Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Parse a Risoe SEQ-file to a sequence neccessary for...
read_SEQ2RR Documentation

Parse a Risoe SEQ-file to a sequence neccessary for simulating quartz luminescence


A SEQ-file created by the Risoe Sequence Editor can be imported to simulate the sequence written in the sequence editor.


read_SEQ2R(file, lab.dose_rate = 1, txtProgressBar = TRUE)



character (required): a *.seq file created by the Risoe Sequence Editor


character (with default): set the dose rate of the radiation source in the laboratory [Gy/s]. Default: 1 Gy/s


logical (with default): enables or disables the txtProgressBar for a visuell control of the progress. Default: txtProgressBar = TRUE


Supported versions

Supppored and tested: version 4.36.


This function returns a list with the parsed *.seq file and the required steps for model_LuminescenceSignals.

Function version



Johannes Friedrich, University of Bayreuth (Germany),


Riso: Sequence Editor User Manual. Available at:

See Also

model_LuminescenceSignals, readLines


##search "example_SAR_cycle.SEQ" in "extdata" in package "RLumModel"
path <- system.file("extdata", "example_SAR_cycle.SEQ", package="RLumModel")

sequence <- read_SEQ2R(file = path)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(RLumModel)
Loading required package: Luminescence
Welcome to the R package Luminescence version 0.6.0 [Built: 2016-05-30 16:47:30 UTC]
A tunnelling electron: 'God does not play dice.'

Attaching package: 'RLumModel'

The following object is masked from 'package:Luminescence':


> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RLumModel/read_SEQ2R.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: read_SEQ2R
> ### Title: Parse a Risoe SEQ-file to a sequence neccessary for simulating
> ###   quartz luminescence
> ### Aliases: read_SEQ2R
> ### ** Examples
> ##search "example_SAR_cycle.SEQ" in "extdata" in package "RLumModel"
> path <- system.file("extdata", "example_SAR_cycle.SEQ", package="RLumModel")
> sequence <- read_SEQ2R(file = path)

	 Parse *.seq file to sequence for RLumModel
   |                                                                               |                                                                      |   0%   |                                                                               |==                                                                    |   2%   |                                                                               |====                                                                  |   5%   |                                                                               |=====                                                                 |   8%   |                                                                               |=======                                                               |  10%   |                                                                               |=========                                                             |  12%   |                                                                               |==========                                                            |  15%   |                                                                               |============                                                          |  18%   |                                                                               |==============                                                        |  20%   |                                                                               |================                                                      |  22%   |                                                                               |==================                                                    |  25%   |                                                                               |===================                                                   |  28%   |                                                                               |=====================                                                 |  30%   |                                                                               |=======================                                               |  32%   |                                                                               |========================                                              |  35%   |                                                                               |==========================                                            |  38%   |                                                                               |============================                                          |  40%   |                                                                               |==============================                                        |  42%   |                                                                               |================================                                      |  45%   |                                                                               |=================================                                     |  48%   |                                                                               |===================================                                   |  50%   |                                                                               |=====================================                                 |  52%   |                                                                               |======================================                                |  55%   |                                                                               |========================================                              |  58%   |                                                                               |==========================================                            |  60%   |                                                                               |============================================                          |  62%   |                                                                               |==============================================                        |  65%   |                                                                               |===============================================                       |  68%   |                                                                               |=================================================                     |  70%   |                                                                               |===================================================                   |  72%   |                                                                               |====================================================                  |  75%   |                                                                               |======================================================                |  78%   |                                                                               |========================================================              |  80%   |                                                                               |==========================================================            |  82%   |                                                                               |============================================================          |  85%   |                                                                               |=============================================================         |  88%   |                                                                               |===============================================================       |  90%   |                                                                               |=================================================================     |  92%   |                                                                               |==================================================================    |  95%   |                                                                               |====================================================================  |  98%   |                                                                               |======================================================================| 100%
null device 