Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Calculate number of cases for specified number of readers J...
SampleSizeGivenJR Documentation

Calculate number of cases for specified number of readers J to achieve the desired power for ROC studies.


Calculate required number of cases to achieve the desired power for specified number of readers J and DBM or OR variability parameters.


SampleSizeGivenJ(J, varYTR, varYTC, varYEps, cov1, cov2, cov3, varEps, msTR,
  KStar, alpha = 0.05, effectSize = 0.05, desiredPower = 0.8,
  randomOption = "ALL")



The number of readers.


The DBM pseudovalue treatment-by-reader variance component.


The DBM pseudovalue treatment-by-case variance component.


The DBM pseudovalue error variance.


The covariance of the FOM resampling estimates for same reader and different modalities.


The covariance of the FOM resampling estimates for different readers and same modalities.


The covariance of the FOM resampling estimates for different readers and different modalities.


The variance of the FOM resampling estimates for same reader and same modalities.


Treatment-by-reader mean square of the FOM.


The number of cases in the pilot study, only required when using OR variability parameters


The significance level of the study, default value is 0.05.


The effect size to be used in the study, default value is 0.05.


The desired statistical power, default value is 0.8.


It can be "ALL", "READERS" or "CASES", which indicate predictions for (1) random readers and random cases, (2) random readers only and (3) random cases only.


To calculate the sample size, either the group of DBM variance components (varYTR, varYTC, and varYEps) or OR covariance matrix elements and mean squares and number of cases in pilot study should be specified. If both of them are given, DBM variance components are used and OR values are ignored. Specifically, either numeric values of varYTR, varYTC, varYEps can be supplied, or the function call must explicitly state cov1 = value1, cov2 = value2, cov3 = value3, varEps = value4, msTR = value5, KStar = value6, as is standard usage in R.


A list of two elements:


The minimum number of cases to just achieve the desired statistical power.


The predicted statistical power.


Hillis, S. L., Obuchowski, N. A., & Berbaum, K. S. (2011). Power Estimation for Multireader ROC Methods: An Updated and Unified Approach. Acad Radiol, 18, 129-142.

Hillis, S. L., Obuchowski, N. A, Schartz, K. M., & Berbaum, K. S. (2005). A comparison of the Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz and Obuchowski-Rockette methods for receiver operating characteristic (ROC) data. Statistics in Medicine, 24(10), 1579-607.


## Following is an example of sample size calculation with DBM variance components.
retDbm <- DBMHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon")
effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
varCompDBM <- retDbm$varComp
varYTR <- varCompDBM$varComp[3]
varYTC <- varCompDBM$varComp[4]
varYEps <- varCompDBM$varComp[6]
SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, varYTR = varYTR, varYTC = varYTC, varYEps = varYEps,
                 effectSize =effectSize)

## Following is an example of sample size calculation with OR variance components.
retOR <- ORHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "Jackknife")
effectSize <- retOR$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
varCompOR <- retOR$varComp
cov1 <- varCompOR$varCov[3]
cov2 <- varCompOR$varCov[4]
cov3 <- varCompOR$varCov[5]
varEps <- varCompOR$varCov[6]
msTR <- retOR$msTR
KStar <- 114
SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2, cov3 = cov3, varEps= varEps,
                 msTR = msTR, KStar = KStar, effectSize =effectSize)

## Not run: 
## Following is an example of sample size calculation with DBM variance components,
## and scanning the number of readers
retDbm <- DBMHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon")
effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
varYTR <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[3]
varYTC <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[4]
varYEps <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[6]
effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
for (J in 6:10) {
 ret <- SampleSizeGivenJ(J, varYTR, varYTC, varYEps, effectSize =effectSize)
 message("# of readers = ", J, " estimated # of cases = ", ret$K, ", predicted power = ",
    signif(ret$power,3), "\n")

## Following is an example of sample size calculation with OR variance components,
## using bootstrap to estimate variance components
retOR <- ORHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "Bootstrap")
effectSize <- retOR$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
varCompOR <- retOR$varComp
cov1 <- varCompOR$varCov[3]
cov2 <- varCompOR$varCov[4]
cov3 <- varCompOR$varCov[5]
varEps <- varCompOR$varCov[6]
msTR <- retOR$msTR
KStar <- length(rocData$NL[1,1,,1])
SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2, cov3 = cov3, varEps= varEps,
                 msTR = msTR, KStar = KStar, effectSize =effectSize)

## End(Not run)


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> library(RJafroc)
Loading required package: tools
Loading required package: xlsx
Loading required package: rJava
Loading required package: xlsxjars
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: stringr
Loading required package: shiny
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RJafroc/SampleSizeGivenJ.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: SampleSizeGivenJ
> ### Title: Calculate number of cases for specified number of readers J to
> ###   achieve the desired power for ROC studies.
> ### Aliases: SampleSizeGivenJ
> ### ** Examples
> ## Following is an example of sample size calculation with DBM variance components.
> retDbm <- DBMHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon")
> effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
> varCompDBM <- retDbm$varComp
> varYTR <- varCompDBM$varComp[3]
> varYTC <- varCompDBM$varComp[4]
> varYEps <- varCompDBM$varComp[6]
> SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, varYTR = varYTR, varYTC = varYTC, varYEps = varYEps,
+                  effectSize =effectSize)
[1] 251

[1] 0.8005403

> ## Following is an example of sample size calculation with OR variance components.
> retOR <- ORHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "Jackknife")
> effectSize <- retOR$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
> varCompOR <- retOR$varComp
> cov1 <- varCompOR$varCov[3]
> cov2 <- varCompOR$varCov[4]
> cov3 <- varCompOR$varCov[5]
> varEps <- varCompOR$varCov[6]
> msTR <- retOR$msTR
> KStar <- 114
> SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2, cov3 = cov3, varEps= varEps,
+                  msTR = msTR, KStar = KStar, effectSize =effectSize)
[1] 251

[1] 0.8005403

> ## Not run: 
> ##D ## Following is an example of sample size calculation with DBM variance components,
> ##D ## and scanning the number of readers
> ##D retDbm <- DBMHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon")
> ##D effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
> ##D varYTR <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[3]
> ##D varYTC <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[4]
> ##D varYEps <- retDbm$varComp$varComp[6]
> ##D effectSize <- retDbm$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
> ##D for (J in 6:10) {
> ##D  ret <- SampleSizeGivenJ(J, varYTR, varYTC, varYEps, effectSize =effectSize)
> ##D  message("# of readers = ", J, " estimated # of cases = ", ret$K, ", predicted power = ",
> ##D     signif(ret$power,3), "\n")
> ##D }
> ##D 
> ##D ## Following is an example of sample size calculation with OR variance components,
> ##D ## using bootstrap to estimate variance components
> ##D retOR <- ORHAnalysis(data = rocData, fom = "Wilcoxon", covEstMethod = "Bootstrap")
> ##D effectSize <- retOR$ciDiffTrtRRRC$Estimate
> ##D varCompOR <- retOR$varComp
> ##D cov1 <- varCompOR$varCov[3]
> ##D cov2 <- varCompOR$varCov[4]
> ##D cov3 <- varCompOR$varCov[5]
> ##D varEps <- varCompOR$varCov[6]
> ##D msTR <- retOR$msTR
> ##D KStar <- length(rocData$NL[1,1,,1])
> ##D SampleSizeGivenJ(J = 6, cov1 = cov1, cov2 = cov2, cov3 = cov3, varEps= varEps,
> ##D                  msTR = msTR, KStar = KStar, effectSize =effectSize)
> ## End(Not run)
null device 