Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Test for autocorrelation in the residuals of a RE-EM tree
AutoCorrelationLRtestR Documentation

Test for autocorrelation in the residuals of a RE-EM tree


This function tests for autocorrelation in the residuals of a RE-EM tree using a likelihood ratio test. The test keeps the tree structure of the RE-EM tree object fixed and uses a standard likelihood ratio test on the linear random effects model.


AutoCorrelationLRtest(object, newdata=NULL, correlation=corAR1())



A RE-EM tree


Dataset on which the test is to be performed; if none is given, the original dataset is used


Type of correlation to be tested for in the residuals. The correlation can be any of type corClasses.


In general, newdata is likely to be the data used to estimate object. The RE-EM tree can be estimated with or without allowing for autocorrelation. Because the estimated tree may differ depending on whether autocorrelation is allowed in the RE-EM tree estimation process, but we recommend testing based on the tree estimated with autocorrelation allowed and the tree estimated without autocorrelation allowed.



Type of correlation used in testing


Likelihood of the random effects model if there is no autocorrelation


Likelihood of the random effects model if autocorrelation (of type AR(1)) is estimated


P-value of the likelihood ratio test


Rebecca Sela


Sela, Rebecca J., and Simonoff, Jeffrey S., “RE-EM Trees: A Data Mining Approach for Longitudinal and Clustered Data”, Machine Learning (2011).

See Also




# Estimation without autocorrelation
simpleEMresult<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID)
# Estimation with autocorrelation
simpleEMresult2<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID, correlation=corAR1())

# Autocorrelation test based on the first tree
AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult, simpleREEMdata)
# Autocorrelation test based on the second tree
AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult2, simpleREEMdata)
# Autocorrelation test with an alternative correlation structure
AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult, simpleREEMdata, correlation=corCAR1())


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> library(REEMtree)
Loading required package: nlme
Loading required package: rpart
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/REEMtree/AutoCorrelationLRtest.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: AutoCorrelationLRtest
> ### Title: Test for autocorrelation in the residuals of a RE-EM tree
> ### Aliases: AutoCorrelationLRtest
> ### Keywords: htest tree models
> ### ** Examples
> data(simpleREEMdata)
> # Estimation without autocorrelation
> simpleEMresult<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID)
> # Estimation with autocorrelation
> simpleEMresult2<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID, correlation=corAR1())
> # Autocorrelation test based on the first tree
> AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult, simpleREEMdata)
[1] "*** Likelihood ratio test for autocorrelation ***"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of no autocorrelation: -914.122394149391"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of AR(1) autocorrelation: -914.099546016838"
[1] "Test statistic: 0.0456962651060167"
[1] "Asymptotic P-value: 0.830728879177426"
> # Autocorrelation test based on the second tree
> AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult2, simpleREEMdata)
[1] "*** Likelihood ratio test for autocorrelation ***"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of no autocorrelation: -914.122394149391"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of AR(1) autocorrelation: -914.099546016838"
[1] "Test statistic: 0.0456962651060167"
[1] "Asymptotic P-value: 0.830728879177426"
> # Autocorrelation test with an alternative correlation structure
> AutoCorrelationLRtest(simpleEMresult, simpleREEMdata, correlation=corCAR1())
[1] "*** Likelihood ratio test for autocorrelation ***"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of no autocorrelation: -914.122394149391"
[1] "Log likelihood for the hypothesis of AR(1) autocorrelation: -914.099545952051"
[1] "Test statistic: 0.0456963946808173"
[1] "Asymptotic P-value: 0.830728642821158"
null device 