Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Run PureCN implementation of ABSOLUTE
runAbsoluteCNR Documentation

Run PureCN implementation of ABSOLUTE


This function takes as input tumor and normal control coverage and allelic fractions of germline variants and somatic mutations. Coverage data is provided in GATK DepthOfCoverage format, allelic fraction in VCF format (e.g. obtained by MuTect). Normal control does not need to be matched (from the same patient). In case VCF does not contain somatic status, it should contain dbSNP and optionally COSMIC annotation. Returns purity and ploidy combinations, sorted by likelihood score. Provides copy number and LOH data, by both gene and genomic region.


runAbsoluteCN(gatk.normal.file = NULL, gatk.tumor.file, 
    log.ratio = NULL, seg.file = NULL, seg.file.sdev = 0.4, 
    vcf.file = NULL, genome = "hg19", sex = c("?", 
        "F", "M"), fun.filterVcf = filterVcfMuTect, 
    args.filterVcf = list(), fun.setPriorVcf = setPriorVcf, 
    args.setPriorVcf = list(), fun.segmentation = segmentationCBS, 
    args.segmentation = list(), fun.focal = findFocal, 
    args.focal = list(), sampleid = NULL, min.ploidy = 1, 
    max.ploidy = 6, test.num.copy = 0:7, test.purity = seq(0.05, 
        0.95, by = 0.01), prior.purity = rep(1, length(test.purity))/length(test.purity), = 15, candidates = NULL, 
    coverage.cutoff = 15, max.non.clonal = 0.2, max.homozygous.loss = 0.1, 
    iterations = 30, log.ratio.calibration = 0.25, 
    gc.gene.file = NULL, filter.lowhigh.gc.exons = 0.001, 
    filter.targeted.base = 4, max.logr.sdev = 0.75, 
    max.segments = 200, plot.cnv = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, 
    post.optimize = FALSE, ...)



GATK coverage file of normal control (optional if log.ratio is provided - then it will be only used to filter low coverage exons). Should be already GC-normalized. Needs to be either a file name or data read with the readCoverageGatk function.


GATK coverage file of tumor. Should be already GC-normalized. Needs to be either a file name or data read with the readCoverageGatk function.


Copy number log-ratios for all exons in the coverage files. If NULL, calculated based on coverage files.


Segmented data. Optional, to support matched SNP6 data. If null, use coverage files or log.ratio to segment the data.


If seg.file provided, the log-ratio standard deviation, used to model likelihood of sub-clonal copy number events.


VCF file, tested with MuTect output files. Optional, but typically needed to select between local optima of similar likelihood. Can also be a CollapsedVCF, read with the readVcf function. Requires a DB info flag for dbSNP membership. The default fun.setPriorVcf function will also look for a Cosmic.CNT slot, containing the hits in the COSMIC database. Again, do not expect very useful results without a VCF file.


Genome version, required for the readVcf function.


Sex of sample. If ?, detect.


Function for filtering variants. Expected output is a list with elements vcf (CollapsedVCF), flag (TRUE/FALSE) and flag_comment (string). The flags will be added to the output data and can be used to warn users, for example when samples look too noisy. Default filter will remove variants flagged by MuTect, but will keep germline variants. If ran in matched normal mode, it will by default use somatic status of variants and filter non-somatic calls with allelic fraction significantly different from 0.5 in normal.


Arguments for variant filtering function. Arguments vcf,, coverage.cutoff and verbose are required in the filter function and are automatically set (do NOT set them here again).


Function to set prior for somatic status for each variant in the VCF.


Arguments for somatic prior function.


Function for segmenting the copy number log-ratios. Expected return value is a list with elements seg (the segmentation) and size (the size in bp for all segments).


Arguments for segmentation function. Arguments normal, tumor, log.ratio, plot.cnv, coverage.cutoff, sampleid, vcf,, verbose are required in the segmentation function and automatically set (do NOT set them here again).


Function for identifying focal amplifications.


Arguments for focal amplification function.


Sample id, provided in output files etc.


Minimum ploidy to be considered.


Maximum ploidy to be considered.


Copy numbers tested in the grid search. Note that focal amplifications can have much higher copy numbers, but they will be labeled as subclonal (because they do not fit the integer copy numbers).


Considered tumor purity values.


Priors for purity if they are available. Only change when you know what you are doing.

Number of local optima considered in optimization and variant fitting steps. If there are too many local optima, it will use specified number of top candidate solutions, but will also include all optima close to diploid, because silent genomes have often lots of local optima.


Candidates to optimize from a previous run (return.object$candidates). If NULL, do 2D grid search and find local optima.


Minimum exon coverage in both normal and tumor. Exons with lower coverage are ingored. The cutoff choice depends on the expected purity and overall coverage. High purity samples might need a lower cutoff to call homozygous deletions. If an exon.weigh.file (below) is NOT specified, it is recommended to set a higher cutoff (e.g. 20) to remove noise from unreliable exon measurements.


Maximum genomic fraction assigned to a subclonal copy number state.


Maximum genomic fraction assigned to homozygous loss. This is set to a fairly high default value to not exclude correct solutions, especially in noisy segmentations.


Maximum number of iterations in the Simulated Annealing copy number fit optimization.


re-calibrate log-ratios in the window sd(log.ratio)*log.ratio.calibration.


A mapping file that assigns GC content and gene symbols to each exon in the coverage files. Used for generating gene level calls. First column in format CHR:START-END. Second column GC content (0 to 1). Third column gene symbol.


Quantile q (defines lower q and upper 1-q) for removing exons with outlier GC profile. Assuming that GC correction might not have been worked on those. Requires gc.gene.file.


Exclude exons with targeted base (size) smaller than this cutoff. This is useful when the same interval file was used to calculate GC content. For such small exons, the GC content is likely very different from the true GC content of the probes.


Flag noisy samples with segment log-ratio standard deviation larger than this. Assay specific and needs to be calibrated.


Flag noisy samples with a large number of segments. Assay specific and needs to be calibrated.


Generate segmentation plots.


Verbose output.


Optimize purity using final SCNA-fit and SNVs. This might take a long time when lots of SNVs need to be fitted, but will typically result in a slightly more accurate purity, especially for rather silent genomes or very low purities. Otherwise, it will just use the purity determined via the SCNA-fit.


Additional parameters passed to the segmentation function.


A list with elements


Results of the grid search.


All local optima, sorted by final rank.


The input data.


Markus Riester


gatk.normal.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_normal.txt", 
gatk.tumor.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_tumor.txt", 
vcf.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_vcf.vcf", 
gc.gene.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_gc.gene.file.txt", 

# Speed-up the runAbsoluteCN call by using the stored grid-search 
# (purecn.example.output$candidates).

# The parameter is set to a very low value only to
# speed-up this example.  This is not a good idea for real samples.

ret <-runAbsoluteCN(gatk.normal.file=gatk.normal.file, 
    vcf.file=vcf.file, sampleid='Sample1', gc.gene.file=gc.gene.file)


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> library(PureCN)
Loading required package: DNAcopy
Loading required package: VariantAnnotation
Loading required package: BiocGenerics
Loading required package: parallel

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':

    clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
    clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
    parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, append,, cbind, colnames,, duplicated, eval, evalq,
    get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, mapply,
    match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank,
    rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union,
    unique, unsplit

Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: S4Vectors

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums

Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
Loading required package: Biobase
Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
    'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
    'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.

Loading required package: Rsamtools
Loading required package: Biostrings
Loading required package: XVector

Attaching package: 'VariantAnnotation'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/PureCN/runAbsoluteCN.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: runAbsoluteCN
> ### Title: Run PureCN implementation of ABSOLUTE
> ### Aliases: runAbsoluteCN
> ### ** Examples
> gatk.normal.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_normal.txt", 
+     package="PureCN")
> gatk.tumor.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_tumor.txt", 
+     package="PureCN")
> vcf.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_vcf.vcf", 
+     package="PureCN")
> gc.gene.file <- system.file("extdata", "example_gc.gene.file.txt", 
+     package="PureCN")
> # Speed-up the runAbsoluteCN call by using the stored grid-search 
> # (purecn.example.output$candidates).
> data(purecn.example.output)
> # The parameter is set to a very low value only to
> # speed-up this example.  This is not a good idea for real samples.
> ret <-runAbsoluteCN(gatk.normal.file=gatk.normal.file, 
+     gatk.tumor.file=gatk.tumor.file, 
+     candidates=purecn.example.output$candidates,,
+     vcf.file=vcf.file, sampleid='Sample1', gc.gene.file=gc.gene.file)
Loading GATK coverage files...
Sex of sample: ?
Removing 7 small exons.
Removing 15 low/high GC exons.
Loading VCF...
Assuming LIB-02240e4 is tumor in VCF file.
Found 2331 variants in VCF file.
Removing 0 non heterozygous (in matched normal) germline SNPs.
Removing 62 SNPs with AF < 0.03 or AF >= 0.97 or less than 3 supporting reads or depth < 15.
Found SOMATIC annotation in VCF. Setting somatic prior probabilities for somatic variants to 0.999 or to 1e-04 otherwise.
Segmenting data...
Removing 267 low coverage exons.
Analyzing: Sample1 
Setting multi-figure configuration
segment(x = smoothed.CNA.obj, alpha = alpha, undo.splits = undo.splits, 
    undo.SD = sdundo, verbose = ifelse(verbose, 1, 0))

        ID chrom   loc.start   loc.end num.mark seg.mean
1  Sample1     1   1216044.5 248722319      934   0.3272
2  Sample1     2   1638036.0 231775198      708  -0.2446
3  Sample1     2 236403412.5 241737117       93   0.2648
4  Sample1     3  11832017.5 149470198      436   0.2969
5  Sample1     3 150264604.0 151542537       18   1.6288
6  Sample1     3 151545662.5 195938114       80   0.3072
7  Sample1     4    843512.0  70146580      133   0.3118
8  Sample1     4  75673305.5  77700146       39  -0.1997
9  Sample1     4  81188156.5 108831608       44  -1.2019
10 Sample1     4 110635592.5 186611721      139   0.2606
11 Sample1     5    442758.0  10761154       38   0.3255
12 Sample1     5  38869183.5 180687408      360  -0.2858
13 Sample1     6   2623865.0 144219759      293  -0.2464
14 Sample1     6 144224235.5 170862274      117   0.3914
15 Sample1     7    938572.5  14028656       56   0.3075
16 Sample1     7  23286512.0  23313764       11   1.7239
17 Sample1     7  26232167.0 156469232      310  -0.2223
18 Sample1     8   6264200.0 145537891      337  -0.2747
19 Sample1     9    214953.0 139440208      371  -0.2226
20 Sample1    10    323391.5  72576624      233   0.2804
21 Sample1    10  72604313.0  72645621       16  -0.2807
22 Sample1    10  72648289.5  75000741       30   0.2522
23 Sample1    10  82300671.5  82403794        7  -1.2827
24 Sample1    10  85982056.5  88768888       12   1.0633
25 Sample1    10  91066426.0  99790218       36  -1.1192
26 Sample1    10 102283640.5 102289566        5   1.2394
27 Sample1    10 103541552.5 121214530       73  -1.2211
28 Sample1    10 124591880.5 134121207       24   0.1328
29 Sample1    11   2291272.0  34378690      106  -0.2981
30 Sample1    11  36614927.0  44081430       15   0.4322
31 Sample1    11  46880700.5  57317514       71  -0.2062
32 Sample1    11  57947383.5  65172438       77   0.2423
33 Sample1    11  65340286.5  66335024       33  -0.3169
34 Sample1    11  66335504.5  71209486       26  -1.2807
35 Sample1    11  71847083.0  82549523       78   0.3824
36 Sample1    11  82550385.5 134134828      151  -0.2000
37 Sample1    12   1740561.0  99126272      373  -1.1729
38 Sample1    12 113537804.0 124428836      212   0.2830
39 Sample1    13  20398996.5 114438189      322  -1.2399
40 Sample1    14  20757846.0 101349088      319   0.2821
41 Sample1    15  27216709.5  99926272      394   0.3090
42 Sample1    16    230533.5  31123514      224   0.2804
43 Sample1    16  56899289.0  56947247       25   0.9000
44 Sample1    16  57507348.5  57722319       20  -0.2426
45 Sample1    16  66918983.0  90038049      183   0.3186
46 Sample1    17   1399145.5  76832320      621   0.3029
47 Sample1    17  77768896.0  80559278       24  -0.2538
48 Sample1    18   5394737.5  71825664      133  -0.2692
49 Sample1    19   1481982.5   3730529       73   0.1224
50 Sample1    19   3731985.0  57301280      425   0.3454
51 Sample1    20    207959.0  62610776      330   0.2918
52 Sample1    21  11098731.0  47865219      176   0.3147
53 Sample1    22  17443695.0  45996257      148   0.3021
54 Sample1    22  50703417.0  50705856        9  -0.6659
55 Sample1    22  50706027.5  51066096       11  -0.2871
Mean standard deviation of log-ratios: 0.4
Optimizing purity and ploidy. Will take a minute or two...
Local optima: 0.65/1.6, 0.5/2.4, 0.9/2.4, 0.5/2
Testing local optimum at purity 0.65 and total ploidy 1.6.
Fitting SNVs for purity 0.65 and tumor ploidy 1.38.
Analyzing: Sample1 
Optimized purity: 0.65
Testing local optimum at purity 0.5 and total ploidy 2.4.
Fitting SNVs for purity 0.48 and tumor ploidy 2.76.
Analyzing: Sample1 
Optimized purity: 0.48
Testing local optimum at purity 0.9 and total ploidy 2.4.
Fitting SNVs for purity 0.95 and tumor ploidy 2.38.
Analyzing: Sample1 
Optimized purity: 0.95
Testing local optimum at purity 0.5 and total ploidy 2.
Fitting SNVs for purity 0.48 and tumor ploidy 2.76.
Analyzing: Sample1 
Optimized purity: 0.48
Remember, posterior probabilities assume a correct SCNA fit.
Warning message:
In runAbsoluteCN(gatk.normal.file = gatk.normal.file, gatk.tumor.file = gatk.tumor.file,  :
  Too many candidate solutions! Trying optimizing the top candidates.
null device 