Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plots the marginal posterior probability of inclusion (MPPI)...
plotMPPIR Documentation

Plots the marginal posterior probability of inclusion (MPPI) for each predictor


The plotMPPI function plots the marginal posterior probability of inclusion (MPPI) of each predictor.


  plotMPPI(x, threshold.model = 0.01,
    threshold.variable = 0.1, Figure = TRUE, cutoff = TRUE, useMC = FALSE)



an object of class ESS.


either an integer representing the number of model to be retained in the list of best models, or a value defining the minimal model posterior probability for inclusion.


threshold probability for selecting the most relevant predictors. This threshold can be calibrated by controlling the FDR using FDR.permutation.


if TRUE (by default) will generate the MPPI plot. If FALSE only information on the selected predictors will provided.


if TRUE (by default) will plot an horizontal line representing the cut-off value indicating by the argument threshold.variable. If FALSE the cut-off value is not plotted.


if TRUE, use simple Monte Carlo estimation for the MPPI across all visited models.


The plotMPPI function returns information on the best models (i.e. those satisfying the threshold.model criterion) and on the most relevant predictors. (above threshold.variable).


the rank on the models selected.


number of times each model has been visited along the run.


number of predictors in each of the best models.


the log conditional posterior for each model.


Jeffrie's scale value for each model.


posterior probability of each model.


list of predictors in each of the best models.


position (in the predictor matrix) of the constituents of the best models.


predictors with MPPI>threshold.variable and belonging to the best models.


predictors which have a MPPI greater than threshold.variable.


Benoit Liquet,,
Marc Chadeau-Hyam,
Leonardo Bottolo,
Gianluca Campanella


modelY_Hopx <-
# To get a large plot 
MPPI.Hopx <- plotMPPI(modelY_Hopx,threshold.model=20,threshold.variable=0.45)


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> library(R2GUESS)
Loading required package: fields
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and overview of this package.
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suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.

Attaching package: 'spam'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    backsolve, forwardsolve

Loading required package: maps

 # maps v3.1: updated 'world': all lakes moved to separate new #
 # 'lakes' database. Type '?world' or 'news(package="maps")'.  #

Loading required package: MCMCpack
Loading required package: coda
Loading required package: MASS
## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)
## Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Andrew D. Martin, Kevin M. Quinn, and Jong Hee Park
## Support provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation
## (Grants SES-0350646 and SES-0350613)
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Attaching package: 'mixOmics'

The following object is masked from 'package:maps':


Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: snowfall
Loading required package: snow
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/R2GUESS/plotMPPI.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotMPPI
> ### Title: Plots the marginal posterior probability of inclusion (MPPI) for
> ###   each predictor
> ### Aliases: plotMPPI
> ### ** Examples
> modelY_Hopx <-
The run is ok 
You can now analyse the results 
> # To get a large plot 
> #,height=6)
> MPPI.Hopx <- plotMPPI(modelY_Hopx,threshold.model=20,threshold.variable=0.45)
> print(MPPI.Hopx)
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

 [1] 16  0  9 53 11 43 10  9 12  2  7  6  2  9 15  4 14  6 12  3

 [1] 6 1 3 2 4 5 2 6 3 6 6 7 4 7 2 4 5 3 6 2

 [1] -88.00595 -89.06327 -89.56516 -89.60842 -89.89529 -90.10727 -90.47748
 [8] -90.92658 -90.95458 -91.06575 -91.08671 -91.16273 -91.57089 -91.79191
[15] -91.79864 -91.85612 -91.96068 -91.96761 -92.10514 -92.12596

 [1] 20.716117  8.356013 13.240837 10.751275 15.450697 17.619289 10.373849
 [8] 19.447705 12.637420 19.387262 19.378160 21.464294 14.722996 21.191042
[15]  9.800077 14.599121 16.814363 12.197464 18.935861  9.657920

 [1] 0.341911258 0.118775578 0.071905085 0.068860637 0.051687266 0.041813997
 [7] 0.028876514 0.018428998 0.017920194 0.016034634 0.015702073 0.014552717
[13] 0.009675703 0.007756974 0.007704992 0.007274570 0.006552323 0.006507092
[19] 0.005670976 0.005554128

 [1] "D3Mit16 D6Cebrp40s27 D10Rat33 Dcp1 D11Mit4 D14Mit3"                
 [2] "D14Mit3"                                                           
 [3] "D2Cebr204s17 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"                                      
 [4] "D2Cebr204s17 D14Mit3"                                              
 [5] "D2Rat136 D3Rat109 D6Cebrp97s14 D14Mit3"                            
 [6] "D2Cebr204s17 D10Rat102 D11Mit4 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"                    
 [7] "D14Mit3 D16Rat72"                                                  
 [8] "D3Mit16 D6Rat80 D10Rat33 Dcp1 D11Mit4 D14Mit3"                     
 [9] "D2Cebr204s17 D14Mit3 D16Rat72"                                     
[10] "D2Cebr204s17 D4Rat152 D10Rat102 D11Mit4 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"           
[11] "D2Cebr204s17 D8Rat56 D10Rat102 D11Mit4 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"            
[12] "D2Cebr204s17 D4Rat152 D7Cebr69s5 D10Rat102 D11Mit4 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"
[13] "D2Cebr204s17 D5Rat39 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"                              
[14] "D3Mit16 D3Cebrp113s9 D6Cebrp40s27 D10Rat33 Dcp1 D11Mit4 D14Mit3"   
[15] "Pthlh D14Mit3"                                                     
[16] "D2Cebr204s17 D10Rat33 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"                             
[17] "D3Mit16 D6Cebrp40s27 D10Rat33 D11Mit4 D14Mit3"                     
[18] "D2Cebr204s17 D6Cebrp97s14 D14Mit3"                                 
[19] "D2Cebr204s17 D10Rat102 Dcp1 D11Mit4 D13Mit3 D14Mit3"               
[20] "D11Mit4 D14Mit3"                                                   

 [1] "171 305 490 517 527 616"     "616"                        
 [3] "102 596 616"                 "102 616"                    
 [5] "101 161 319 616"             "102 498 527 596 616"        
 [7] "616 654"                     "171 304 490 517 527 616"    
 [9] "102 616 654"                 "102 216 498 527 596 616"    
[11] "102 402 498 527 596 616"     "102 216 399 498 527 596 616"
[13] "102 296 596 616"             "171 178 305 490 517 527 616"
[15] "262 616"                     "102 490 596 616"            
[17] "171 305 490 527 616"         "102 319 616"                
[19] "102 498 517 527 596 616"     "527 616"                    

[1] "D2Cebr204s17" "D11Mit4"      "D14Mit3"     

[1] "D2Cebr204s17" "D11Mit4"      "D14Mit3"     

null device 