Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Locally Linear Embedding
LLER Documentation

Locally Linear Embedding


Computes the Locally Linear Embedding as introduced in 2000 by Roweis, Saul and Lawrence.


LLE(data, dim=2, k)



N x D matrix (N samples, D features)


dimension of the target space


number of neighbours


Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) preserves local properties of the data by representing each sample in the data by a linear combination of its k nearest neighbours with each neighbour weighted independently. LLE finally chooses the low-dimensional representation that best preserves the weights in the target space.
This R version is based on the Matlab implementation by Sam Roweis.


It returns a N x dim matrix (N samples, dim features) with the reduced input data


Christoph Bartenhagen


Roweis, Sam T. and Saul, Lawrence K., "Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction by Locally Linear Embedding",2000;


## two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset using k=5 neighbours
d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)


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> library(RDRToolbox)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RDRToolbox/LLE.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: LLE
> ### Title: Locally Linear Embedding
> ### Aliases: LLE
> ### ** Examples
> ## two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset using k=5 neighbours
> d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
> d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)
Computing distance matrix ... done
Computing low dimensional emmbedding (using 5 nearest neighbours)... done
null device 