Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Print a RE-EM Tree object
printR Documentation

Print a RE-EM Tree object


This function prints a description of a fitted RE-EM tree object.





fitted model of class REEMtree


further arguments passed to or from other methods


This function is a method for the generic function print for class REEMtree. It can be invoked by calling print for an object of class REEMtree, or by calling print.REEMtree directly for an object of the corresponding type.

Side Effects

Prints representations of the regression tree and the random effects model that comprise a RE-EM tree.


Rebecca Sela


Sela, Rebecca J., and Simonoff, Jeffrey S., “RE-EM Trees: A Data Mining Approach for Longitudinal and Clustered Data”, Machine Learning (2011).

See Also

print.rpart, REEMtree.object


REEMresult<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(REEMtree)
Loading required package: nlme
Loading required package: rpart
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/REEMtree/print.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: print
> ### Title: Print a RE-EM Tree object
> ### Aliases: print.REEMtree
> ### Keywords: print tree
> ### ** Examples
> data(simpleREEMdata)
> REEMresult<-REEMtree(Y~D+t+X, data=simpleREEMdata, random=~1|ID)
> print(REEMresult)
[1] "*** RE-EM Tree ***"
n= 600 

node), split, n, deviance, yval
      * denotes terminal node

1) root 600 1092.91700  1.3639420  
  2) D< 0.5 300  339.28840  0.5006719  
    4) X>=0.2503819 89   62.24319 -0.3697058 *
    5) X< 0.2503819 211  181.18360  0.8677981 *
  3) D>=0.5 300  306.48750  2.2272130  
    6) t< 5.5 125  111.18930  1.6862250 *
    7) t>=5.5 175  132.58370  2.6136330 *
[1] "Estimated covariance matrix of random effects:"
(Intercept)    3.660086
[1] "Estimated variance of errors: 0.887508271560221"
[1] "Log likelihood:  -914.122394149391"
null device 