Last data update: 2014.03.03

R: Apply an Oracle Data Mining model
RODM_apply_modelR Documentation

Apply an Oracle Data Mining model


This function applies a previously created ODM model to score new data.


                 sql.log.file = NULL)



Database ODBC channel identifier returned from a call to RODM_open_dbms_connection


Database table/view containing the training dataset.


ODM Model name


Columns to carry over into the output result.


File to append the log of all the SQL calls made by this function.


This function applies a previously created ODM model to score new data. The supplemental_cols parameter should be assigned in such a way as to retain the connection between the scores and the original cases. The simplest way to do this is to include a unique case identifier in the list, which provides the ability to identify the original row information for a score. If only some of the information from the original data is needed (for example, only the actual target value is needed when computing a measure of accuracy), then it is only this information which should be identified by the supplemental columns.


A list with the following components:


A data frame table containing: For classification: class 1 probability numeric/double ... ... class N probability numeric/double supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction

For regression: supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction numeric/double

For anomaly detection (e.g. one-class SVM): class 1 probability numeric/integer (class 1 is the typical class) class 0 probability numeric/integer (class 0 is the outlier class) supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M prediction integer: 0 or 1

For clustering: leaf cluster 1 probability numeric/double ... ... leaf cluster N probability numeric/double supplemental column 1 ... supplemental column M cluster_id


Pablo Tamayo

Ari Mozes


Oracle Data Mining Concepts 11g Release 1 (11.1)

Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1)

Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1)

Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1)

Oracle Database SQL Language Reference (Data Mining functions) 11g Release 1 (11.1)

See Also

RODM_create_svm_model, RODM_create_kmeans_model, RODM_create_oc_model, RODM_create_nb_model, RODM_create_glm_model, RODM_create_dt_model


## Not run: 
DB <- RODM_open_dbms_connection(dsn="orcl11g", uid= "rodm", pwd = "rodm")

### Classification

# Predicting survival in the sinking of the Titanic based on pasenger's sex, age, class, etc.

data(titanic3, package="PASWR")                                             # Load survival data from Titanic
ds <- titanic3[,c("pclass", "survived", "sex", "age", "fare", "embarked")]  # Select subset of attributes
ds[,"survived"] <- ifelse(ds[,"survived"] == 1, "Yes", "No")                # Rename target values
n.rows <- length(ds[,1])                                                    # Number of rows
random_sample <- sample(1:n.rows, ceiling(n.rows/2))   # Split dataset randomly in train/test subsets
titanic_train <- ds[random_sample,]                         # Training set
titanic_test <-  ds[setdiff(1:n.rows, random_sample),]      # Test set
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_train")   # Push the training table to the database
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_test")    # Push the testing table to the database
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB,    # Create ODM SVM classification model
                             data_table_name = "titanic_train", 
                             target_column_name = "survived", 
                             model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                             mining_function = "classification")

# Apply the SVM classification model to test data.
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB,    # Predict test data
                         data_table_name = "titanic_test", 
                         model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                         supplemental_cols = "survived")

print(svm2$model.apply.results[1:10,])                                # Print example of prediction results
actual <- svm2$model.apply.results[, "SURVIVED"]                
predicted <- svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"]                
probs <- as.real(as.character(svm2$model.apply.results[, "'Yes'"]))       
table(actual, predicted, dnn = c("Actual", "Predicted"))              # Confusion matrix
perf.auc <- roc.area(ifelse(actual == "Yes", 1, 0), probs)            # Compute ROC and plot
auc.roc <- signif(perf.auc$A, digits=3)
auc.roc.p <- signif(perf.auc$p.value, digits=3)
roc.plot(ifelse(actual == "Yes", 1, 0), probs, binormal=T, plot="both", xlab="False Positive Rate", 
         ylab="True Postive Rate", main= "Titanic survival ODM SVM model ROC Curve")
text(0.7, 0.4, labels= paste("AUC ROC:", signif(perf.auc$A, digits=3)))
text(0.7, 0.3, labels= paste("p-value:", signif(perf.auc$p.value, digits=3)))

RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL")            # Drop the model
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_train")   # Drop the training table in the database
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "titanic_test")    # Drop the testing table in the database

## End(Not run)

### Regression

# Aproximating a one-dimensional non-linear function

## Not run: 
X1 <- 10 * runif(500) - 5 
Y1 <- X1*cos(X1) + 2*runif(500) 
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1)) 
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds")   # Push the table to the database
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB,    # Create ODM SVM regression model
                             data_table_name = "ds", 
                             target_column_name = "Y1", 
                             model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                             mining_function = "regression")

# Apply the SVM regression model to test data.
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB,    # Predict training data
                         data_table_name = "ds", 
                         model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                         supplemental_cols = "X1")

plot(X1, Y1, pch=20, col="blue")
points(x=svm2$model.apply.results[, "X1"], svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"], pch=20, col="red")
legend(-4, -1.5, legend = c("actual", "SVM regression"), pch = c(20, 20), col = c("blue", "red"),
       =  c("blue", "red"), cex = 1.20, pt.cex=1.5, bty="n")

RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL")            # Drop the model
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds")              # Drop the database table

## End(Not run)

### Anomaly detection

# Finding outliers in a 2D-dimensional discrete distribution of points

## Not run: 
X1 <- c(rnorm(200, mean = 2, sd = 1), rnorm(300, mean = 8, sd = 2))
Y1 <- c(rnorm(200, mean = 2, sd = 1.5), rnorm(300, mean = 8, sd = 1.5))
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1)) 
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds")   # Push the table to the database
svm <- RODM_create_svm_model(database = DB,    # Create ODM SVM anomaly detection model
                             data_table_name = "ds", 
                             target_column_name = NULL, 
                             model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                             mining_function = "anomaly_detection")

# Apply the SVM anomaly detection model to data.
svm2 <- RODM_apply_model(database = DB,    # Predict training data
                         data_table_name = "ds", 
                         model_name = "SVM_MODEL",
                         supplemental_cols = c("X1","Y1"))

plot(X1, Y1, pch=20, col="white")
col <- ifelse(svm2$model.apply.results[, "PREDICTION"] == 1, "green", "red")
for (i in 1:500) points(x=svm2$model.apply.results[i, "X1"], 
                        y=svm2$model.apply.results[i, "Y1"], 
                        col = col[i], pch=20)
legend(8, 2, legend = c("typical", "anomaly"), pch = c(20, 20), col = c("green", "red"),
       =  c("green", "red"), cex = 1.20, pt.cex=1.5, bty="n")

RODM_drop_model(DB, "SVM_MODEL")            # Drop the model
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds")    # Drop the database table

## End(Not run)

### Clustering 

# Clustering a 2D multi-Gaussian distribution of points into clusters

## Not run: 
X1 <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 1), rnorm(100, mean = 8, sd = 2), rnorm(100, mean = 5, sd = 0.6),
        rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 1), rnorm(100, mean = 10, sd = 1)) # Create and merge 5 Gaussian distributions
Y1 <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 2), rnorm(100, mean = 4, sd = 1.5), rnorm(100, mean = 6, sd = 0.5),
        rnorm(100, mean = 3, sd = 0.2), rnorm(100, mean = 2, sd = 1))
ds <- data.frame(cbind(X1, Y1)) 
n.rows <- length(ds[,1])                                                    # Number of rows <- matrix(seq(1, n.rows), nrow=n.rows, ncol=1, dimnames= list(NULL, c("ROW_ID"))) # Row id
ds <- cbind(, ds)                                                     # Add row id to dataset 
RODM_create_dbms_table(DB, "ds")   
km <- RODM_create_kmeans_model(
   database = DB,                  # database ODBC channel identifier
   data_table_name = "ds",         # data frame containing the input dataset
   case_id_column_name = "ROW_ID", # case id to enable assignments during build
   num_clusters = 5)

# Apply the K-Means clustering model to data.
km2 <- RODM_apply_model(
   database = DB,                  # database ODBC channel identifier
   data_table_name = "ds",         # data frame containing the input dataset
   model_name = "KM_MODEL",
   supplemental_cols = c("X1","Y1"))

x1a <- km2$model.apply.results[, "X1"]
y1a <- km2$model.apply.results[, "Y1"]
clu <- km2$model.apply.results[, "CLUSTER_ID"]
c.numbers <- unique(as.numeric(clu))
c.assign <- match(clu, c.numbers) <- c("blue", "green", "red", "orange", "purple")
color <-[c.assign]
nf <- layout(matrix(c(1, 2), 1, 2, byrow=T), widths = c(1, 1), heights = 1, respect = FALSE)
plot(x1a, y1a, pch=20, col=1, xlab="X1", ylab="Y1", main="Original Data Points")
plot(x1a, y1a, pch=20, type = "n", xlab="X1", ylab="Y1", main="After kmeans clustering")
for (i in 1:n.rows) {
   points(x1a[i], y1a[i], col= color[i], pch=20)
legend(5, -0.5, legend=c("Cluster 1", "Cluster 2", "Cluster 3", "Cluster 4", "Cluster 5"), pch = rep(20, 5), 
       col =, =, cex = 0.8, pt.cex=1, bty="n")

RODM_drop_model(DB, "KM_MODEL")         # Drop the model
RODM_drop_dbms_table(DB, "ds")          # Drop the database table


## End(Not run)
