Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Adjusts the filtering on which bins are used
applyFiltersR Documentation

Adjusts the filtering on which bins are used


Adjusts the filtering on which bins are used.


applyFilters(object, residual=TRUE, blacklist=TRUE, mappability=NA, bases=NA,
  chromosomes=c("X", "Y"))



A QDNAseqReadCounts object.


Either a logical specifying whether to filter based on loess residuals of the calibration set, or if a numeric, the cutoff as number of standard deviations estimated with madDiff to use for. Default is TRUE, which corresponds to 4.0 standard deviations.


Either a logical specifying whether to filter based on overlap with blacklisted regions, or if numeric, the maximum percentage of overlap allowed. Default is TRUE, which corresponds to no overlap allowd (i.e. value of 0).


A numeric in [0,100] to specify filtering out bins with mappabilities lower than the number specified. NA (default) or FALSE will not filter based on mappability.


A numeric specifying the minimum percentage of characterized bases (not Ns) in the reference genome sequence. NA (default) or FALSE will not filted based on uncharacterized bases.


A character vector specifying which chromosomes to filter out. Defaults to the sex chromosomes and mitochondria, i.e. c("X", "Y", "MT").


Returns a QDNAseqReadCounts object with updated filtering.


Ilari Scheinin


readCounts <- LGG150
readCountsFiltered <- applyFilters(readCounts)


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> library(QDNAseq)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/QDNAseq/applyFilters.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: applyFilters
> ### Title: Adjusts the filtering on which bins are used
> ### Aliases: applyFilters applyFilters,QDNAseqReadCounts-method
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
> data(LGG150)
> readCounts <- LGG150
> readCountsFiltered <- applyFilters(readCounts)
38,819	total bins
38,819	of which in selected chromosomes
36,722	of which with reference sequence
33,347	final bins
null device 