Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Plotting tool for two and three dimensional data
plotDRR Documentation

Plotting tool for two and three dimensional data


Creates two and three dimensional plots of (labeled) data. It uses the library "rgl" for rotatable 3D scatterplots.


plotDR(data, labels, axesLabels=c("x","y","z"), legend=FALSE, text, col, pch, ...)



matrix with values to be plotted (rows correspond to samples, columns to features)


vector containing labels of the classes within the data (optional)


vector containing labels for the axes of the plot


logical value whether to automatically insert a legend into the plot


vector with (short) labels for each point (optional)


character vector of colours for each class (optional); see colors() to display a list of available colours


character or integer value specifying the symbol when plotting points (see ?par or ?points for more info)


other common R plot parameters like for example las, cex or font to further customize the plot (see ?par for possible arguments); some parameters may only work with two dimensional plots


It colours the data points according to given class labels (max. six classes when using default colours). A legend will be printed in the R console by default (for three dimensional plots, a legend is not supported).


Christoph Bartenhagen


## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset
d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)
plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]])

## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset
## add axis labels, a legend and plot a text for each sample
d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)
text = letters[1:20]
plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text, legend=TRUE)
## manually add a legend to the plot
plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text)
legend("topright", legend=c("class 1","class 2"), col=c("black", "red"), pch=1)


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> library(RDRToolbox)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_BC/result/RDRToolbox/plotDR.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: plotDR
> ### Title: Plotting tool for two and three dimensional data
> ### Aliases: plotDR
> ### ** Examples
> ## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset
> d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
> d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)
Computing distance matrix ... done
Computing low dimensional emmbedding (using 5 nearest neighbours)... done
> plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]])
  class colour
1    -1  black
2     1    red
> ## plot a two dimensional LLE embedding of a 1.000 dimensional dataset
> ## add axis labels, a legend and plot a text for each sample
> d = generateData(samples=20, genes=1000, diffgenes=100, blocksize=10)
> d_low = LLE(data=d[[1]], dim=2, k=5)
Computing distance matrix ... done
Computing low dimensional emmbedding (using 5 nearest neighbours)... done
> text = letters[1:20]
> plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text, legend=TRUE)
> ## manually add a legend to the plot
> plotDR(data=d_low, labels=d[[2]], axesLabels=c("first component", "second component"), text=text)
  class colour
1    -1  black
2     1    red
> legend("topright", legend=c("class 1","class 2"), col=c("black", "red"), pch=1)
null device 