 -0.69939456 -0.44410509  0.08312905 -0.59532949 -0.66691402  0.13966377
19 -0.19829813 -0.99763065 -0.14187869 -0.24542412 -1.47668177 -0.89335952
20 -2.02349715 -1.69204965 -1.71669645 -1.90953858 -2.02744189 -2.07051169
21  0.81639261  0.28118353  1.28134765 -0.59024192  0.24247181  0.48782162
22 -0.44381035 -1.19704053  0.24842058 -0.85374239 -0.64502223 -0.23987007
23  0.60919123  0.78270485  1.21459142  0.18184349  0.03003583 -0.50850164
24  2.10749365  1.35740617  0.86464171  0.77952276  0.63203174  0.19478559
25 -0.01491180  0.15000675 -1.04318185  0.22290487 -0.61823055 -0.29654612
26  0.73291782  0.91086439  0.64404315  1.13211907  0.86883595  1.16144731
27 -1.41321137 -0.62834368 -1.94858210 -1.58785114 -1.13315543 -1.63554510
28 -0.48575671  0.93907550  0.66530879  0.27051705  0.51196643 -0.13393031
29  0.28271354 -0.35248069 -0.42646064  0.49609293  0.32992517  0.36992976
30  0.37532931  0.93347225  1.04029464 -0.06273452  0.95657529  1.29170037
31 -0.76656474 -0.47439249 -0.06196959  0.22500126  0.35625486 -0.60569091
32  1.24773792 -0.38752637 -0.02770435  1.27633468  0.58596401  1.11535068
33 -0.06744008  0.46206152  0.10204920  0.31528805 -0.51901276 -0.66732068
34 -0.63578088  1.50933097 -0.38822042  0.58978893  0.28492590 -0.52234749
35  1.57377045  1.19952756 -0.09374970 -0.35296400  0.70508863  0.49623594
36 -0.27018297 -0.75254791 -1.07721653  0.37897655 -0.02361947  0.11198488
37  0.41199857  0.07669914  0.90370159  0.11593241  1.62264436 -1.16685054
38  0.93394602  1.78930438  1.14320986  2.14687019  1.64378863  2.11264936
39  1.77504044  0.42018834  0.81838925  0.72476732  1.42327596  1.00620911
40  0.13516271 -0.55656345 -1.41447758 -0.39051006  0.65598697 -0.78031830
41  0.20615742  0.88685406  0.61018121 -0.76680922  0.77704804 -0.07171044
42 -0.18266480 -0.11113077  0.18695351 -0.78633284 -0.36797980 -0.27162060
43  0.63053447 -0.50227495  0.63356125  0.13378296  0.61453498  0.94385391
44 -0.08889816  0.37555667 -0.61865591 -1.36093503 -0.14127630 -0.12177340
45 -0.45098290  0.13342847  0.16436192 -0.22131541 -0.57747015 -0.37097219
46  0.24278710  0.88210322  0.26850722 -0.36392357 -0.39605235 -0.68734961
47  1.51448952  1.54334976  0.48949226  1.85159588  1.21100431  1.88313001
48  0.95854545  0.38313564  1.55760603  1.33644317  0.15284646  1.27434343
49  1.04859578  0.15148751  0.50525948 -0.25031500  0.67416001  0.83888796
50 -1.13382400 -1.64191683 -1.59230041 -1.45670314 -0.79773539 -0.12544232
51  0.08948288  0.83822471  0.13712927 -0.01395330  0.28768243 -0.30192775
52 -0.33077036 -0.71658925 -0.52149904 -0.45395523 -0.89224822 -0.19478324
53 -0.16730081  1.27783583  0.86983245  1.76597397  0.05567609  0.93483906
54 -0.84469096 -2.24108196 -2.18634650 -0.07647168 -1.40027861 -0.90423694
55 -1.67254654 -1.27178588 -1.00668629 -0.68704865 -0.73786890 -1.71260572
56  0.05847603  0.24729582  0.42041415 -0.49180321 -0.41469926  1.09760594
57  1.32790004  0.01194511  1.36501542  1.37165836  1.60373554  1.27235047
58  0.83964074  0.03333042  0.11001205  1.02697258  0.13136950  0.40198330
59 -1.70522341 -1.55959199 -1.27991719 -0.43343260 -1.89760105 -1.55347859
60 -0.74679792 -1.45278127 -0.02565235  0.34167788  0.82637139  0.00234299
        7601979     7612725      7669864   212568488   202898165      7246347
1  -1.455589603 -0.89729809 -1.195423515 -1.31805186 -1.39618923 -1.290737629
2  -2.125377320 -2.24788656 -2.197537777 -2.22831778 -2.75337441 -1.348605575
3  -1.824654426 -1.14659155 -1.089289110 -2.13280184 -0.94319851 -1.986468985
4   0.437529656  0.23678293 -0.688598972 -0.34483111 -0.77684825 -0.304259762
5   0.337151880  0.94732257 -0.814730882  0.01653736  0.62486998  0.965836744
6  -1.052650875  0.02004337 -0.824328730 -0.50518073 -0.46930003  1.167360911
7   1.668957932  0.10942831  0.241080839  0.85127527  0.93738443  1.056146661
8  -0.177199835 -0.58168382 -0.295696070 -1.62285300  0.48660356  1.209737083
9   0.589466617 -0.05384376  0.082698957 -0.35640467 -0.21145306  0.135254345
10  0.505936604 -0.41634600  0.287829914  1.38269709  0.61076760  0.568420389
11 -0.017743119  0.12374526  0.147505471  0.30901121  0.30520282  0.148097051
12  0.479881187  1.50007403  1.745835907  2.29484900  1.31350604  1.498972177
13  0.092346717 -0.11799539 -0.079978917 -0.91712698 -0.49846917 -0.430654563
14 -0.698934972  0.24233490  0.829897842  1.14614780 -0.57003595  0.108664119
15  1.451344587  1.52156218  1.675791901  1.63025790  1.87623343  1.787383007
16 -1.392130849 -1.09274884 -2.095399476 -1.80162361 -0.99153410 -0.797925745
17  0.045783975  1.62755669  0.463835770  0.47772022 -0.47960602  0.950559132
18  0.649728013  0.62913242  0.239458304  0.62301399 -0.31552935 -0.257113669
19 -0.149489736 -1.66257276 -0.848706648 -1.25721436 -0.02781521 -0.898216345
20 -2.119618698 -2.56346444 -0.858283778 -0.05725683 -2.06676498 -1.930228988
21 -0.005652968 -0.01054181  0.553557732 -0.26123064  0.33573866 -0.670764423
22 -0.465305314 -1.77533948 -0.351527333 -0.83514277 -0.08772092 -0.755132263
23 -0.086393426 -0.35963333 -0.075545654  0.08863421 -0.26565038  1.083518657
24  1.545723101  0.86298338  1.119446191  1.66024753  1.87748573  0.596146740
25  0.616724304  0.74502153  0.042049165 -1.04597004 -0.25236096 -0.029821770
26 -0.501523296 -0.60839253  0.171574926 -0.61466781  0.31819861 -0.752828892
27 -1.719373021  0.11947520 -0.769157220 -0.55958644 -2.04910418 -1.653357849
28  0.142019215  0.09099477  0.255524338 -0.74043897 -0.11307982 -0.266615840
29 -0.222599839 -1.43962047 -0.135147850  0.11403042 -0.11947170 -0.224394263
30  1.524606289  1.75262693  0.650843566  0.56506067  1.49314783  1.759948026
31 -0.873603631  0.39426118  0.613081975  0.74228218 -0.15552899  0.246369730
32 -0.324621033  0.58246314 -0.678619438  0.40250582  0.94433113  0.178169185
33 -0.321338071 -0.61410218  0.312446904 -0.78602857  0.12281407 -0.353375007
34  0.872864886  1.08837991  0.639166641  1.10342033  1.00247351 -0.065527369
35  0.092627929  1.37570028 -0.572544679  0.51257444  0.07486762  1.159750401
36 -1.035781019 -0.70972007 -0.184185428  0.69559685 -0.87165191 -0.157140852
37  0.425980581  1.40974827  1.062815465  0.50505194 -0.51463186  0.255577349
38  1.403343874  1.64676134  2.023850239  0.85812120  1.60277887  1.427813838
39  1.259443627  0.58780622  0.726097144  0.14052409  1.05288826  0.005376822
40  0.692588142 -0.19777284 -0.647955415 -0.47406644  0.16176345 -1.359272068
41  0.107753931  0.09702567 -0.114450737  0.22467962  0.11965383  0.801663533
42  0.215718693 -0.33360453 -0.828510433 -0.70544863 -0.58733835 -1.554961643
43  1.857794400 -0.60139082  0.626756640  1.91196236  0.57968862  0.136877997
44 -1.331272150 -1.20250297  0.080341059 -0.59420977 -0.30025924 -1.556380875
45 -0.300853903 -0.68942567 -0.588530688  0.03557745  0.33519574 -0.896565659
46  0.737458192  0.25485516 -0.462300569  0.68969914 -0.33609530 -1.070267690
47  2.064741062  1.60613688  2.695577307  1.01382100  1.61837133  1.442578324
48  0.986680617  0.08272651  1.263146328 -0.30421191  1.24192021  0.133329835
49  0.574507514  0.26661049  0.344880658 -0.25553381  0.40764501  0.833463281
50 -1.081553376 -1.26697141 -0.613494153 -0.58637561 -0.81950536 -1.841111281
51  0.202417865  0.86106552  0.004335169  0.18506404  0.94722688 -0.161953370
52 -0.713663818 -0.16547185  0.521356741  0.38382378 -1.24165716 -0.068615360
53  0.583933816  1.80030848  1.659890848  0.61075604  0.56062664  0.580006298
54 -1.110109971 -0.49921894 -2.598244525 -0.92480441 -1.19906215 -0.598742019
55 -0.664528776 -0.89805491 -1.617650940 -0.57606640 -1.47908861 -0.281850994
56  0.458392153 -0.41061731  0.068771787  1.16976173  0.37683597  0.396358973
57  0.422658866  0.88290000  0.920986918  0.69060044  1.23148804  1.986072182
58  0.670120454 -0.32296104  0.129544689  1.31349504  0.33184826  0.249897165
59 -1.107189727 -0.52930007 -1.257493448 -1.49176743 -1.60268001 -0.485871530
60 -0.837473907 -0.05076007  0.283355048 -1.05158771  0.60344901  1.179412326
       21405868     7690743     7575961     71543393     7599787     7602863
1  -1.016155379 -1.39557762 -0.92544649  0.628826863 -0.13592875 -0.49903576
2  -2.898451911 -2.38258344 -2.49526638 -3.061447862 -1.24746972 -0.86736344
3  -2.153309486 -0.20522066 -2.21101154 -1.804856835 -2.59454611 -1.56286990
4   0.806753653 -0.10266209 -0.05528858  0.065280592  0.20598727 -1.41967071
5   0.401937498  0.25843671 -0.93379009  0.151752748 -0.38977586  0.48795211
6  -1.275305586 -0.25094618 -0.21392198  0.027246531 -2.01758662 -1.03007041
7   1.367461742  0.59820007  1.36616400  1.115861469 -0.26455331  1.56499294
8  -0.410256486 -0.21640526  0.21094142 -0.869158656 -0.72044941  0.39026664
9  -0.814104564  0.26401211  0.03701137  0.365624557 -0.25022973  0.04933041
10  1.453146070  1.44828131  0.64840025  0.374566046  0.97173812  0.75936053
11 -0.684451929 -0.60962938  0.06049056 -0.513065910  0.38126837 -0.03994377
12  0.668094347  1.62013122  1.49777588  1.373848983  1.11913823  1.01175108
13  0.286000127 -0.01000196 -1.48128566 -1.055394679 -0.43078397 -0.56940120
14 -0.934902630  1.00340320 -0.78710718 -0.427570239 -0.42089247 -1.03296800
15  0.755551909  1.95472073  1.60379410  1.776998738  2.48138662  2.13918380
16 -0.389350104 -1.38047223 -0.11996448 -0.738425386 -0.44355500 -0.21391921
17  0.933684377  1.30256782  0.72718412 -0.262886463  0.19733830  1.38729598
18  0.251814648 -0.06785820  0.49377257 -0.177068722  0.06611219 -0.09135255
19 -0.142374938 -1.37858775 -1.59931643 -0.702504916 -0.48058360 -0.72479581
20 -1.422123991 -1.84089307 -1.57296627 -1.177558359 -0.64624209 -2.00627717
21  0.906275301 -0.16246475  0.34535918  0.853512634  1.34850010  0.42799018
22 -1.090870233 -1.38124093 -0.42163172 -1.474786422 -0.90245906 -1.23722766
23 -0.458204447  0.46901250 -0.01400133  0.111013333  0.16228076  0.92429427
24  0.695860467  1.00410988  0.80138613  1.218115766  0.49964420  2.02772279
25  0.143818513  0.77045370  0.12123637 -0.239054317 -0.57726753 -0.19352748
26 -0.192904069 -0.37713560  0.15373378  0.768151044  0.06904993  0.17074103
27 -0.976123132 -1.09900389 -1.46604373 -0.398783855 -1.34437789  0.37475936
28  0.048724316 -0.17751214  0.68268665  0.967029932  1.18708629 -0.31866580
29 -0.202890885 -0.53286876 -0.33131431 -1.478702596 -0.15905335 -1.21858640
30  0.068363226  1.34728262  1.47543232  1.101134797  1.18696488  0.15542535
31 -0.117271424 -0.88873009 -0.01836515 -1.231053519 -1.22554775 -0.14580774
32  1.254038172  0.01256356  0.60878397  1.862412590 -0.18582711  1.21555444
33 -0.912459122  0.31756845 -0.15400754  0.299554613 -0.64482018 -0.95016254
34 -0.134707821  0.15739931  0.31442224  0.728938199 -0.04060261 -0.15781703
35  0.466012596 -0.44554622  0.56795155  1.459841245 -0.40144812  0.03522124
36  0.242050262 -0.19291551 -1.92444885 -0.037064032  0.84327758 -1.34361302
37  0.661934833  0.44419647  0.36839138  0.277607756  1.76620299 -0.83947980
38  0.902850610  0.48558622  1.57587998  0.148243909  0.67623749  0.29163017
39 -0.298020075  0.99752930 -0.20394427  0.376966015 -0.03789913  0.53149310
40 -0.614510857  0.40978092 -0.29480597 -1.532204036 -0.49255671 -0.73711461
41  0.074905367 -0.41156470  0.15518000  0.391346082  0.14159439  0.50649978
42 -1.239761165 -0.82166732 -0.13019079 -0.707599822 -0.66897245 -1.14875319
43 -0.009118444  0.84883324  0.33532883  1.111617879 -0.27260926  0.84420070
44  0.178369668 -0.60142655 -0.69857505 -1.141933719  0.17541269 -0.25896869
45 -0.057023528 -0.11491410 -0.82315318  0.064585893 -0.05454938 -0.70822920
46  0.732960356 -0.96514253 -0.38741444 -0.002378514 -0.21403343  0.09278196
47  1.191937425  2.71714262  1.28160851  2.171157804  2.58181970  0.53045842
48  0.713352738  0.44463069  1.55267039  0.746215430  1.41714871  1.38437742
49  0.946255609  1.68966241  0.26581936  0.156863152  0.39544182  0.82633730
50  0.447444971 -0.39283166 -1.19829594 -0.791615855 -1.20529868 -1.11153279
51  0.612975147  0.45754621  0.18914881 -0.360419383 -0.02449363  0.75477047
52 -0.861658880 -0.76834207 -0.31038546 -0.335154186 -0.14143401  0.03689880
53  0.409427388  0.73615099  1.86359886  0.520134399  1.41954439  1.57247389
54 -1.718794156 -0.93511680 -1.16893337 -0.858941452  0.30228808 -1.25347570
55 -0.691023826 -1.63088056 -0.80666434 -0.806607921 -1.80081060 -1.84521197
56  0.837027421 -0.94820562  1.09735225 -0.189312391  1.12050319  1.07429810
57  2.177815849  0.47124784  0.76229647  1.057569499  1.18471793  2.02895873
58  2.340744054  0.51673736  1.18335020  1.127402579  0.21900124  0.06675664
59 -1.455851545 -1.01212570 -0.70787878 -0.247718060 -1.70211979 -0.97320370
60  0.194391951  0.95328588  1.10826779 -0.776152967  0.01909186  0.83526761
       7682235   175212358    71402559     7698034     7285135     47496488
1  -0.57251637 -1.67345898 -0.06946139 -1.95559030 -1.75787394 -1.424460995
2  -1.90129894 -1.64649982 -2.38090340 -0.90240445 -0.86787160 -1.658746197
3  -1.53887383 -0.90489405 -0.51685129 -0.32990532 -0.89639708 -0.980762259
4  -0.82390634 -0.07416734 -0.73581594 -0.15059553  1.49921698 -0.557561085
5   0.14722277 -0.84695456  0.02666955  0.67462488  0.80573767  1.190294505
6  -2.05859059 -0.99974464 -0.23803735 -1.00882225 -1.21063815 -1.315970485
7   1.02756372  0.65534579  1.15049979  0.86712398  0.52741902  0.233519028
8  -0.34989546 -0.43630448 -0.86073758  0.17675832  0.40902737 -0.408151603
9  -0.52921191 -0.03025735  0.10151338 -0.39067327  0.51933393  0.998653551
10  0.80923543 -0.75566528  1.27811880 -0.63630702  0.24954213  1.010041313
11 -0.70594865 -0.06725562 -1.10096046  0.93413282  0.42203067 -0.430940183
12  0.51946911  1.72228795  1.76326535  0.75672842  1.18136290  1.102583340
13  0.29998810 -1.14016447 -1.29642620 -0.49089370 -0.95918695  1.800633372
14 -0.43045572 -0.14127946 -0.11568637  0.44004244  1.07820011 -0.122854017
15  3.31426798  1.86358389  1.97143587  1.83113985  1.74128022  2.851587495
16 -0.06194574 -1.06359482 -0.91504198 -1.42533956 -0.77473985 -1.649316372
17  1.17905413 -0.39433914  0.78533007  0.21220000  1.99238856  0.538240816
18 -0.47328887  0.50771357  0.91605548 -0.51323891 -0.03341131 -0.335944891
19 -0.52448326 -0.67395615 -1.71704922 -2.57412024 -0.55685696 -0.465439943
20 -1.79709525  0.12308735 -1.11206359 -1.41687645 -1.12384991 -0.705400016
21  0.76723853 -0.80877947 -0.09343256  0.26647849  1.43366129  0.942164437
22 -0.81517760 -1.02385513 -0.67664809 -0.86831073 -1.03841860 -0.685441825
23  0.07605414  0.36194485  1.27553091  0.43335473  0.11590534 -0.576812551
24  1.04268957  0.77502142  1.32470547  0.44590232  2.02597147  0.929204518
25 -0.42083654 -0.12611412 -0.79364647 -1.45827265  0.78352195 -0.552557013
26  1.09566408  0.64155830  0.59445841  0.32922562 -0.09908137  0.330971827
27 -0.53520953 -0.35350943 -1.37709478  0.19824425 -1.28979750 -0.681698623
28 -0.36786514  1.12328278  0.42663704 -0.40854226 -0.54421514 -0.244954625
29  0.50148925 -0.24464819  0.72070868 -0.07519913  0.67231387 -0.926538288
30  0.21641185  0.44933519  0.18407218  0.74403879  0.93513293  0.232281665
31 -0.36780941 -0.12922179 -0.55016834 -0.81842136 -0.46262748  0.035780584
32 -0.19342626  2.91065251  0.70736099  0.44084812  0.85109998 -0.001687267
33 -0.23233932  0.90550046 -0.74348987  0.38998205 -0.63222420 -0.270341007
34  1.95423222  0.97775491 -0.46718849  0.03169882  0.07297544  0.016797094
35 -1.32719540  0.31643497  1.03564575 -0.52750030 -0.85796257  0.688248285
36 -0.77828053 -0.54517236 -0.12171270  0.19071532 -1.69529868 -0.220340799
37  0.83807000 -0.23464245 -0.17809414  0.33405176 -0.41052125 -0.528417425
38  1.49112494  0.51732769  1.28547265  2.50491173  0.94542294  1.588119333
39 -0.69639950  1.33035951  1.82569619  0.96969787  0.11881955  0.059077622
40 -0.01751234 -1.60695155 -1.37535486 -0.61959895 -0.22826608 -0.251763915
41  0.87149802 -0.04360592 -0.47430740  0.62913223  1.50308708  0.091135686
42 -0.77389894 -0.88459067 -0.14131635 -0.34709283  0.16970691  1.064201934
43 -0.49160712 -0.51938938  0.55709235  0.55003821  0.11843147  0.117107166
44  1.32658282 -0.77006013 -0.24854470 -0.54110725 -1.19449583 -0.716633646
45  0.04868807 -1.85929535 -0.67745244 -0.87943024 -1.02737353 -0.296047491
46  0.64634777  0.12061979 -1.14839779  0.04559675 -0.38379154 -1.096312387
47  0.95795033  2.04017611  1.34657404  1.68482512  0.05407470  2.493907136
48  0.72752507  1.93356047  0.83215649  1.61019922  1.32045167  2.408768006
49 -0.91930468  0.33273071  0.17140375  1.74660333  0.67650345 -0.727685121
50  0.20768699 -0.33515433 -0.92636718 -0.72580606 -0.61693266 -0.855962086
51 -0.39963793  0.35464264  0.30113114 -0.44565649 -0.62018173  0.648538628
52  0.72735075 -0.70359113  0.36669467 -0.27163961 -0.01935010 -0.117699487
53  0.57976941  0.25817684  0.86300136  1.27310402  0.44384271  0.590902369
54 -0.90018094  0.61622946 -0.85206711 -0.67420563 -2.05667650 -1.423333090
55 -1.14724193 -1.33941138 -1.66380131 -2.28066266 -1.54726198 -1.336050579
56  0.36147473  0.48772475  1.77775272  0.11065104  1.14958281 -0.736074807
57  1.31530046  1.58898140  0.39639595  0.70014795 -0.78787022 -0.225437873
58  0.77848980  0.60805490  0.38779951  1.06010706  1.27989151  1.291885399
59 -1.72243679 -0.17588885 -1.25807520 -0.85358112 -0.55248954 -1.058013364
60  0.04543081 -0.96967040  0.45301599  1.00748876 -0.85027439  0.330706204
       70869306    26846611     13859621    48413839    21543599     69808628
1  -0.293378513 -1.12156801 -1.663462028 -1.55937506 -1.02762738 -0.489726383
2  -1.830515180 -2.15789127 -1.827235982 -0.50764096 -1.10124852 -2.540459969
3  -0.475421183 -1.09528639 -1.955917306 -2.43315380 -1.77597485 -1.131584800
4   0.754292945  0.44828869  0.188911733  0.04708880  0.64167736 -0.179710398
5  -0.294321179 -0.46684266  0.042202988  1.06447905 -0.43774156  0.326274737
6  -1.703718605 -1.10985181 -0.765145928 -1.00705492 -0.65535932 -1.285727738
7   0.832300972  0.79268558 -0.370146373  0.71734581 -0.99611313 -0.536149711
8  -1.594779648 -0.50071409  0.334295679 -0.18801701  0.84969620 -0.937525489
9  -1.064921532  0.59325412  0.602393371  0.46660526  0.38843608 -0.867591707
10 -0.485614314  0.95185196  0.071609069  1.14798700  0.38899456  0.055287139
11 -0.325525583  0.11912006  1.083271475 -0.54402058  0.39590509  0.615225445
12  1.271433016  0.58236324  0.660417622  1.74819336  0.43572763  0.806277990
13  0.286355930 -0.34552289 -0.389010901 -1.58135395 -0.65491463  1.079595974
14  0.799454050 -0.07316507 -0.221854691 -0.50439259 -0.09183249 -0.101872868
15  0.586231004  1.58448090  1.496345888  1.69193408  2.47637863  1.598757014
16 -0.483282112 -1.97832523 -1.323494265 -1.74325774 -0.48135324 -0.989561564
17  0.438097829  0.68650131  0.571556995  1.86817536  1.60496124  0.446198490
18  0.077357571 -1.01898212 -0.552912646  0.44119593 -1.01840697  0.102506855
19  0.003804598 -0.58048581 -0.794657063  0.11324229 -0.35189154  0.748384886
20 -1.324352005 -0.99593813 -0.238191162 -2.86174705 -0.93347157 -0.733019821
21 -0.380210276  0.07101456  0.250120678 -0.03778404  1.60206782 -0.055099855
22 -1.264587503 -1.11598633 -0.183299201  0.08955183 -0.09048676 -0.476761705
23  0.528950287  0.11484869  0.601280679 -0.35339369 -0.41681784  0.281281178
24  1.255874107  1.21753900  1.876947446 -0.14353453  0.45075560  0.938509144
25 -0.709229380 -0.59630919 -0.437704913 -0.05478070  0.37048898 -0.253189291
26  1.495083044 -0.23344864 -0.305195447  0.49610998  1.93130679 -0.814124952
27 -1.251541727 -1.32408012 -0.609785098 -1.01362934 -1.83517479 -1.232486359
28 -0.658306032  0.57991294 -0.820330321  0.26222872  0.89355327 -0.324971209
29 -1.322392798 -0.72917531 -0.476818298  0.50313096  0.37824460  1.332077031
30  1.420274978  0.61407956  0.666311473  1.33691544  0.65398034  0.773604831
31 -1.823905224  0.15054442 -0.379229956 -0.79862380  0.22904882 -0.039373965
32  0.080155490  0.27147637  1.4136