Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Create a bootstrap tooltip
tooltipR Documentation

Create a bootstrap tooltip


Create bootstrap tooltips for any HTML element to be used in shiny applications.


tooltip(refId, text, attr = NULL, animation = TRUE, delay = 100,
  html = TRUE, placement = "auto", trigger = "hover")



character (required): id of the element the tooltip is to be attached to.


character: Text to be displayed in the tooltip.


character: Attach tooltip to all elements with attribute attr='refId'.


logical: Apply a CSS fade transition to the tooltip.


numeric: Delay showing and hiding the tooltip (ms).


logical: Insert HTML into the tooltip.


character: How to position the tooltip - top | bottom | left | right | auto. When 'auto' is specified, it will dynamically reorient the tooltip. For example, if placement is 'auto left', the tooltip will display to the left when possible, otherwise it will display right.


character: How tooltip is triggered - click | hover | focus | manual. You may pass multiple triggers; separate them with a space.


# javascript code
tt <- tooltip("elementId", "This is a tooltip.")

# example app
## Not run: 
ui = fluidPage(
  jscolorInput(inputId = "col", label = "JSColor Picker",
               value = "21BF6B", position = "right",
               mode = "HVS", close = TRUE),
  tooltip("col", "This is a JScolor widget"),

  checkboxInput("cbox", "Checkbox", FALSE),
  tooltip("cbox", "This is a checkbox"),

  checkboxGroupInput("cboxg", "Checkbox group", selected = "a",
                     choices = c("a" = "a",
                                 "b" = "b",
                                 "c" = "c")),
  tooltip("cboxg", "This is a <b>checkbox group</b>", html = TRUE),

  selectInput("select", "Selectinput", selected = "a", choices = c("a"="a", "b"="b")),
  tooltip("select", "This is a text input field", attr = "for", placement = "right"),

  passwordInput("pwIn", "Passwordinput"),
  tooltip("pwIn", "This is a password input field"),

server = function(input, output) {
  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    plot(cars, col = input$col, cex = 2, pch = 16)

## End(Not run)


R version 3.3.1 (2016-06-21) -- "Bug in Your Hair"
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> library(RLumShiny)
> png(filename="/home/ddbj/snapshot/RGM3/R_CC/result/RLumShiny/tooltip.Rd_%03d_medium.png", width=480, height=480)
> ### Name: tooltip
> ### Title: Create a bootstrap tooltip
> ### Aliases: tooltip
> ### ** Examples
> # javascript code
> tt <- tooltip("elementId", "This is a tooltip.")
> str(tt)
List of 1
 $ :List of 3
  ..$ name    : chr "head"
  ..$ attribs : list()
  ..$ children:List of 1
  .. ..$ :List of 3
  .. .. ..$ name    : chr "script"
  .. .. ..$ attribs : list()
  .. .. ..$ children:List of 1
  .. .. .. ..$ :Classes 'html', 'character'  atomic [1:1] $(window).load(function(){ $('#elementId').tooltip({ html: true, trigger: 'hover', title: 'This is a tooltip.', animation: true, delay: {'show': 100, 'hide': 100}, placement: 'auto' }); })
  .. .. .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "html")= logi TRUE
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "shiny.tag"
  ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "shiny.tag"
 - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "shiny.tag.list" "list"
> # example app
> ## Not run: 
> ##D shinyApp(
> ##D ui = fluidPage(
> ##D   jscolorInput(inputId = "col", label = "JSColor Picker",
> ##D                value = "21BF6B", position = "right",
> ##D                mode = "HVS", close = TRUE),
> ##D   tooltip("col", "This is a JScolor widget"),
> ##D 
> ##D   checkboxInput("cbox", "Checkbox", FALSE),
> ##D   tooltip("cbox", "This is a checkbox"),
> ##D 
> ##D   checkboxGroupInput("cboxg", "Checkbox group", selected = "a",
> ##D                      choices = c("a" = "a",
> ##D                                  "b" = "b",
> ##D                                  "c" = "c")),
> ##D   tooltip("cboxg", "This is a <b>checkbox group</b>", html = TRUE),
> ##D 
> ##D   selectInput("select", "Selectinput", selected = "a", choices = c("a"="a", "b"="b")),
> ##D   tooltip("select", "This is a text input field", attr = "for", placement = "right"),
> ##D 
> ##D   passwordInput("pwIn", "Passwordinput"),
> ##D   tooltip("pwIn", "This is a password input field"),
> ##D 
> ##D   plotOutput("plot")
> ##D ),
> ##D server = function(input, output) {
> ##D   output$plot <- renderPlot({
> ##D     plot(cars, col = input$col, cex = 2, pch = 16)
> ##D  })
> ##D })
> ## End(Not run)
null device 